Home Tag Liver hemangioma

Articles in Liver hemangioma

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Complications of hemangiomas in the liver
Hemangiomas are the most common benign tumors of the liver. 5-7% of healthy people may develop hemangiomas in the liver. The incidence of hemangiomas in the liver is 6 times more common in women than in men and is often larger in size than in men. The location of hemangiomas is usually in the right liver and in the subcapsular region.
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If you have a liver hemangioma, do you need to abstain from eating or drinking?
Hi doctor! I have just been examined at Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital and was diagnosed with a liver hemangioma (benign). So the doctor asked me if I have liver hemangiomas should I eat anything or not? In addition, do you see yellow limbs that affect liver disease? Ask your doctor for advice and answers. Thank you sincerely!
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Is the result of liver hemangioma 10×8mn okay?
I went for an ultrasound, the result is a liver hemangioma 10×8mn, is it okay? Ask your doctor for advice.
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Potential progression of liver hemangioma
Hemangiomas present as an incidental finding during abdominal ultrasound and are described as solitary or multiple lesions. Liver hemangiomas are classified according to their nature as cavernous, capillary and sclerosing hemangiomas; The latter are characterized by degeneration and replacement of fibers and may be misdiagnosed as melanoma.
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Things to know about liver hemangiomas
Hepatic hemangioma (HH) is the most common benign liver tumor and it is often discovered incidentally during physical examinations. This tumor arose from a vascular malformation; however, the pathophysiology has not yet been elucidated.
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Treatment of liver hemangiomas
Hepatic hemangioma (HH) is a tumor of dermis origin consisting of a blood-filled space, nourished by the hepatic arterial circulation and lined by a flat layer of endothelial cells. This is the most common benign liver tumor, presenting as a well-described proliferative lesion, commonly seen in women with an incidence ranging from 0.4% to 7.3% (based on on autopsy results) and the prevalence is 0.4%-20% in the general population.
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Does taking hormone-regulating drugs affect liver hemangiomas?
I am 31 years old this year. 2 years ago, I happened to know that I have a hemangioma in my liver 7.1cm, it's quite big but I don't have any pain or abnormality. But due to hormonal deficiency, I often have irregular periods and severe insomnia. So the doctor asked me to use hormone-regulating drugs that affect liver hemangiomas? Does the drug change the size of the tumor, doctor?
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Treatment methods for liver hemangiomas?
As far as I know, liver hemangioma usually does not grow, but why does mine grow. I have a liver hemangioma that is only 4 months old and has grown 13mm. Doctor, can you tell me how to treat liver hemangioma?
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There are hemangiomas in the liver, what medicine should I take?
I went for an ultrasound and found a small blood tumor in my liver. The doctor asked me if I have a hemangioma in the liver, what medicine should I take?
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Does liver hemangioma affect pregnancy?
I am 23 years old this year. I went to the doctor for a hemangioma in my liver and never gave birth. I have heard that hemangiomas in the liver are difficult to get pregnant. So the doctor asked me if hemangiomas in the liver affect pregnancy?
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Can liver hemangioma be operated on?
The doctor asked me if my mother has a liver hemangioma that can be operated on and will the surgery affect the liver and other organs? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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