Sweet potatoes are a healthy way to satisfy carbohydrate cravings. They contain essential nutrients, including vitamin C, calcium, beta-carotene, and a high level of slow-releasing carbohydrates. For those looking to lose weight, sweet potatoes can be an important food to help achieve your goals. However, whether it's good to eat sweet potatoes on an empty stomach is a question many people wonder about. Read on to learn more about this.
1. Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are often recognized by their copper-colored skin and vibrant orange flesh, although there are hundreds of varieties grown worldwide that come in colors like white, cream, yellow, red, and deep purple. Although they are commonly found on holiday tables covered in marshmallows or mixed with sweeteners, that is not necessary! True to their name, sweet potatoes have a naturally sweet flavor, enhanced through cooking methods like roasting. They are also one of the top sources of beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A.
Unlike regular potatoes (which belong to the nightshade family), “sweet potatoes” are edible tubers in the morning glory family. They differ from yams, which are edible tubers in the lily family and originate from Africa and Asia. The sweet potatoes you find at your local supermarket are likely different types of sweet potatoes. True yams can be distinguished by their black/brown skin that resembles tree bark and flesh that is white or purple.
Sweet potatoes with orange flesh are the richest in beta-carotene, while those with purple flesh are richer in anthocyanins. Beta-carotene and anthocyanins are plant chemicals known as phytonutrients, which naturally give plants their vibrant colors. These phytochemicals are being studied for their potential role in human health and disease prevention.
If you substitute sweet potatoes for white potatoes, you may still want to keep it simple: While sweet potatoes are a rich source of beta-carotene, they have a high glycemic index and glycemic load—comparable to white potatoes. Most people do not eat sweet potatoes in quantities as large as white potatoes, which may be why studies have not found sweet potatoes to be a major contributor to weight gain and diabetes.
Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin B6, vitamin C, beta-carotene in the form of vitamin A, potassium, and fiber. They also offer many other health benefits, helping to maintain a healthy weight, improve skin health, and prevent serious diseases such as cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular issues. Besides the tuber, sweet potato leaves and shoots are also edible. Boiling sweet potatoes retains more beta-carotene and makes the nutrients easier to absorb compared to other cooking methods like baking or frying. By limiting cooking time, such as boiling them with the lid on for 20 minutes, up to 92% of the nutrients can be retained. Cooking with the skin on also helps minimize the loss of nutrients, including beta-carotene and vitamin C.
However, eating sweet potatoes the wrong way, especially on an empty stomach, can lead to health issues.

2. Should You Eat Sweet Potatoes on an Empty Stomach and How to Eat Them Without Harm to Health?
2.1. Is it okay to eat sweet potatoes on an empty stomach?
Sweet potatoes are not ideal to eat on an empty stomach. This is because they can increase acid production in the stomach. If you have stomach issues, it's best to avoid eating sweet potatoes on an empty stomach to prevent worsening your condition.
Sweet potatoes contain a lot of sugar, and consuming them, especially when you're hungry, can lead to excessive stomach acid secretion, which may cause bloating, gas, and acid reflux. To reduce these symptoms, you should boil the sweet potatoes well or add a small amount of alcohol to the cooking process to break down the enzymes in the potatoes. Drinking ginger tea can also help reduce bloating. Additionally, when you're hungry, your blood sugar levels are low, and eating sweet potatoes may lower your blood pressure, causing fatigue.
2.2. Should you eat sweet potatoes at night?
It's not recommended to eat sweet potatoes at night, as they may cause acid reflux, especially for those with weak stomachs or poor digestion. This can lead to bloating. Moreover, since metabolism slows down at night, digestion becomes more difficult, which may cause insomnia.
It is better for your body to eat sweet potatoes in the morning, paired with fresh milk or yogurt, some seeds, and leafy greens for a nutritious breakfast that provides abundant energy for the day.
2.3. Should you eat sweet potato skin?
Sweet potatoes are very nutritious and have many health benefits, especially for people with constipation. However, eating the skin of sweet potatoes is not ideal for your digestive system.
Dark spots or blackened areas on the skin of sweet potatoes can affect their flavor and may be harmful to your health, potentially causing food poisoning.

Some Tips When Eating Sweet Potatoes
To avoid health issues, you should pay attention to a few points when eating sweet potatoes:
- Red-skinned, yellow-fleshed sweet potatoes are among the best types with the most beneficial effects.
- Eating white-skinned, white-fleshed sweet potatoes can help relieve colds and treat constipation.
- Sweet potatoes and sweet potato leaves are high in calcium, so they should not be eaten too frequently as they may contribute to kidney stones.
- To balance nutrients, it is recommended to eat sweet potatoes with both animal and plant-based proteins.
- Sweet potatoes should be stored in a clean, cool, dry place, free from rodents, and should be consumed within the week.
- When eating sweet potatoes, be cautious of spoiled parts such as rotten spots, sprouted potatoes, and green skins that contain toxins.
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