Uses of Cecon

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Cecon is used to treat and prevent vitamin C deficiency in people who are not getting enough vitamin from their usual diet. Vitamin C deficiency can cause conditions such as: Muscle weakness, joint pain, fatigue, toothache, rash,...

1. What effect does Cecon have?

The main ingredient Cecon is Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C). Vitamin C is a micronutrient that occurs naturally in foods such as citrus fruits, tangerines, tomatoes, potatoes, and leafy vegetables.
In terms of use, vitamin C plays an important role in bones, skin, cartilage, teeth and blood vessels. It also helps the body absorb iron, which is especially important for the production of red blood cells.
Thus, Cecon is used to treat vitamin C deficiency. In addition, it may also be used for other purposes not fully listed in this medication guide.

2. Instructions on how to use Cecon

To use Cecon, users should note the following instructions:
If taking tablets: Take with or without food, 1-2 times a day; If taking extended-release capsules: Swallow the tablet whole with 1 full glass of water (240ml); If taking Cecon chewable tablets, chew well and then swallow. If taking Cecon lozenges, place the tablet in your mouth and let it dissolve slowly without chewing. Swallow several times until the medicine dissolves; If you are taking Cecon powder, mix it thoroughly with a liquid or soft food and stir well. Use the above mixture immediately, avoid saving it for the next meal; If using Cecon liquid, carefully measure the dose with a special measuring device to get the exact amount of medicine to take. Note: Do not stop taking the drug suddenly after taking it for a long time at a high dose. This action can cause the body to have a "conditional" vitamin C deficiency and cause reactions such as: Bleeding gums, fatigue, weakness, red or green acne spots around hair follicles. To reduce the dose or stop taking it after a long period of use, consult your doctor.

3. Side effects of Cecon

During treatment with Cecon, users may experience some side effects such as:
sour ; Stomachache; Stomach cramps; Nausea; Diarrhea . In addition, if there are any serious or unusual signs, urgent medical help should be contacted. Examples of allergic reactions such as: Swelling of the face, swelling of the lips, swelling of the tongue, difficulty breathing, swelling of the larynx.
Other unusual signs to watch out for include:
Joint pain, weakness, feeling tired, weight loss, stomach pain; Chills, fever, increased sensation of urination, urinary retention, difficulty urinating; Severe pain in the hip or lower back, blood in the urine.

4. Note when using Cecon

Contraindicated to use Cecon for people who have been allergic to vitamin C supplements.
In addition, caution should also be taken when using Cecon for the following cases:
People with kidney disease or a history of kidney stones; People with hereditary hemochromatosis (inherited iron overload disorder); People who have a habit of smoking (because smoking can reduce the effectiveness of ascorbic acid). The dose of ascorbic acid may vary for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. For both of the above cases, do not arbitrarily use Cecon without the advice of a doctor.

5. Interactions of Cecon

Other drugs may interact with the ascorbic acid ingredient in Cecon, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, vitamin supplements, and herbal products. Please share with your doctor the names of all the medicines you have, are taking and are about to take for specific advice on the appropriate dose.
The article has provided all the information you need to know about the uses, usage, side effects and notes to know when supplementing with vitamin C with Cecon. Hope the above pharmacological information is useful to readers.
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