Note: Do not take zinc and iron at the same time

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In the process of supplementing micronutrients for the body, there are ingredients that support each other for better absorption, but there are also ingredients that are incompatible if taken at the same time. Taking iron and zinc at the same time is a big taboo that you should not get when supplementing with micronutrients.

1. What is the body's need for zinc supplements?

Zinc is a micronutrient involved in most metabolic activities in the body such as hormone production (especially male hormones), enzyme production, immune system support, wound healing, growth and development. muscles,... Zinc is especially important for the development of fetuses and children, ensuring the health of adults.
According to research by nutritionists, the need for zinc supplementation by age group is as follows:
Children 0 - 6 months old: 2mg/day; Children 7 - 12 months old: 3mg/day; Children 1-3 years old: 3mg/day; Children 4 - 8 years old: 5mg/day; Children 9 - 13 years old: 8mg/day; Children 14 - 18 years old: Male is 11mg/day, female is 9mg/day; Adults over 19 years old: 11mg/day for men, 8mg/day for women; Pregnant women: 11 - 12mg/day; Breastfeeding women: 12-13mg/day. Each person should properly supplement zinc from sources such as:
Food: Oysters, shrimp, crabs, abalone, ... and seafood is the most abundant source of zinc. Right behind are red meat, beans, poultry, nuts, dairy products, whole grains; Zinc tablets, zinc tubes: Supplement for pregnant women, young children at the age of development and puberty, adults with long-term illness, athletes,...

2. Note not to take iron and zinc at the same time

Zinc is an essential trace mineral for the body, involved in the metabolism of glucose, proteins and nucleic acids. If zinc is deficient, children will slow down in height growth and be susceptible to attack by pathogens (due to a weakened immune system). Iron is one of the most important nutrients for the body, necessary for maintaining a healthy immune system, ensuring the growth of muscles and cells. If iron deficiency is present, the patient will suffer from anemia, weakness, fatigue, impaired concentration, headaches, hair loss, weak and brittle nails, etc.
Zinc and iron both play a very important role. But according to experts, users should not take iron and zinc at the same time. Ideally, zinc and iron should be used about 2-4 hours apart, so zinc should be used first and then iron should be used. Because iron interferes with the body's absorption of zinc, if you take them close together or take iron before taking zinc, it will not have much effect.

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3. Some other notes when supplementing with zinc for the body

When supplementing with zinc for the body, it is very important to "take zinc at the best time", "should take zinc in the morning or at night". Here are some notes you should keep in mind when supplementing with zinc:
Avoid excess zinc because taking a lot of zinc can reduce immunity, change taste, cause vomiting and diarrhea symptoms. bleeding, abdominal muscle contraction,... Therefore, each person should not add more than 150mg of zinc/day; Zinc can be combined with vitamins A, B6, C and phosphorus because these substances increase the body's ability to absorb zinc; Similar to iron, you should take zinc away from drugs containing calcium, magnesium, copper about 2-3 hours (because these substances reduce the absorption of zinc in the intestine); Do not take zinc with the antibiotics tetracycline and ciprofloxacin because they also reduce the body's ability to absorb zinc; Taking zinc on an empty stomach can cause digestive upset. Therefore, you should supplement zinc about 1 hour before lunch - dinner or drink zinc after breakfast - lunch - dinner about 2 hours. People with stomach pain should take zinc immediately with meals; Phytates are substances that interfere with the absorption of zinc in the body. This substance is abundant in rice bran, cereals, whole grain breads, foods rich in fiber, foods containing phosphorus (milk, poultry) so you need to avoid eating these foods near the time of zinc intake; Reasonable schedule of micronutrients: Take iron before breakfast about 15 - 30 minutes (when the stomach is still hungry). After breakfast about 2 hours, you take calcium and magnesium. After lunch about 1-2 hours, you can take zinc and vitamin C. You should note that vitamin C should not be used after 17:00 every day because it can make you sleepless at night. It can be seen that taking iron and zinc at the same time is a mistake that you should not make. If you're not sure if any of the supplements you're taking will interact with each other, you should consult your doctor.

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