Home Tag Zinc deficiency

Articles in Zinc deficiency

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Indications of Surbex Z
Surbex Z is indicated for use in cases of zinc deficiency, as well as deficiencies in B vitamins and vitamin C. The medication is administered orally during treatment. However, in some specific cases, it may cause side effects such as rashes, anaphylactic shock, or a burning sensation
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Signs of zinc deficiency
Zinc deficiency will affect physiological functions in the human body. Below are some signs of zinc deficiency in adults as well as signs of zinc deficiency in children.
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Can Low Ferritin (Iron Storage Protein) Cause Hair Loss?
If you are experiencing significant hair loss despite dietary changes, it is time to see your doctor for a diagnosis. Low Ferritin levels may be a major cause of hair loss. To help correct this condition, you should consult your doctor before taking any supplements or making any lifestyle changes.
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