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Consulted by: Master, Doctor Doan Ngoc Quynh Tram - Pediatrician - Neonatologist, Vinmec Nha Trang International General HospitalMany people think that children cannot get hemorrhoids but that is a completely wrong notion. In fact, there are many children suffering from hemorrhoids due to improper care of parents and unreasonable nutrition. The following article will share some knowledge that parents need to know about hemorrhoids in children to prevent timely.
1. Hemorrhoids in children
Hemorrhoids are caused by increased pressure on the anal veins leading to excessive distension of the veins causing the veins to bulge into hemorrhoids. Accompanying symptoms include anal burning pain and anal bleeding. Hemorrhoids in children occur when children often repeat bad habits that increase anal pressure causing hemorrhoids in young children. The disease is divided into 2 main types:External hemorrhoids: External hemorrhoids appear outside the anal vessel wall, prolapsed hemorrhoids can be seen or palpated. Internal hemorrhoids: Forms in the anal canal and it is difficult to recognize the disease early by observation. The initial manifestations are hemorrhoid bleeding and anal burning pain. Usually when hemorrhoids are in the severe stage, the hemorrhoids protrude out and can be observed. Mixed hemorrhoids: The appearance of both external and internal hemorrhoids at the same time causes quite serious symptoms.
2. Pictures of hemorrhoids in children
2.1. Internal hemorrhoids
The disease is only detected when there is blood on the toilet paper or in the stool after defecation. The amount of bleeding more or less depends on the stage of the disease, in the severe stage, the bleeding will be in the form of a clot, drip or stream.Internal hemorrhoids stage 1: When in the early stages, signs of internal hemorrhoids are quite subtle. The baby will have symptoms of bleeding when defecating, but because in the early stages, the amount of bleeding is too small, so it is difficult to detect. Stage 2 internal hemorrhoids: Because internal hemorrhoids have increased in size, the symptoms of bleeding during defecation are more obvious. Hemorrhoids have also begun to prolapse after each bowel movement, but due to their small size, they are still small. can still grow on its own. Besides, you also see the baby showing symptoms such as burning pain, itching, swelling of the anus. Internal hemorrhoids in stage 3: There are signs of prolapse of hemorrhoids, at this time hemorrhoids will protrude out of the anus during defecation. At first, hemorrhoids are able to shrink inward on their own, but after a while, hemorrhoids will not shrink on their own, but must be pressed by hand. Internal hemorrhoids in stage 4: Hemorrhoids will completely prolapse outside the anus, even if you use your fingers to push the hemorrhoids in, you can't.
2.2. External hemorrhoids
External hemorrhoids are bleeding during defecation, prolapsed hemorrhoids accompanied by pain, itching and burning. Depending on the stage of the disease, there are different symptoms. Specifically, symptoms are divided into 4 stages.External hemorrhoids stage 1: The hemorrhoids prolapse outside the anal border, the baby will feel a little lumpy in the anus. If the disease is detected at this stage, the treatment is also simple. Stage 2 external hemorrhoids: The veins develop into zigzag hemorrhoids outside the anus. External hemorrhoids stage 3: At this stage, the hemorrhoids have grown quite large, blocking the anus, so when defecating, the hemorrhoids will rub, causing bleeding and pain for the baby. External hemorrhoids stage 4: Hemorrhoids are infected, causing pain and itching.
2.3. Mixed hemorrhoids
Mixed hemorrhoids only form when there are two types of hemorrhoids at the same time, and when the internal hemorrhoids have prolapsed but cannot be retracted, creating conditions for the hemorrhoids to link together. Therefore, mixed hemorrhoids are very dangerous and need to be treated quickly, otherwise it will cause dangerous complications for the child.3. Causes of hemorrhoids in children
3.1. Children with persistent constipation
Due to not getting enough fiber, your baby will be more prone to hemorrhoids. Usually, the baby will not like to eat vegetables and parents do not pay enough attention to that, leading to a lack of fiber in the baby's meals, the baby is more prone to constipation and leading to hemorrhoids.3.2. Baby sitting on the potty for too long
When you let your child sit on the potty for too long while defecating, it will inadvertently increase pressure on the anal area, compressing the anal veins and thereby forming hemorrhoids. Therefore, you should pay attention to the time when your baby has a bowel movement!3.3. Child's Physiological Anatomy (Children's Condition)
Because children are in the process of developing complete body parts, the anal muscles in children are still quite weak and the functioning organizations are still loose, the ligaments in the anus and rectum have not been connected yet. sustainable connection. In addition, the baby's sacrum and rectum are in the same line, making the rectum easier to push upward, making the child more susceptible to hemorrhoids.4. Symptoms of hemorrhoids in babies
Difficulty defecation: This is a typical sign that any child with hemorrhoids encounters. You should pay attention when you see your baby sitting for a long time defecating, or he has expressions of discomfort or grimaces and cries every time he goes to the toilet. Those are the signs that the baby is suffering from digestive problems and especially constipation or hemorrhoids. Blood in the stool: When suffering from hemorrhoids, children must try to push to push stool out, this inadvertently puts pressure on the anus, stools come out with blood, or there are children who don't go out. blood in the anal area. This sign is more obvious when you use a toilet tissue for your baby, the blood will seep on the toilet paper. Prolapsed hemorrhoids in the anus: This is the most obvious symptom in all patients with hemorrhoids whether it is children or adults. In the beginning, the hemorrhoid is small and when it prolapses it can recede on its own. Later on, the hemorrhoid swells and can't go back inside on its own. This causes pain, discomfort and requires prompt treatment.
5. Caring for children with signs of hemorrhoids
When your baby has hemorrhoids, you need to keep the baby's anal area clean. Use warm water to wash the anus after each bowel movement and before the baby is getting ready for bed to aid in the healing process. Or use medicine from marjoram to steam outside the baby's anus, helping to increase blood circulation.In addition, when your child is constipated, please gently rub the abdomen to help the child laxative! Just put your baby in a supine position, and then use the breast of your right hand to slowly press on the baby's abdominal muscles. Begin to move the upper abdomen gently from right to left, then switch from bottom to top, without pressing hard. Each exercise lasts about 15 minutes, about 2-3 times a day, when the child can defecate, stop.
6. How to prevent hemorrhoids in children
You should add enough fiber each day for your baby by adding more vegetables to his daily meal and giving him plenty of water every day. Limit your baby's constipation by giving him a little more honey every day. Honey will have a very good laxative effect, thereby limiting the risk of constipation for children. Clean the anal area for children: Children who go to the toilet often wash the anal area which is not clean, causing many bacteria to accumulate in the anus when there are scratches and cause infection and damage to the anus. You can clean your child or teach him or her to clean properly to prevent infection from occurring. Practice habits for children to go to the toilet on time: Going to the bathroom at a fixed time of the day will help the child's bowel movements work better, thereby making defecation easier and hemorrhoids are prevented. more effective. When a child shows signs of hemorrhoids, parents should take the child to a reputable medical facility for an appropriate treatment regimen. Vinmec International Hospital currently applies the Longo hemorrhoid surgery method to treat grade 2 hemorrhoids, grade 3 hemorrhoids, grade 4 hemorrhoids, and ring hemorrhoids. with many advantages compared to classical surgery:
Much less painful than classic hemorrhoidectomy No open wound in the anus, easy post-operative care Shortened hospital stay (average 2 days) ) and ensure aesthetics. Vinmec uses a new generation PPHO3 hemorrhoidectomy machine of Johnson & Johnson (USA) to help stop bleeding, ensure a solid cut, with a large capacity compartment that allows to thoroughly cut the mucosa with internal hemorrhoids, helping reduce pain and speed recovery for children.
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