List of good fruits for diabetics

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Fruit is very good for health, not excluding diabetics. However, how to eat fruit properly is always a concern of most diabetics as well as caregivers.

1. Can diabetics eat sweet fruits?

There is a very common belief that if you have diabetes, you should not eat certain fruits because they are "too sweet". Some fruits contain more sugar than others, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't eat them if you have diabetes. Because these fruits and vegetables have the potential to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. They also provide fiber, minerals, and vitamins.
You might think that the high sugar content in these fruits means you can't eat it. But the sugar in whole fruit doesn't count as free sugars, so it's not the kind of sugar we need to cut back on. This amount of sugar is different from the free sugars found in drinks, chocolate, cakes and cookies, as well as in fruit juices and honey.

Một số loại trái cây người bệnh cần hạn chế ăn
Một số loại trái cây người bệnh cần hạn chế ăn

The total amount of carbohydrates you eat has the most effect on your blood sugar levels after eating. A serving of fruit, such as a medium apple, typically contains about 15 to 20g of carbs, a chocolate muffin has 55g of carbs and a 500ml regular fizzy drink has 54g of carbs. It is better to reduce your intake of chocolates, sugary drinks, cakes, and other snacks than to reduce your fruit intake when trying to limit your carb intake to help control blood sugar. For those following a low-carb diet, it's important to identify sources of unhealthy carbs and cut them down first.
One serving of fruit should contain 15 grams of carbohydrates. The size of the serving depends on the carbohydrate content of the fruit. The advantage of eating a low-carbohydrate fruit is that you can consume a larger portion. But whether you eat a low-carb or high-carb fruit, as long as the serving size contains 15 grams of carbohydrates, the effect on your blood sugar is the same.
You don't need to reduce your fruit intake but you should keep a food diary to check how often and how much fruit you are eating. Many people eat fruit infrequently, but tend to consume a larger serving when they eat them. Others are more likely to overeat dried fruit, grapes, and tropical fruit. If you think that a serving of dried fruit is just a tablespoon and packed in 20g of carbs with the total sugar they provide, you can see this easily happening.

Người bệnh không nên ăn quá nhiều một số loại quả
Người bệnh không nên ăn quá nhiều một số loại quả

Pay attention to the size of the fruit you eat - one large banana gives a half and a half of fruit and contains about 30g of carbs. But, most people need to cut back on foods with added sugars and refined carbs rather than whole fruit - a large banana is still better for your long-term health than a standard slice of cake, which contains about 25g of carbohydrates. This is partly because bananas have no free sugars.

Trắc nghiệm dành riêng cho người mắc đái tháo đường: Chế độ ăn của bạn đã hợp lý chưa?

Người bị bệnh đái tháo đường cần phải quan tâm nhiều hơn đến cách tính toán khẩu phần ăn sao cho phù hợp với nhu cầu và tình trạng sức khỏe. Nếu chưa rõ, bạn có thể tìm hiểu kỹ hơn thông qua bài trắc nghiệm ngắn sau đây.

2. Why be careful with fruit juices and smoothies?

Fruit juices and smoothies and these are the ones that should ideally be avoided or at least cut down. This is because fruit juices and smoothies have removed much of the roughage so it's easy to drink large amounts in a short amount of time - and ultimately this means you're consuming extra calories and carbohydrates. They also contain low amounts of intact fiber, which means fruit juices and smoothies are not as beneficial to the body as eating whole fruit.
One serving - 150ml (if you make your own at home you usually drink a lot more) provides about 15g of carbs, free of charge, so you're already consuming a lot of carbohydrates and free sugars without not really noticed.
Equal amount of fruit in cans of natural fruit juice: one can/box is roughly the amount of fruit you would eat if you ate fresh fruit, such as two halves of a pear or half a peach, six apricot halves or eight canned grapefruit halves.

Nên cắt giảm lượng sinh tố đưa vào cơ thể người bệnh
Nên cắt giảm lượng sinh tố đưa vào cơ thể người bệnh

3. How do I control the amount of fruit I eat?

Variety is important because fruits of different colors contain their own blend of vitamins and minerals, so vary and choose as many different varieties as possible. Choose seasonal fruits to cut down on fruit costs.
The following fruits contain about 15 grams of carbohydrates:
1/2 medium apple or banana 1 cup blackberries 3/4 blueberries 1 raspberries 1 1/4 cup strawberries 1 cup cantaloupe or melon
As a guide, one serving of fresh fruit is one that fits in the palm of an adult Or you can base your servings on as follows:
A small serving of fresh fruit: one serving is two or more small fruit, for example two plums, two kiwis, three apricots, six lychees, seven strawberries or 14 cherries. One medium serving of fresh fruit: one serving of whole fruit, such as an apple, banana, pear, orange, or peach. One large serving of fresh fruit: one serving of half a grapefruit, one slice of papaya, one slice of melon (5cm slice), one large pineapple slice, or two mango slices (5cm slice). For Dried Fruit: one serving of dried fruit is about 30g. This is about a tablespoon of raisins, a tablespoon of mixed fruit, two figs, three plums or a handful of dried bananas.

Chia nhỏ khẩu phần trái cây theo tỉ lệ được khuyến cáo
Chia nhỏ khẩu phần trái cây theo tỉ lệ được khuyến cáo

4. Diabetics should eat apples and bananas?

Apples and bananas are good sources of vitamin C, which is great for boosting the immune system and healing wounds. Raisins are a good source of iron, which is needed to make oxygen in your blood.
Choose baby-sized and easily peeled apples at the supermarket and put them in your child's lunch box.
Cooking apples taste great, can be baked with a little cinnamon then served with yogurt. You can also cut and stew them with some water and raisins for a sweet and nutty broth.
Bananas can be baked or frozen for an hour or two and then taken out and mashed into a healthy ice cream.
Always remember to eat in small portions to avoid eating too many times at once. Eating too much will affect your blood sugar.

Ăn chuối theo tỉ lệ nhất định
Ăn chuối theo tỉ lệ nhất định

5. What fruit should diabetics eat?

Apples Avocados Bananas Blackberries Blueberries Cherries Sweet melons Kiwis Mangoes Oranges Papayas Peach Pears Pineapple Plums Raspberries Strawberries Tangerines Watermelons

Người bệnh tiểu đường nên sử dụng trái bơ
Người bệnh tiểu đường nên sử dụng trái bơ

Diabetics can eat fruits in the above list, but need to control the amount of each meal in combination with other diets. Remember that the total amount of carbohydrates in the food you put in your body affects your blood sugar more than the carbohydrate source, whether it's starch or sugar.
References source:,
15 best fruits for diabetics What should people with diabetes eat and what should they avoid? 11 types of drinking water good for diabetics
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