Is it good for children to eat tuna?

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Tuna has a high nutritional content, which is very good for the development of the body. Because tuna contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, as well as protein, vitamin D and other great nutrients. However, many parents still wonder "Is it good for children to eat tuna?" or “How old can a child eat tuna”. The information below will help you answer these questions.

1. Nutrition from Tuna

Tuna is one of the seafood that is high in protein, but low in calories and fat. Therefore, dishes made from tuna are healthy foods and are ideal for those who want to maintain their figure and lose weight.
In tuna meat contains vitamin B and minerals such as selenium, iron, carbohydrates, calcium, cali, phosphorus.. These substances have the effect of preventing a number of diseases such as: atherosclerosis, improving memory, reducing the risk of cancer. However, here are the doctor's recommendations for adults. So “is it good for children to eat tuna? "

2. Is it good for children to eat tuna?

Although tuna provides a lot of nutrients, however, nutritionists recommend limiting the consumption of tuna or dishes made with this fish. Because giving tuna to children can cause a number of risks, including:
2.1 Mercury contamination Tuna is a fish that lives in the deep sea, so they contain high levels of mercury. When humans are exposed to mercury, it affects brain and nerve development. So, one of the biggest worries when giving tuna to children is the mercury content in the fish.
2.2 Allergies For children who are too sensitive, or allergic to tuna can lead to food poisoning. So, feed your child only a small amount and monitor his body for any signs of a food allergy. If you see signs of itching, rash in your child, it is best to stop.

Trẻ em ăn cá ngừ có tốt không là thắc mắc của nhiều bậc cha mẹ
Trẻ em ăn cá ngừ có tốt không là thắc mắc của nhiều bậc cha mẹ

3. When can children eat tuna?

For young children, not all ages can eat tuna. Babies can eat tuna when they start solids at 6 months old and can only eat it in very small amounts, no more than 3 times per week.
Or to be more secure, give your child tuna when they are more than 1 year old.

4. Some notes when feeding children tuna?

To avoid children being allergic to tuna, when feeding children tuna, parents should note a number of issues as follows:
Should choose to buy fish from reputable, fresh, carefully labeled places No Children should eat tuna too much, should add a small amount to diversify dishes (don't eat tuna more than 3 times/week) and should be combined with vegetables, tubers and fruits. In tuna, there are enzymes and histamines, which are considered toxic to tuna. To remove this substance, before processing, you should split the fish in half along the bone line, then cut into pieces about 10cm, marinate for 30 minutes with fresh ginger (1kg of fish marinated about 50g of fresh ginger) both to remove the fishy smell and help detoxify. . If you have a family member with food allergies, especially fish allergies, you should consult your doctor before deciding to give your child tuna. Hopefully, the above knowledge has helped mothers answer the question "Is it good for children to eat tuna?" or “How old can children eat tuna” and help mothers become the wisest mothers.
In addition, to help children achieve important developmental milestones. In addition to the nutritional diet, parents should supplement their children with supporting products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet their nutritional needs. in children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
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