Seafood dishes that are good and not good for health

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Cooking method, freshness and type of fish are factors that determine if seafood is healthy or not. When choosing to buy and process seafood, it is necessary to limit cream, oil, salt, bad fat and pay attention to the mercury content.

1. Healthy seafood dishes

1.1. Salmon This is a super nutritious dish that always appears on many menus recommended by experts. Salmon is high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids. When canned, salmon also generally has less mercury than tuna. Wild Alaskan salmon is a great seafood treat for kids and adults alike, fresh or canned. However, fatty fish like salmon can contain a mixture of PCBs man-made chemicals. So you should cut or reduce their fat, skin and dark flesh.
1.2. Shrimp Cocktail This is a healthy seafood dish popular in the UK and US in which shrimp is cooked with cocktail sauce and served in a glass. Steamed or boiled shrimp is quite healthy thanks to its high protein content, low fat and mercury content. However, toppings, especially bottled ketchup, can hide a lot of sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. So if you want to use shrimp salad, you should replace the traditional dressing with a cocktail or any other recipe that guarantees no / very little sugar.
1.3. Clams / Tomato Clams Soup As the name suggests, this soup has two main ingredients, clams and tomatoes. In addition, potatoes, carrots and onions are other ingredients that are added to the dish. One cup of soup provides about 75 calories and is low in saturated fat, while a similar serving of creamed clam soup has about 181 calories. Mercury is not usually a concern with bivalve shellfish such as oysters, oysters, and clams.

Súp ngao cà chua
Súp ngao cà chua

1.4. Anchovies Salad These are small fish and have a short life span, so their meat is less likely to contain mercury, PCBs and other chemicals. Even so, anchovies can provide an equivalent amount of omega-3 fatty acids as the body needs. Some canned anchovies have a lot of salt, so check the label, especially those that have sodium residue. White anchovies soaked in vinegar and some other sauces are usually less salty.
1.5. Canned Tuna This lean fish gives you plenty of protein and some omega-3s. Tuna is larger than sardines and anchovies, so it's also often high in mercury and other chemicals in the meat. Priority should be given to choosing canned tuna with low mercury content. If you prefer thick, white longfin tuna (which tends to contain more mercury), look for products that come from the United States or Canada just to be safe. People who are following a low calorie and fat diet should buy canned tuna in water instead of tuna in oil.
1.6. Oysters Oysters provide plenty of protein and zinc, but it's best to cook oysters and not eat them raw. This will help you avoid bacterial food poisoning. Vibrio bacteria are common during the warmer months, but can be present at any time in raw oysters. Lemon juice, hot sauce, or wine in rare oysters won't kill Vibrio bacteria. So you need to cook oysters thoroughly. Hepatitis A is also a risk when consuming shellfish. Oysters can be a good food, but should not be eaten if their appearance and smell are unusual.

Ăn hàu sống chứa nhiều nguy cơ bị ngộ độc thực phẩm
Ăn hàu sống chứa nhiều nguy cơ bị ngộ độc thực phẩm

1.7. Grilled Catfish Despite its unsightly appearance, this farmed catfish is one of the healthiest seafood. Catfish is low in mercury, environmentally friendly, nutritious and easy to find in many places. Fried catfish is a favorite of many people, but deep frying adds a lot of calories and fat to the dish. So grill them to form a healthy dish.
1.8. Sardines Sardines are usually canned, but you can sometimes find fresh fish at the market. They are high in omega-3s and low in mercury because of their small and short size. In addition, because sardines are abundant in the sea, the price is also quite cheap. Similar to tuna, you should choose canned sardines soaked in water instead of oil.
1.9. Seafood salad (Ceviche) This is a traditional dish in Latin America, made with raw fish, lime juice, and often added potatoes and onions. The acid in the lemon juice makes the fish pale, causing them to change color. Before being served, fish is also frozen for a week at -20°C. This helps to get rid of the parasites that make you sick. The size and type of fish chosen also play a part in determining whether this is a healthy seafood dish. Therefore, you should only try ceviche at restaurants with experienced chefs serving this special dish.

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Nên thử món gỏi hải sản tại các nhà hàng uy tín

2. Seafood dishes are not good for health

2.1. Fish and Chips This is a traditional British dish and is very popular in Western cuisine. The two main ingredients in this fast food, fish and potatoes, are both deep-fried. Of course, this way of processing is not friendly to health. Additionally, the fatty tartar and ketchup often served with Fish&Chips have even more fat, sugar, and calories. Instead of using this unhealthy seafood dish, you should grill fish and potatoes to control the amount of oil (can coat with cornstarch to create crunch). Seasoning with a dash of lemon is a simple way to add flavor while still being low in calories.
2.2. Clam / Clam Cream Soup Although clams give you plenty of protein, this soup also includes cream, butter, and salt pork. So you can get a lot of calories, saturated fat and sodium - ingredients that people need to limit. This dish should only be made for special meals and try not to overdo it.

3. Seafood dishes to limit

To limit seafood allergy, you should use well-processed and well-cooked seafood. Besides, you should also limit the use of the following seafood:
3.1. Certain types of sea fish Swordfish can potentially contain high levels of mercury no matter how it is prepared. Shark, mackerel and tilefish are similar, so this is not a good seafood choice for children. Eating these fish occasionally shouldn't be a problem, but eating too much can damage your brain and kidneys. Pregnant women who eat a lot of swordfish can harm the baby or miscarry. Newborns, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems may be more sensitive.

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Ăn nhiều cá kiếm trong thai kỳ gây ảnh hưởng không tốt tới em bé

3.2. Sushi Sushi can be a good side dish with lots of lean protein and omega-3s, while also being fairly low in fat, sugar, and calories. However, this dish also has some disadvantages. Raw fish needs to be handled by a professional chef to avoid bacteria and parasites. Mercury in popular sushi fish, such as ali bass and bluefin tuna, can be harmful to your health if you eat too much of it.
When choosing to buy fresh seafood, you should choose fish with clear eyes and avoid those with a too fishy smell. If you don't like the fish bones, you can choose to buy the fillet. Experts recommend cooking fish until they flake off easily with a fork. You can cook seafood in many ways, but grilling or steaming is a commonly recommended recipe for healthy seafood.
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