How to stay fit at any age?

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Metabolism begins to slow down with age, a healthy diet and a little exercise are not always enough to maintain fitness and shape. Do you feel challenged to stay in shape as you age? Over the course of your life, focusing on posture can help keep the practitioner free from pain and injury. Do you know any exercises or tips to stay in shape at any age? Find out more articles below.

1. Why keep fit?

Health and fitness is always our top priority but it is always neglected due to your busy work schedule. The root of disease is our immune system and our health condition getting worse. With increasing age, cardiovascular health and overall health become the most important factors. As you age, your body begins to slow down and tasks that used to be easy now require a little more effort to complete. Furthermore, your metabolism slows down, causing you to gain weight. You lose muscle mass, your heart health declines, and your reflexes aren't as sharp as before. This news makes you feel bad, but there's some good news: It's possible to slow down the aging process through regular exercise.
Activities such as endurance training and high-intensity interval training, as well as regularly changing your exercise routine, can help maintain muscle mass, prevent deterioration in cardiovascular disease, and improve balance. All three of these ingredients are needed to live a long, healthy, and independent life.
Also replace some basic habits that really make it possible for you to start a healthier lifestyle.

2. How to keep fit?

2.1. Go to bed early and wake up early

Experts always recommend that you sleep for 8 hours a day to maintain good health. Lack of sleep puts you at risk for metabolic cardiovascular disease, overweight, obesity, and countless other diseases. Going to bed around 22 - 23 pm, waking up at 6-7 am is the most ideal time for each person.

Uống đủ nước cho cơ thể giúp đào thải chất độc ra khỏi cơ thể và giữ dáng hoàn hảo
Uống đủ nước cho cơ thể giúp đào thải chất độc ra khỏi cơ thể và giữ dáng hoàn hảo

2.2. Drink enough water for your body

We always need to remove toxins from the body. And how can we do that? By keeping enough water. A person should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It's better to drink water several times throughout the day even if you don't feel thirsty. Recent studies show that drinking 500mL of water temporarily boosts metabolism. There are countless benefits of drinking enough water such as preventing muscle cramps, relieving headaches, relieving back pain...

2.3. Take some time to calm down

In order to be in a good mood all the time, you should also take some time to pause and reflect to have a peaceful mind. It helps you calm down, avoid stress. The smart choice for you is meditation and yoga.
Things don't always go the way we want them to, but the right mindset motivates us to work harder instead of stressing and whining.

2.4. Proper nutrition

* Stay away from all junk food
Skip these three foods:
High sugar: Donuts, cakes, cookies, puddings... High fat: Processed meats, hydrating oils... Artificial foods. Eating a lot of junk food and exercising will limit the effects of exercise, moreover most junk food is converted to fat in a shorter time, they contain very little nutrients and sugar and sodium affects our endocrine function.
* Eat healthy
Maintaining a balanced diet can be very difficult if you don't have time to cook every day. But trying to maintain a healthy and balanced diet can increase energy and productivity, boost metabolism. The food groups to eat a lot of include:
Fresh vegetables and fruits Protein-rich foods Nuts High-fiber foods * Understand the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates
Simple carbohydrates are types of carbohydrates made of 1 or 2 sugar molecules; They have a lot of nutritional value, complex carbohydrates are made up of sugar but they are high in fiber, healthy vitamins and minerals. For example
Simple Carbohydrates: Sugar, Syrups, Jams and Candy Complex Carbohydrates: Beans, Sweet Potatoes * Eat at any time
It is very important that you do not skip meals, however many people think they want to. Losing weight should stop eating, but this is not true. Without eating right, your energy levels will drop, here are some foods and snacks that will help you maintain your weight.
Light breakfast: Eggs (you can mix eggs with some vegetables like artichokes, peppers or mushrooms, etc.) with grapefruit and a piece of toast Mid-morning snack: Unsweetened yogurt with berries Lunch : Salad (careful with dressing!) With protein (ie grilled chicken or turkey) Afternoon Snack: Apple, orange or banana with almonds and a spoonful of peanut butter Dinner: Grilled salmon with lemon lime with brown rice , carrots and asparagus

Rau và trái cây tươi cung cấp nhiều vitamin và khoáng chất cần thiết
Rau và trái cây tươi cung cấp nhiều vitamin và khoáng chất cần thiết

2.5. Practice

Add these activities to your weekly exercise routine to slow down your body clock.
Endurance exercise: Activities like running, cycling and swimming are the best ways to improve cardiovascular function and prevent your metabolism from slowing down. Try to get at least 30 to 60 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular (aerobic) activity most days, for a total of 150 minutes per week.
Training time: Instead of running or cycling at a steady state, with high-intensity interval training, you alternate bursts of high-intensity activity (which makes you breathe hard) with gentle activity than. An example exercise would include five intervals of higher intensity (which could mean increasing speed, incline, or resistance) for one to two minutes with one to two minute intervals in between with slightly lower intensity. An easy way to determine if you are overwhelmed is if you can speak (or sing) easily. If you can't, you're working hard enough in your time slot. Add interval training to your workout routine one or two days per week.
Endurance training: Maintaining muscle mass is important as you age, as both men and women lose muscle mass as they age and replace it with fat. Skeletal muscle burns more calories at rest than fat tissue. It also protects your joints and can help make your bones stronger and maintain their density, which can prevent fractures. Maintaining and increasing muscle mass can also help improve balance and agility, which is important as you age.
The ultimate way to help slow age-related changes is to continue adding challenge and variety to your workouts. When you do a repetitive fitness routine, there's no change in frequency, intensity, duration, or exercise. Over time, this lack of challenge can allow age-related changes to appear before you know it. If you're complacent with your workouts, so will your body. Your efforts mean a lot to you, and over time, be patient and consistent.

3. Suggest exercises to keep fit for all ages

3.1. Kettlebell Deadlift

Effect: Strengthens the posterior chain including: upper back, glutes, hamstrings and calves. Improves hip stability and mobility.
* Execution:
Stand with a warm dumbbell placed between your feet. Bend your hips and allow your knees to bend, reaching down to grab the handles. With arms straight and head in neutral position, stand fully upright by pushing hips forward. Squeeze your glutes at the top to achieve full mechanics. Keep your hips steady and bend your knees to lower the dumbbells to the floor. Do three to five sets of eight to 12 repetitions.

Bài tập Kettlebell Deadlift giúp giữ dáng dành cho mọi lứa tuổi
Bài tập Kettlebell Deadlift giúp giữ dáng dành cho mọi lứa tuổi

3.2. Goblet Squat to Box

Effect: Activate the glutes and help you achieve a certain depth of squat. This pose will keep your center of gravity in an upright position.
* Execution:
Hold the dumbbells at chest height in front of the box or a knee-high bench, push your butt back and bend your knees to lower into a squat until you feel the box in your back. Keep your torso upright and don't let your knees sink in. Squeeze your butt as you return to a standing position. Do three to five sets of 8 to 12 reps

3.3. Exercises with cables

Effect: Strengthens the upper back, shoulders and muscles while exercising muscles, bones, and baits.
* Do:
Loop a resistance band with a handle around a sturdy anchor, such as a pole or squat rack, and hold a handle in each hand. Step back until your arms are fully extended and the strap is taut. Retract your shoulder blades, then pull the handles to direct them back. When your elbows are bent, pull them down and back, keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Continue pulling until your hand touches the front of the rib cage. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, then reverse the movement. Do three to five sets of 8 to 12 reps

3.4. Balance in place

What it does: improves balance, hip stability and core strength.
* Execution:
Stand tall, feet hip-width apart, shoulders pulled back and down, and flex. Shift your weight onto one leg while you slowly raise the other leg. Don't let your body sway. Lower that leg and repeat on the opposite side. Each step counts as one march. Do three to five sets of 8 to 12 reps

3.5. Pallof Twist

Effect: Combining rotation and anti-vibration, strengthens the core while stabilizing and protecting the lumbar spine. Performing this move upright reduces strain on the neck and lower back.
* Perform
Loop a resistance band around a sturdy beam or railing at chest height. Grasp the strap with both hands and step sideways until you feel the strap slightly stretch. Press the rope forward, keeping hips and shoulders square.
Rotate 45 degrees towards your anchor point and then rotate in the opposite direction, ending 45 degrees from your starting point.
Do three to five sets of eight to 12 times on each side.

3.6. Deadbug

Effect : develop core stability and inter-organ coordination
* Execution :
Lie on your back, raise arms and legs in the air. Your arms should be straight above your chest and your knees bent about 90 degrees. Focusing on your body, pull your ribs down and press your lower back into the floor. Extend one leg to straighten while dropping the opposite arm over your head. Reverse and repeat on the opposite side. Alternate parties. Do three to five sets of 20 sets each (each extension counts as one). You really want to make a healthier lifestyle change to stay fit and above all improve your health. Don't let other people put you down, don't see others can do more than you that demoralize you. If you maintain a steady flow, you can achieve your goals. Look for like-minded people to make progress together. Set a goal for yourself and when you reach it, reward yourself with a day off or a family trip. Don't think about what people think of you, if you have made up your mind and believe in yourself, then no one can stop you from achieving your goals. When you stop thinking about what other people say, you will feel great because you will be motivated every day to achieve your goals.
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