How much protein per day is enough?

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People need to eat high protein foods daily because it is an essential nutrient, favored by many people in high protein low-carb diets. But do you know how much protein you really need each day? How much protein is considered too much?

1. The amount of protein to supplement each day

Protein is made from amino acids, which help build and grow the body's tissues - including muscles, tendons, blood vessels, skin, hair and nails. Protein also plays an important role in the synthesis and maintenance of enzymes and hormones. What's more, one study shows that protein helps you feel fuller for longer and can be a powerful aid in weight loss.
According to a recent Nielsen survey on health issues, 60% of shoppers say they are trying to increase protein in their diet. But in reality, you don't need to worry about your body not getting enough protein.
The typical American diet tends to exceed protein recommendations. This nutrient deficiency is rare in the United States. Healthy people need to get 10-35% of their daily calories from protein, which equates to 45 grams of protein per day for women and 52 grams per day for men. Meanwhile, actual surveys say the average daily protein intake per person is about 75 grams in women and about 100 grams in men. The recommended amount of protein also varies by age and physical condition, specifically:
Baby: About 10 grams/day; School-age children: Need 19 - 34 grams/day; Teenage boys: Need 52 grams/day; Teenage girls: Need 46 grams/day;. Pregnant or lactating women: About 71 grams/day; People participating in athletics for recreation: Need 1.1 - 1.4 g/kg/day; Athletes competing or sports requiring endurance: Need 1.2 - 2 g/kg/day; Bodybuilders: Need 1.5 - 2.0 g/kg/day.

Lượng protein cần bổ sung sẽ phụ thuộc vào lứa tuổi và đối tượng
Lượng protein cần bổ sung sẽ phụ thuộc vào lứa tuổi và đối tượng

Although protein is important for health, it is controversial to add more protein than necessary. A group of nutritionists once recommended that people eat twice as much protein as the above standard amount. However, there are clearly risks associated with consuming too much protein, such as kidney disease, or the resulting increased calorie intake that leads to weight gain.

2. Protein-rich foods

2.1. High-protein foods Almost all foods have protein, but certain dishes are abundant and dominant. Whether you have a habit of eating a lot of meat or being a vegetarian, you can still get enough protein from your daily menu. Nutritionists often recommend getting protein from a variety of healthy and varied sources. For example:
Should choose lean cuts of meat instead of fat to limit saturated fat; Don't use processed meats, like hot dogs, to cut down on sodium; In addition to protein, salmon, tuna or eggs also add omega-3; Beans, vegetables, and nuts are both good sources of plant-based protein and a good source of fiber.

Thịt đỏ là loại thực phẩm chứa lượng lớn protein lành mạnh
Thịt đỏ là loại thực phẩm chứa lượng lớn protein lành mạnh
2.2. Protein powder Bodybuilders or athletes also use protein in powder form as a supplement. Protein powder has many different forms, of which 3 popular types are:
Whey: Complete protein, containing all 9 essential amino acids for human dietary needs; Soy (soy protein): Exclusive for vegetarians, this vegetable protein has a distinctive flavor and is insoluble in water; Casein proteins: A family of phosphorus proteins, commonly found in mammalian milk, including cow's, sheep's, and buffalo's milk. Although protein is found in common protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, chicken and dairy products, some of the following situations may require adding protein powder to the diet:
Teenagers growing age; Beginners in bodybuilding; Athletes are increasing their training; Athletes in the process of recovering from an injury; Vegans (vegetarians) or regular vegetarians abstain from meat. In addition to the above cases, protein powder is not really necessary if you still have a healthy, normal diet.

Bột protein được sử dụng cho một số đối tượng nhất định như vận động viên
Bột protein được sử dụng cho một số đối tượng nhất định như vận động viên

3. Note when using foods high in protein

Before starting to get more protein, consider the following:
3.1. Eating more protein doesn't mean eating a lot of meat. Beef, poultry and pork, as well as animal products (milk, cheese and eggs) certainly give you a lot of protein. Plant-based protein foods - including whole grains, beans and nuts and other vegetables - do this, even better. Researchers have found evidence that a diet rich in plant-based proteins can help reduce the risk of several diseases and cancers.
3.2. Add protein regularly throughout the day The body uses the amino acids of protein best when you get this substance in all 3 main meals each day. Delivering protein throughout the day not only keeps you fuller for longer, reducing cravings, but is also thought to be great for building muscle and aiding fat loss.

3.3. Don't just focus on protein and forget about other important macronutrients Carbohydrates and healthy fats are also two very important groups of nutrients. But many dieters often stay away from these two substances and only focus on foods rich in protein. A varied and balanced menu is always the key to both a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Một bữa ăn khoa học sẽ giúp bạn cung cấp đầy đủ các chất dinh dưỡng cần thiết
Một bữa ăn khoa học sẽ giúp bạn cung cấp đầy đủ các chất dinh dưỡng cần thiết

In summary, protein is an extremely important nutrient for the body, not only found in protein-rich foods, but also in the form of protein supplements. The amount of protein you need to eat each day will depend on your lifestyle and individual activity time of the day. Most normal people will not be deficient in protein, so if you want to add this nutrient to your menu, you should consult a specialist first to have a suitable diet.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has put a system of modern facilities with standard equipment into operation for medical examination and treatment processes. Especially at Vinmec Health System, there is always a team of doctors ready to listen, advise and treat many diseases as well as advise on good balanced nutrition and food for all ages to prevent deficiency or excess of nutrients in the body.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
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