How Does Whey Protein Help Build Muscle?

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A new study published in the April 2011 issue of the Journal of Nutrition indicates that consuming whey protein can help build muscle mass, regardless of whether you exercise at a high or low intensity.

1. Whey protein's muscle-building role

Whey protein is the protein found in whey - a large array of fat molecules that rise to the surface of milk when heated or left uncapped for a while.
Whey protein is commonly used to improve athletic performance and increase strength. This is a source of protein that helps improve the nutritional composition of the diet, in addition to having an effect on the immune system. Whey protein is also used to prevent weight loss in people with HIV and to help prevent allergies in babies.
A study was done at Universities in Canada and the UK, in which 15 young participants all had experience in gym, regular physical training. They measured muscle-building rates under two conditions: 15 grams of whey protein at rest and 24 hours after an exercise session.
The strength training exercise performed in the study consisted of lifting heavy weights with your legs and light weights until self-limiting was reached. One day (24 hours) after the training session, the boys returned to the lab to drink 15 grams of whey protein milk. The results showed that regardless of whether they exercised with heavy or light weights, muscle mass increased after consuming whey protein.

Whey protein giúp xây dựng cơ bắp của người dùng
Whey protein giúp xây dựng cơ bắp của người dùng

The findings show that muscles are better able to use amino acids 24 hours after exercise, no matter how intense or light the exercise is, as long as the gym goer does his best. The above findings contribute to an increased understanding of how exercise benefits maximum muscle mass growth and maintenance.

2. When should whey protein be used?

2.1. Indications Types of whey protein can provide the following effects:
Enhance athletic performance Most studies show that taking whey protein, combined with regular exercise, helps increase body weight, strength and muscle size in healthy young adults. Drinking whey protein milk has also been shown to improve running speed, as well as promote post-workout recovery, in untrained people. Whey protein's muscle-building effects are rated as well as soy, chicken or beef proteins.
Eczema, allergies Research shows that infants who drink whey protein milk for the first 3-12 months of life have a reduced risk of red, itchy skin (eczema) when they are 3 years old. Babies are also less likely to develop allergies than babies given standard formula. However, whey proteins are preventive only and may not be helpful in treating an already developed allergy.

Uống sữa whey protein trong 3 - 12 tháng đầu đời của trẻ sơ sinh giúp giảm tình trạng chàm da
Uống sữa whey protein trong 3 - 12 tháng đầu đời của trẻ sơ sinh giúp giảm tình trạng chàm da

Psoriasis Some evidence shows that drinking whey protein extract daily for 8 weeks can reduce symptoms of psoriasis. The recommended dosage is 5g of whey protein extract per day.
Weight loss in people with HIV/AIDS Some studies show that taking whey protein may prevent weight loss in people with HIV. The recommended dosage is 8.4 - 84g of whey protein per day; 2.4 g/kg/day if using a high-calorie formula; or 42 - 84 g/day with a glutamine-enriched formula.

2.2. Relative indications Although there is insufficient evidence, some early studies have shown positive results with whey protein for:
Muscle loss in the elderly; Reduced tumor size in some cancers; Memory and thinking skills (cognitive function) in older adults; Improve lung function in children and people with exercise-induced asthma; Reducing blood sugar in patients with diabetes in the short term;

Người bệnh tiểu đường sử dụng Whey Protein giúp giảm đường máu trong thời gian ngắn
Người bệnh tiểu đường sử dụng Whey Protein giúp giảm đường máu trong thời gian ngắn

Increases muscle recovery from exercise damage; Improve liver function in some people with hepatitis B or non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH); Prevent infections from developing while in the hospital; Reduce high blood pressure if taken in large amounts; Reduced body weight, fat mass, and cholesterol in people with ovarian cysts. 2.3. Not indicated In contrast, whey protein may not be effective for people with:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); Osteoporosis .

3. Caution note

In general, whey proteins are safe for most children and adults if taken appropriately. The use of high doses can cause some side effects such as:
Increased intestinal motility; Nausea;

Sử dụng các loại whey protein ở liều cao có thể gây buồn nôn
Sử dụng các loại whey protein ở liều cao có thể gây buồn nôn

Thirsty; Flatulence; Cramp ; Decreased appetite; Fatigue and headache. Note, there is not enough reliable evidence about the safety of using whey protein if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Therefore, pregnant and lactating women should avoid using it. In addition, people with cow's milk protein allergy should not use whey protein.

4. Drug interactions

Levodopa - Parkinson's disease medicine Whey protein can reduce the amount of levodopa that the body absorbs, thereby reducing the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, do not take whey protein and levodopa at the same time.
Alendronate (Fosamax) - Medicine to treat osteoporosis in postmenopausal women and in men Similarly, taking whey protein and alendronate (Fosamax) at the same time may decrease the effectiveness of the drug due to malabsorption. Therefore, whey protein should not be taken within 2 hours of taking alendronate (Fosamax).
Quinolone antibiotics Taking whey protein along with some antibiotics can make the drug less well absorbed by the body and reduce the effectiveness of the treatment. To avoid this interaction, supplement with whey protein at least 1 hour after antibiotics.
Tetracycline antibiotic

Một số loại thuốc có thể ảnh hưởng đến quá trình hấp thụ whey protein
Một số loại thuốc có thể ảnh hưởng đến quá trình hấp thụ whey protein

Calcium contained in whey protein can bind to tetracycline in the stomach, reducing the amount of tetracycline that can be absorbed. Taking calcium with tetracycline might decrease the effectiveness of the drug. To avoid this interaction, take whey protein 2 hours before or 4 hours after taking tetracycline.
While protein can be found in a variety of food sources, supplementing with whey protein will help build muscle and promote post-workout recovery, keeping gym goers comfortable throughout the day. In the types of whey protein will have amino acids good for muscles, so you can use it to notice the changes in your body, along with a regular exercise regimen.
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