How does happiness make you healthier?

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We all want a happy, young, healthy life. Indeed, we always try to create a happy life and bring positive things to each other. Happiness includes emotions of love, sympathy, hope,... Scientists have researched and given many tips in daily life to help us become happier.
Let's learn about the concepts and habits that create happiness in the article below.

1. What is happiness?

"Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, it is the ultimate purpose of existence and throughout the life of each person". This is a saying of Aristotle - an ancient Greek philosopher. He said these words more than 2,000 years ago and it is still recognized today
Everyone will feel happiness in different ways. For you, maybe it's as simple as that. It can be the peace of being yourself. On the other hand, it can be the feeling of security in being with friends who accept you unconditionally. Or being free to follow your dreams is also a kind of happiness.
Happiness describes the experience of positive emotions such as joy, contentment, and contentment.Research has proven that being happier not only makes you a better person, but actually does. bring many health benefits.

2. So how does happiness improve your health?

2.1. Happiness strengthens the immune system Yes. The immune system is extremely important to the body and every time you are happy, it makes the immune system "stronger".
A study was done on 300 people who were injected with the common cold virus through nasal drops and the results showed that the least happy people were three times more likely to get a common cold than the happiest people than them. Be happy to help keep your immune system “strong”.
2.2. Promote a healthy lifestyle Happiness will help you lead a healthier life. Happy, optimistic people often have positive habits that bring a healthy body. Happy people tend to eat healthier diets, preferring to eat healthy fruits, vegetables, and plants.
Out of 7000 adults, those with positive energy were 47% more likely to consume fresh fruits and vegetables than less active people.
Happiness not only brings about healthy lifestyle like eating habits but it also improves sleep and many other habits. Live happily and your health will improve day by day.
2.3. Helps fight stress Happiness will help you reduce stress levels. Normally, excessive stress causes an increase in cortisol levels, a hormone that contributes to many of the harmful effects of stress including sleep disturbances, weight gain, type two diabetes and high blood pressure. We can see happiness as an invisible antidote to stress.
2.4. Helps relieve pain Happiness can help relieve the pain of certain illnesses. Among them, arthritis can be mentioned. Happiness that helps sufferers can reduce pain and a number of other related ailments.
In another study, over 1,000 people with arthritis found that happier people could walk 711 more steps per day than less happy people. Happiness can help us feel pain in a lighter way. It is most often expressed in chronic pain situations such as arthritis.
2.5. Protect your heart You've probably seen pictures of how trauma affects your heart. It can cause the heart to drop blood pressure suddenly and this is considered a major risk factor for heart disease - the biggest cause of death worldwide.
Alongside it, it seems that happiness can also protect those already suffering from the disease. A systematic review of 30 studies found that more positive well-being in adults with heart disease reduced the risk of death by 11%. Let happiness play a part in protecting your heart.

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Cuộc sống hạnh phúc sẽ giúp bảo vệ trái tim của bạn

2.6. Extending life From good habits and positive effects like above, we can see the possibility that happiness helps a person to live longer. Happiness also helps us tend to broaden our perspectives, receive and absorb new streams of thoughts and ideas, creating newness and optimism for people.

3. 10 Habits That Make You Happier

Making yourself happier will not only improve your life, but it can also help you live longer. Here are some habits that can help you lead a happier life. Just remember that everyone's version of happiness is a little different, and so is the path to getting there.
3.1. Expressing Gratitude You can feel happiness by acknowledging and expressing your gratitude to those around you. A small tube for you is to write down three things that you are grateful for at the end of each day and express it in the most sincere words and actions.
3.2. Praise Research shows that performing acts of kindness can help you feel more satisfied. Give a sincere compliment and it will be a quick and easy way to change someone's day mood while also boosting your own happiness. Don't forget to compliment yourself, too.
3.3. Laugh more Laughing will help you become happy and peaceful. Indeed, you should not only smile when you are happy, but sometimes you should smile at times of worry and anxiety to stabilize your spirit and make your mind more peaceful. Practice a smile every morning when you stand in front of the mirror and love yourself more.
3.4. Exercise Exercising every morning or playing badminton is not only good for your physical health but also improves your mood. In addition, aerobics is considered the best exercise for the heart and increases happiness.
3.5. Get enough sleep Sleep early, get enough sleep is always a sincere advice for everyone. Thinking a lot before going to bed can make you have negative emotions. Lack of sleep negatively affects your happiness.
3.6. Spend time outside Go for a walk in the park or garden, taking in the space and the outside world. Try to spend five minutes a day exercising outdoors and you will feel a significant improvement in your mood.
3.7. Meditation Meditation is a practice that can increase happiness. In addition, meditation also brings a host of other benefits such as improved sleep or weight loss,...

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Ngồi thiền giúp cuộc sống lành mạnh và khỏe mạnh hơn

3.8. Eat healthy Happiness helps you to improve your eating habits and vice versa. Studies show that the more healthy fruits and vegetables you eat, the happier you are. What's more, eating strong cold will improve your health in the long run.
3.9. Take a deep breath Every time you stress, your shoulders get tight and you feel as if you could "lose it". We all know and fear every time that feeling arises. Try closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and visualizing a good memory or advice from someone you love. This seems like the most effective short-term measure anyone can take.
3.10. Acknowledge the truth Perhaps we tend to reassure ourselves and try to be positive. That's great, but sometimes in some cases it will make you feel heavy later on. If you get some bad news, make a mistake, or just feel like you're having a good time, don't try to pretend you're happy. The best way is not to hide, but feel it and find a way to redirect yourself to other joys.
If some of these habits add stress or don't fit your lifestyle, give them up. With some practice, you'll find out what works and what doesn't for you.
No matter how happy you are, living a happier, more fulfilled life is within reach. A few tweaks to your regular routine can help you get there. If you've ever tried to break a bad habit, you probably know all too well how deeply ingrained it can be, how much it has damaged your spirit. Along with it, good habits can also be inculcated. Why not start making positive habits a part of your routine?

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