Hair loss when washing hair is not uncommon, and this is a normal manifestation of the physiological hair loss cycle. However, if the condition of hair loss when washing hair occurs for a long time makes the hair thinner and thinner, you need to find out the cause to have the most appropriate solution.
1. Why does hair fall out when washing hair?
Hair loss is a very normal problem because hair grows and falls out according to the body's physiological cycle. Hair loss when washing hair is more common because at this time the hair follicles are loose and fall out more than normal. However, hair loss when washing hair usually ranges from 50 to 100 strands. If you wash your hair and see more hair loss than usual—even hair loss can be crumpled into a small ball—you should find out the cause to be able to deal with this condition.
Here are some of the main causes of hair loss when washing your hair:
- Using the wrong shampoo
The shampoo helps remove dirt from the scalp, making hair cleaner, smoother, and more fragrant. However, if you choose a shampoo that is not suitable for your scalp, it can cause hair follicles to be damaged and more prone to hair loss when washing your hair. Choose the right shampoo, and if you notice irritation on your scalp, you should change your shampoo immediately. - Washing your hair the wrong way
Washing your hair is one of the body hygiene tasks that everyone does regularly, sometimes every day, but not everyone knows how to wash their hair properly. Some mistakes in hair-washing habits can cause you to lose a variety of hair when washing, such as washing too much or too little, scratching your head hard, scratching your scalp, brushing your hair when it is still wet... - Using polluted water sources
Few people think that water sources can also cause hair loss, but in fact, polluted water sources will make your hair more prone to breakage, especially when the water contains a large amount of alum. In addition, polluted water will easily irritate your scalp, and bacteria or fungi will easily penetrate your scalp, increasing the risk of infection. - Wrong hair care
Wrong hair care habits can cause hair loss when washing your hair, such as frequently drying your hair at high temperatures, going to bed when your hair is still damp, wiping your hair with a hard towel and rubbing hard, frequently dyeing your hair, curling your hair, and straightening your hair, which puts several pressures on your hair. - Pathology
Hair loss when washing hair can be caused by a number of diseases, such as thyroid disease, polycystic ovary syndrome, scalp fungus, nutritional deficiencies, psychological stress after giving birth, etc.

2. Solutions for hair loss when washing hair
Thick, beautiful, and shiny hair is always what everyone wants; however, if washing your hair causes more hair loss, making your hair thinner and thinner, please refer to the following ways to minimize this condition:
Choose the right shampoo: The scalp is also very sensitive, so do not be negligent and pay attention to choosing the right shampoo and conditioner. You should note that when choosing shampoos and conditioners with natural extracts, the pH should be between 4.5 and 5 to be safe for the scalp. If you notice various hair loss when washing your hair, you can consider changing to another shampoo.
While washing your hair, you should only rub gently and avoid scratching hard with your fingernails because this can damage the scalp and cause a lot of hair loss when washing your hair.
Limit brushing your hair when it is still wet because it will make your hair fall out more easily.
When drying your hair, you should use a soft towel to gently wipe; avoid rubbing hard. Regularly drying your hair can also cause more hair loss, so if not necessary, let your hair dry naturally.
Do not go to bed with damp hair because it can cause some diseases, such as scalp fungus, causing hair loss.
Sometimes hair falls out when washing your hair too much, so you should wash your hair about 3 times a week.
Regularly using chemicals on your hair can also highly cause hair loss when washing your hair. You should limit the use of chemical hair dyes, curls, and straighteners.
When washing your hair, you can gently massage your scalp to stimulate capillaries and hair follicles to grow, limiting hair breakage and loss.
Eating a balanced diet also makes your hair and scalp healthier. You should supplement enough water, vitamins B and H, trace elements, calcium, etc.
The above are just some simple ways to help you overcome the problem of hair loss when washing your hair. However, if this condition continues to occur, you should go to the hospital for examination. Your dermatologist will find out the exact cause and have the appropriate treatment for you.
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