Good foods to help build muscle for men

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Muscles are formed long before you start hitting the gym. But in order to grow and develop muscle, it requires you to have an energy-rich diet, combined with regular exercise and weightlifting.

1. Diet

1.1. Required calories and protein

More than half of your body's calories should come from healthy carbs. Carbs provide fuel for energy and prevent the body from breaking down protein for use. However, it is important to balance the calorie intake so that it is just enough to build muscle, but not too much, leading to increased body fat.
Protein not only helps build and repair muscle tissue, but also performs other functions, such as the production of hormones and immune factors. Male endurance athletes need to get about 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, while male bodybuilders may need about 1.6 - 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. body volume.

Protein giúp xây dựng cơ bắp
Protein giúp xây dựng cơ bắp

1.2. Nutrition in every meal

Two cups of milk contain about 20 grams of protein, which is the recommended amount to stimulate protein synthesis and muscle growth. But most people don't calculate detailed amounts for each meal. Athletes should divide the entire food they will consume during the day into 4 equally sized meals. Each meal must have at least 3 of the following 4 ingredients:
Fruit or vegetable; Cereals; Healthy fats; Food rich in protein. The basic composition of each meal should include healthy carbs, with added protein. A suggested serving is oatmeal with nuts and yogurt, turkey and cheese sandwich with greens, or spaghetti with meat sauce and salad. These are great foods to help build muscle for men.

1.3. Meal time

The body needs carbs and protein to perform strength training exercises, as well as to recover muscles. The best recommended diets should be complete with all nutrients, accompanied by a small amount of healthy fats, and added evenly throughout the day. Therefore, the timing of meals plays an important role in the process of muscle growth.
Experts say that consuming a protein drink (like chocolate milk) within an hour of exercise gives muscles the building blocks they need. The recovery process is also the time when muscles are most likely to absorb nutrients. But if you're going to eat a big meal within an hour or two of an intense workout, you don't need an extra snack or snack right after your workout.

2. Nutritional foods to build muscle for men

Fruits and vegetables have always been the foundation of all healthy diets. This natural food source provides plenty of fiber, vitamins and minerals, and fluid (water). In addition, some vegetables also contain small amounts of protein. Low-fat dairy is a food rich in high-quality protein, carbs, and essential vitamins (like vitamin D, potassium, and calcium). Nutritionists for athletes recommend drinking chocolate milk to promote post-workout recovery. If you have lactose (lactose) intolerance, you can try yogurt with live strains of probiotics. Lean meat is both a protein-rich food and an excellent source of iron, which helps transport oxygen and amino acids like leucine to the muscles. This is the perfect choice, helping to stimulate muscle growth and development. Compared to white meat, chicken with dark meat will provide 25% more iron and 3 times more zinc for a healthy immune system. Eggs contain all the essential amino acids. According to the 2010 dietary guidelines, you can eat one chicken egg a day, including the yolk. According to experts, 50% of the protein contained in the yolk along with other valuable nutrients (such as lutein) is very good for eye health. Nuts are also a great source of muscle-building protein. They're also packed with vitamins, antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fats. Note that you should limit salted roasted nuts and also should not eat raw seeds to avoid losing nutrients. Beans and whole grains are quality carbs, plus they contain fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, as well as a small amount of protein that helps restore energy and build muscle.

Các loại hạt có lợi cho cơ bắp
Các loại hạt có lợi cho cơ bắp

3. Exercise mode

The only way to build and develop bigger, more toned muscles is through exercise. Exercises need to be enhanced over time, increasing weight and endurance (endurance). For example, with a moderate weight, you need to try your best to lift about 9-12 times. If you can easily do 13 reps, then you need to increase the weight. This pushes the muscles to push their limits, which in turn can lead to bigger and more toned growth.
Results of bodybuilding, aka hitting the gym , are often faster than aerobic exercise. You should see some initial changes after exercising at least twice a week for 30-45 minutes.
The exact time it takes to build muscle and get the desired body shape also depends on the percentage of body fat. The thicker the layer of fat around, the more it will prevent you from seeing the muscle mass inside. If you exercise regularly, you can gain nearly 1kg of muscle per month.
Workout is very important for building and growing muscle, but it's also a good habit you should maintain in your life. Do physical exercise about 2-3 times per week, each time for 20-30 minutes. Because if you don't use your muscles, you will gradually lose them. In the elderly, exercise helps maintain muscle strength, prevent osteoporosis, and reduce muscle and joint injuries.
For men who want to work out seriously, it is recommended to go to a gym with a coach. They will help you do the right muscle building exercises, build the right route and gradually increase the difficulty, while making sure not to hurt your muscles.
In short, a diet rich in protein and other essential nutrients, combined with a regular, regular exercise schedule will help you quickly build muscle and get in shape and body like desire.
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