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Articles in Cereal

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Quiz: How to "survive" without gluten?
Gluten is an ingredient found in many different foods and treats. Gluten is a large collection of hundreds of distinct proteins that are related to each other, but the most important are gliadin and glutenin.
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Choose whole grains to promote health and help you lose weight
Many people think that carbohydrates are just carbs, so bread, rice, pasta or cereal are all carbs after all, so there is no difference. But the truth is that not all carbs are the same, they have very different nutritional values.
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14 facts about carbs you probably didn't know
Carbohydrates (carbs) are a macronutrient, a basic component of human food. Carbs, along with proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals, help humans maintain life, grow and develop.
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Eating oats can lose weight: True or not true?
Oatmeal is a whole grain with nutritional benefits and is used for a healthy diet, so it is considered a golden food for weight loss. However, the use of oatmeal for weight loss must comply with the correct standards to be effective and limit risks.
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Nutritional components in cashews
Cashews are a healthy food because they contain many unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. These nutrients all play a role in supporting blood function and the immune system, while helping to prevent some cardiovascular diseases and kidney stones.
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Healthy cereals: What you need to know
Cereal is an extremely popular breakfast food. It is especially convenient for people with busy lives. However, some cereals are often loaded with added sugar and unhealthy ingredients. So many people wonder which cereals are good for their health.
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Nutritional value and use of cashews
Cashew nuts are seeds of the Anacardium occidentale family originating from Brazil and grown in many southern provinces of Vietnam. In addition to their delicious taste, cashew nuts also have high nutritional value and wonderful benefits for human health.
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Cereal for breakfast: What you need to know
Cereals have long been known as an effective food in supporting weight loss. This is an extremely popular breakfast food because it is easy to prepare and convenient for people living busy lifestyles.
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15 Healthiest Grains You Can Eat
Cereal is an incredibly popular breakfast food. It’s easy and convenient for people with busy lifestyles, but it’s often loaded with added sugar and other unhealthy ingredients. It can also be easy to overeat on cereal, as many brands lack fiber and protein, which are essential for promoting fullness.
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18 Recipes for a delicious Low-Carb breakfast
Many people follow a low-carb breakfast. Some people choose to skip breakfast until they are hungry, while others choose to start their day with something nutritious. Here are 18 delicious low-carb breakfast recipes.
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Should you let grains and seeds sprout?
Sprouts are becoming increasingly popular because they are nutritious and easy to digest. Some people grow sprouts from grains or eat sprouted seeds. So what are the health benefits of sprouts and do they pose any potential risks?
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