1. Benefits of fruits for mothers after a cesarean section
After giving birth, especially after a cesarean section, the mother's body is often weak and fatigued. Therefore, choosing suitable food plays an important role in helping the woman quickly recover her health and prevent exhaustion or weakness.
Eating fruits after giving birth will provide many beneficial vitamins and minerals. These substances will boost the immune system, helping to prevent infection in the wound and promoting faster healing. At the same time, certain fruits can stimulate uterine activity. As the uterus gradually stabilizes, lochia will be expelled, aiding faster recovery.
Moreover, fruits for mothers after birth also bring benefits to the digestive system. Loss of reflex to urinate is a common occurrence in new mothers, so eating more fiber from fruits will help prevent the risk of hemorrhoids. Particularly, certain types of fruits and foods rich in calcium will help develop bone strength and prevent osteoporosis for both mother and baby.
2. When should mothers after a cesarean section eat fruits?
Fruits are recommended for women after giving birth. However, it's important to choose the right time to avoid any negative effects on the health of both the mother and the baby. Usually, after 3 - 5 days post-delivery, the mother can begin eating fruits in small amounts. At this point, as the mother's body is still weak, eating and drinking should be done slowly and gradually.

3. Fruit groups for mothers after cesarean section
3. Types of fruits for mothers after a cesarean section
Fruits for mothers after birth can be divided into four main groups. Each group has its own function and meets the majority of the body's needs. Therefore, it is important to choose the right type of fruit to avoid digestive problems for the mother.
- Mothers after a cesarean section should eat fruits rich in fiber
Whether vaginal or cesarean birth, mothers lose a lot of energy. At this time, the body is extremely fatigued, so energy-boosting foods are essential for recovery.
Additionally, the digestive system's function is often slowed down. Therefore, fruits for mothers after a cesarean section should be those high in fiber, which will help prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.
- Fruits for mothers after birth need vitamin C to boost immunity
Besides improving health, vitamin C also has anti-inflammatory properties and helps the incision heal faster. Therefore, fruits rich in vitamin C are recommended for new mothers.
In addition to helping the mother and baby absorb more calcium, vitamin C can also improve skin appearance. Therefore, for areas with sagging or loss of elasticity, eating fruits high in vitamin C will support collagen regeneration, helping the skin recover and regain its firmness.
- Adding iron from fruits to prevent anemia after birth
Postpartum women are at risk of iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, the need for iron-rich foods is higher to ensure the body has enough iron.
- Fruits help increase milk production
Mothers who have had a cesarean section often experience delayed or insufficient milk production. Therefore, fruits that stimulate the breast glands to produce milk are recommended for mothers after a cesarean section.

4. Suggested fruits for mothers after a cesarean section
Postpartum women should choose fruits that will not affect the incision. Here are some fruits that are suitable for mothers after a cesarean section:
- Bananas: A fruit that many families choose for postpartum women. Not only does it contain many vitamins and calcium, but eating bananas also helps stimulate milk production and digestive movement for both mother and baby.
- Green papaya: During pregnancy, green papaya is not recommended as it can cause uterine contractions. However, after birth, green papaya can help the uterus contract, speeding up the expulsion of lochia and increasing milk production for the baby. Besides vitamins, green papaya also contains enzymes that help reduce inflammation and heal the incision quickly.
- Apples: An effective fruit for maintaining body shape, apples also help brighten the skin. Therefore, mothers do not need to worry about dark spots or pigmentation appearing on their skin.
- Soursop: True to its name, soursop is a fruit that promotes milk production for mothers after birth. Therefore, this fruit should not be overlooked for mothers after a cesarean section.
- Avocados: Rich in nutrients, avocados help with beauty, maintaining body shape, increasing milk production, and improving conditions such as gestational diabetes and heart disease
In conclusion, each type of fruit has its own unique benefits. Therefore, mothers after a cesarean section should consult their doctors to choose the most suitable fruits.
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