Should you use chia seeds for pregnant women?

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Chia seeds are derived from Salvia hispanica, an herb in the mint family native to Central America. Today, chia seeds are widely used, present in many dishes thanks to their high nutritional value. So should you use chia seeds for pregnant women?

1. Benefits of chia seeds for pregnant women

Chia seeds are so easy to eat that you'll want to add them to things like oatmeal, yogurt, and even ice cream. Here are some reasons why chia seeds are so beneficial for pregnant mothers and chia seeds for pregnant women.

Hạt chia có hàm lượng dinh dưỡng cao và dễ chế biến
Hạt chia có hàm lượng dinh dưỡng cao và dễ chế biến

1.1 Ease of defecation

Pregnancy can also wreak havoc on your digestive system and as a result you may have to battle constipation every day and even if constipation persists you are at risk of hemorrhoids.
According to experts, when eating foods rich in fiber can keep your digestive system working more smoothly. Two tablespoons of chia seeds have about 8 grams (g) of fiber, which is about 32% of the Daily Value (Daily Value, DV)

1.2 Helps increase the amount of red blood cells

If your hands and feet are so cold that you need to wear gloves and socks all the time, or you feel more tired than usual or dizzy, these symptoms could be caused by iron deficiency anemia.
Many pregnant women do not produce enough red blood cells, which can cause anemia. Therefore, your doctor will prescribe vitamin and iron supplements to treat anemia during pregnancy.
But increasing your iron intake through food can also help boost your body's red blood cell count. While spinach and red meat may be better known for their iron content, chia seeds are also an excellent source of iron, containing about 2 milligrams (mg) per 2 tablespoons, or 11 percent of the DV.

Hạt chia giúp tăng lượng tế bào hồng cầu
Hạt chia giúp tăng lượng tế bào hồng cầu

1.3 Strengthening the teeth and bones of the fetus

For a healthy adult, you will need about 1,000 mg of calcium / day, with this amount of calcium you do not need to drink several glasses of milk to meet the required calcium. In addition to milk, you should actively combine many other sources of calcium for the body.
You can get calcium from many fruits and vegetables, including chia seeds. Two tablespoons of this superfood has about 152 mg of calcium, which is 15% of the DV.

1.4 Helps you feel fuller for longer

During pregnancy, due to many factors, you will feel hunger almost constantly. But eating too much is not only unhealthy, but it also makes you gain weight quickly during pregnancy.
The more protein-rich foods you consume, the less hungry you will feel. With the above effects, add a few chia seeds to your recipes every day and whenever possible. It has about 4 g of protein per 2 tablespoons, or 8% of the DV.

Tiêu thụ hạt chia giúp bạn no lâu hơn
Tiêu thụ hạt chia giúp bạn no lâu hơn

1.5 Abundant source of omega-3

Because this is a popular product on the market, you must have heard of some familiar effects of omega-3 such as, this fatty acid can help reduce chronic inflammation, improve eye health and reduce anxiety and depression.
But did you know that omega-3s also promote healthy brain development in the fetus and can even contribute to a healthy pregnancy.
Therefore, to get more omega-3 in your daily diet, you can start by using different types of fish but that type of fish must be low in mercury, such as salmon, oysters, etc. sardines and shrimp.
But if pregnancy changes your taste buds and the thought of eating fish makes you nauseous, these small but potent seeds are a good alternative. One ounce of chia seeds contains about 5 grams (g) of omega-3s.

1.6 Helps you maintain blood sugar

Pregnancy hormones can cause a buildup of glucose in the blood and you need to get it under control to help avoid developing gestational diabetes.
High blood sugar can affect the health of your unborn baby and yours. The fiber content in chia seeds not only helps you prevent constipation but also regulates blood sugar by reducing the rate at which sugar is absorbed in the blood.

Hạt chia giúp kiểm soát được lượng đường trong máu
Hạt chia giúp kiểm soát được lượng đường trong máu

2. Risks of eating chia seeds during pregnancy

2.1 Eating too many chia seeds can cause diarrhea or upset stomach

Should you use chia seeds for pregnant women is a question of many pregnant women. Chia seeds are actually a healthy natural product, but this does not mean that you should use them too much.
This is a high fiber food and if you are not used to consuming this much fiber it can cause diarrhea and other stomach upsets. Normally, you can eat 1 to 2 tablespoons of chia seeds per day without any problems. But if you're adding more fiber to your diet, start with 1 tablespoon just to be safe.

2.2 Phenomenon of drug interactions when using chia seeds during pregnancy

Chia seeds are safe for many women during pregnancy, but you should consult your doctor before taking chia seeds during pregnancy and incorporating chia seeds into your diet.
If you are taking medication to control your blood sugar, adding chia seeds to your diet may interact with your medication, causing a significant decrease or increase in the dose of the medication you are taking.

Bạn nên tham khảo ý kiến bác sĩ khi sử dụng hạt chia với thuốc điều trị
Bạn nên tham khảo ý kiến bác sĩ khi sử dụng hạt chia với thuốc điều trị

2.3 Risk of suffocation

Although very rare, there is no risk of suffocation when using chia seeds. If this is your first time eating chia seeds, you may not know that the seeds can quickly expand and absorb up to 10 times their weight in water. If you eat a spoonful of chia seeds and you drink water right after, the chia seeds can expand in your esophagus.
A sore throat caused by chia seeds can be a scary experience. In case you are facing a lot of phlegm during pregnancy, then the swelling may appear more severe.
To be on the safe side, you should sprinkle chia seeds on food and don't scoop chia seeds to eat them straight into your mouth. Also, consider soaking chia seeds in juice or water to make a drink or gel pudding. This way, the chia seeds will expand before you eat them.
In fact, the use of chia seeds for pregnant women brings a lot of benefits to the health of both mother and baby. However, to ensure safety and have a healthy pregnancy, you should be extra careful by consulting a specialist at Vinmec International General Hospital about using chia seeds during this period. Using it properly and for the right purpose always brings above-expected effects to pregnant women.

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