Exercises to tone your thighs and hips

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Most of us, especially women, have always had problems with the size of the buttocks and thighs. Thigh exercises or hip exercises are not simply toning this area. We can lose fat, but it will affect other areas, leading to an inherent imbalance in the body. For effective thigh training, you need to combine nutrition regimes to ensure the best results.

1/ Aerobic exercise and cardio exercise

Aerobic is a popular aerobic exercise because it brings many benefits to the body, especially good for cardiovascular health. When doing aerobic exercise, your body will get stronger and become slim if it is maintained regularly. Exercising doesn't change your genetic makeup, but it does affect the negatives you carry inside. So if your family is genetically not slim, you can still conquer it.
You can try aerobic exercises like walking and jogging to lose weight safely. When you have difficulty with weight training then cycling will be a solution. Every week you should allocate at least 3 sessions of aerobic exercise lasting more than 20 minutes to maintain the current state. If you need to lose weight or control your body weight over a long period of time, the intensity will be higher up to 45 minutes per training session and more than 4 sessions a week. You should even be active throughout the day, not just during exercise.

Bạn có thể thử các bài tập thể dục nhịp điệu như đi bộ và chạy bộ để giảm cân an toàn
Bạn có thể thử các bài tập thể dục nhịp điệu như đi bộ và chạy bộ để giảm cân an toàn

2/ Strength training

Strength training is essential for men, but women are different. Women always want to have a slim body without muscles but still ensure healthy health. This has become an obstacle for them to choose the appropriate exercise. However, gaining muscle is not simple, you need to have a diet combined with weightlifting exercises to develop. Therefore, thigh and hip exercises can still meet the needs and not completely make you appear muscular. When you practice, you will find your legs slimmer and more attractive and gradually eliminate anxiety and relax for more effective thigh and hip exercises.
Strength training can still use weights but the intensity is reduced to the maximum. This exercise focuses on burning excess calories that have been accumulated for a long time, which can reduce body fat. In addition, you will increase your metabolism to help the process of fat metabolism take place continuously when you sleep or do not exercise.

Các bài tập đùi, hông vẫn có thể đáp ứng nhu cầu và không hoàn toàn khiến bạn xuất hiện cơ bắp
Các bài tập đùi, hông vẫn có thể đáp ứng nhu cầu và không hoàn toàn khiến bạn xuất hiện cơ bắp

3/ Some strengthening exercises

There are many thigh exercises and training tools at the centers. However, if you choose to exercise at home, that should not interfere with your practice. Although you do not have the full training tools like in the gym, you can still effectively tone the muscles of the thighs and hips. You need to consult with experts and doctors to accurately assess your health status and appropriate level for exercise. Here are a few toning exercises for you to choose from:
Step Exercises In this exercise, the muscles around the thighs will be fully worked. You need to choose a sturdy ladder to practice safely. Choose stairs with handrails to help you stay balanced and ensure that your gait stays the same from start to finish. Move with one foot for each step and keep your weight balanced throughout the ascent.
This exercise will not require you to climb many floors or practice brisk walking on stairs. You just need to go up the first 2-3 steps and then come back and proceed several times. This will be repeated a few times to force the right thigh muscle to work. Initially, you will be discouraged because the muscles appear to feel aching. It's a good sign if you try, then the pain will gradually decrease and the thigh exercise will be effective

Ở bài tập này, các khối cơ xung quanh đùi sẽ được hoạt động triệt để
Ở bài tập này, các khối cơ xung quanh đùi sẽ được hoạt động triệt để
Leg Lift Exercise In this exercise, you will focus on the muscles of the hips and thighs. This is a side movement on the floor, so you need to prepare a carpet to facilitate the practice. You keep your body balance and then raise one leg up and then lower it continuously for several beats. Then rest 15-20 seconds to relax and switch legs.
With the above suggestions, you must have a plan for your own hip and thigh exercises. Wish you soon conquer a toned body and healthy body.

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Reference source: webmd.com
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