Eliminating excess fat and losing weight not only helps you achieve a slimmer body, but also reduces potential health risks. However, people often focus on exercises to burn fat in areas such as the abdomen, thighs, and arms, forgetting that fat in the back, shoulders, and armpits can also significantly affect your body shape. Excess fat in these areas can make women feel less confident, especially when wearing swimwear or tight-fitting clothes. However, there is no need to worry. Reducing back and shoulder fat is not too difficult if you maintain a proper diet and regularly perform the exercises below.
1. Jump rope
Jump rope is an extremely simple exercise that can be done anytime, anywhere. It helps improve coordination between different parts of the body, burn energy, lose weight, improve cardiovascular health, and enhance memory. In addition, jump rope causes your back and arms to work harder, making it a great way to reduce fat in the back, armpits, and shoulders. To jump rope effectively, choose a rope with the appropriate material and length. Don’t forget to warm up thoroughly to prepare your body, and relax your joints before starting. A proper warm-up will significantly reduce the risk of joint injuries.

2. Dumbbell exercises
Dumbbell arm exercises not only target the back and arms but also help improve speed and coordination in the body. Using light dumbbells will not make your arms bulky or muscular, so you can train with confidence.
You can start with a simple dumbbell exercise to reduce lower back and armpit fat as follows:
Stand straight with your feet wider than your hips, and knees slightly bent. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, push your left arm to the right, and rotate your body to the right, with your right arm bent close to your chest. Bring your arm back to the starting position, then push your right arm to the left, rotating your body to the left, and bring your left arm to your chest. Perform the movements continuously for 60 seconds. Repeat 3 times, with a 20-30 second rest between sets.
3. Lying dumbbell arms exercises
This exercise combines multiple full-body movements, helping to strengthen the chest, back, abdominal muscles, and triceps, while effectively reducing back and shoulder fat. The exercise is performed as follows:
Lie on your back, holding a dumbbell in each hand, positioned in front of your chest, with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Extend both arms in front of your chest while lifting your shoulders and legs simultaneously. Then return to the starting position. Perform the movements continuously for 45 seconds. Repeat for 3 sets, with a 20-30 second rest between sets.
SEE MORE: Body Rebuilding: Reduce Fat and Build Muscle at the Same Time.
4. Dumbbell exercises
Barbell exercises focus on the upper and middle back, helping to reduce lower back and armpit fat, while improving the balance and flexibility of the body. The exercise is performed as follows:
Stand upright, holding the barbell with both hands. Perform a barbell row by pulling the barbell toward your chest and lowering it back down. Repeat the movements for 60 seconds. Perform 3 sets, with a 20-30 second rest between sets.

5. Push-up exercises
Push-ups are considered one of the most effective exercises to reduce back and armpit fat. Doing push-ups every day will help eliminate excess fat in the back and arms. Here's how to perform push-ups:
Lie down in a push-up position, keeping your arms straight. Slowly lower your chest towards the floor, focusing on your back muscles. Push yourself back to the starting position. Perform the movements continuously for 45 seconds. Complete 3 sets, with a 20-30 second rest between sets.
6. Rotate your body
Rotating your body is a great exercise to reduce back and armpit fat, while also making your body more flexible and toned. The exercise is performed as follows:
Start in a push-up position, or with your hands directly under your shoulders and feet hip-width apart. Lift your left arm, rotate your body to the left, and look to the left. Bring your arms back to the starting position, then repeat the same movement on the right side. Starting from the second week, you can perform this exercise with a dumbbell in each hand.

7. Superman exercise
This is one of the most popular back exercises. The Superman move is very simple and can be done right in bed. It is highly effective in stabilizing muscles and reducing back and armpit fat.
Here's how to perform the exercise:
Lie face down, with your arms and legs stretched out in front of you. Engage your glute and arm muscles to lift your arms, chest, and legs off the ground. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then return to the starting position. Rest for 20-30 seconds, then repeat the movement. By consistently performing these exercises along with a healthy diet, you will effectively reduce back, shoulder, and armpit fat. A toned and slim upper body will help you feel more confident in wearing even the most challenging outfits. Additionally, daily practice will improve your health, boost your mood, and enhance both your quality of life and work.
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Reference source: brightside.me, livestrong.com