Does the coffee diet work for weight loss?

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Drinking coffee for weight loss is a relatively new diet plan and is rapidly gaining popularity. In fact, there are a few people who have had success with this method, but in the long run, it is not really good for health.

1. What is the Coffee Diet?

The coffee diet was popularized by the book “The Coffee Lover’s Diet” by Dr. Bob Arnot. In this book, Dr. Arnot claims that drinking coffee several times per day can boost metabolism, burn more fat, block calorie absorption and reduce appetite.
He was inspired to write this book after studying the people living on the small Greek island of Ikaria, which has a large population of healthy elderly people. He believes that the island's people's health and longevity is a result of their drinking a lot of antioxidant-rich coffee.

2. Mechanism of action

The Coffee Diet Plan involves drinking a minimum of 3 cups (720ml) of light roasted coffee per day. Light roasts tend to be richer in polyphenol antioxidants than dark roasts. As part of your diet, you can probably use decaffeinated or decaffeinated coffee, as long as you reach a minimum of 3 cups (720 ml) per day. However, avoid sugar or cream and replace one meal a day with a high-fiber green smoothie. Your other meals and snacks should be low in calories and fat and rich in fiber from whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and avoid highly processed foods, such as frozen and snack foods. refined. In this book, Dr. suggested a sample meal plan that contained about 1,500 calories per day. Meals for this diet will include tofu and sautéed vegetables, brown rice, or grilled chicken salad with vinegar dressing.

Cafe rang hạt giàu chất chống oxy hóa
Cafe rang hạt giàu chất chống oxy hóa

3. Benefits of losing weight with coffee

Coffee is rich in caffeine and antioxidants called polyphenols, which have many health benefits, including reducing inflammation and reducing free radical damage. When it comes to boosting weight loss, coffee has two potential benefits: decreased appetite and increased metabolism.
3.1 Reduces Appetite Dr. Arnot asserts that coffee can reduce appetite, thereby helping to reduce daily calorie intake. Drinking coffee shortly before a meal can reduce the amount of food in that meal. However, consuming coffee about 3 to 4.5 hours before eating doesn't seem to affect how much food is eaten at the next meal. One study in 33 overweight or normal-weight people found that drinking coffee reduced calorie intake in those who were overweight. In this study, each participant received only breakfast and water, regular coffee, or coffee with half the caffeine. Regular coffee contains 2.7 mg of caffeine. When overweight people drank 200ml of coffee, they consumed fewer calories than when they drank water or coffee with half the caffeine. Caffeinated coffee may help reduce calorie intake for some people, but more research is needed before conclusions can be drawn on this matter.

Uống cà phê giúp giảm chứng thèm ăn
Uống cà phê giúp giảm chứng thèm ăn

3.2 Increases Metabolism Caffeinated coffee can increase the number of calories and the amount of fat the body burns, making it easier to lose weight. In a review of over 600 people, researchers found that caffeine intake was associated with weight loss, body mass index (BMI), and fat mass. In another study in 12 adults who took a supplement containing caffeine and polyphenols, the two main active ingredients of coffee. The coffee supplement resulted in the burning of significantly more fat and calories than those given a placebo.
When exercising coffee can also increase the amount of fat you burn. One study looked at the effects of coffee in 7 healthy men, who worked for 30 minutes, then consumed about 250 ml of caffeinated coffee. Coffee drinkers burned more fat than those who consumed water.

4. Cons of losing weight with coffee

Antioxidants present in coffee can reduce appetite and increase metabolism. However, the coffee diet has some downsides:
4.1 Excessive caffeine Although decaffeinated coffee can be an option in a coffee diet, most people prefer it. Coffee contains more caffeine. However, excessive caffeine intake can lead to a number of health problems such as high blood pressure. An observational study found an association between coffee and blood pressure in more than 1,100 people with high blood pressure. People who consumed three or more cups of coffee per day had higher blood pressure readings than those who didn't drink coffee. Caffeine is also a diuretic, which means it causes the body to excrete more fluid through urine. If you drink a lot of coffee, you may need to use the toilet more often. Furthermore, many important electrolytes can be lost including potassium. Losing too much potassium can lead to a state of hypokalemia, which can affect muscle control and heart health. Finally, excessive caffeine intake has been linked to heart attacks, headaches, insomnia, and an increased risk of fractures, osteoporosis, and even depression. Although drinking too much caffeinated coffee can be harmful, caffeine intakes up to 400 mg per day, or about 4 cups (960ml) of coffee are generally considered safe.

Người có bệnh lý huyết áp cần thận trọng
Người có bệnh lý huyết áp cần thận trọng

4.2 It is possible to gain weight quickly Diet plans that involve a significant reduction in calorie intake, such as the 1,500 calorie per day recommendation on a coffee-based diet often lead to weight regain. rapidly due to some of the changes the body goes through when restricting calories. The body adapts to the number of calories regularly consumed. Therefore, when reducing calorie intake significantly, the body will adapt by slowing down your metabolism, reducing the number of calories you burn. In addition, the hormonal changes that occur due to calorie restriction can increase appetite. Leptin is a hormone that promotes feelings of fullness and sends signals to the brain to stop eating. However, the level of leptin in the body can drop significantly when following a low-calorie diet, leading to increased hunger and cravings. For these reasons, it can be said that it is very difficult to lose weight on a diet with a significant reduction in calories, such as the coffee diet, and the end result is often rapid weight loss.
According to some studies, about 80% of people who lose weight on a low-calorie diet lose weight in the first month from the diet. Nearly 100% of people regain all of their lost weight within 5 years of ending the diet.
4.3 Coffee weight loss is not a long term solution According to testimonials, people usually follow a coffee diet for two to seven weeks. In fact, it may not be safe in the long run for a variety of reasons. Drinking large amounts of caffeinated coffee can lead to excessive caffeine intake, which can cause a number of problems, including insomnia and depression.

Sử dụng caffein quá mức dễ gây mất ngủ
Sử dụng caffein quá mức dễ gây mất ngủ

5. Is it good for health?

Successful weight loss diets often involve only small calorie restriction, leading to slower, more sustainable weight loss. Increasing your protein and fiber intake, reducing your intake of refined sugars, and exercising regularly can help you lose weight and lose weight more sustainably. For most people, the most successful weight loss diet is the one they can stick to. The Coffee Diet encourages you to drink at least 3 cups of coffee (720 ml) per day while restricting calories.
Although it can lead to weight loss in the short term, it is not a healthy diet in the long run. It can lead to weight gain and side effects from drinking too much caffeine. For safe and healthy weight loss, you should have more sustainable diet plans or consult a nutritionist.
Reference source:
Caffeine – facts and myths Weight loss secrets 7 essential nutrients for a healthy diet
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