Daily nutrition for thin people who want to gain weight

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Thin people often do not eat enough nutrients compared to the needs of the body. Ensuring proper nutrition for thin people will help improve body weight and bring better health.

1. The reason why thin people are malnourished, it is difficult to gain weight

A person with a thin body is often due to not eating enough or the amount of food taken in the body does not make up for the energy expenditure. With this group of subjects, if they are properly nourished and rested, they can gain weight quickly. However, there are cases where it is difficult for the body to gain weight due to physical causes or diseases, so even if you eat a lot and enough nutrients, it will not improve your body weight.
Therefore, if you want to gain weight, thin people first need to understand the cause of this condition. The main reasons why thin people find it difficult to gain weight include:
1.1 Poor absorption of nutrients When food is loaded into the body of this group of subjects, nutrients from food are not fully absorbed by the intestinal tract, but excreted. . Since then, the body has become thin and pale. Because malabsorption is not an isolated disease, it is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. However, according to experts, this condition is the result of many living and local factors such as:
Damage to the intestinal mucosa due to infection, imbalance of intestinal microflora, inflammatory bowel disease, lactose intolerance, a weakened pancreas; Digestive enzyme deficiency; Stomach - duodenal pain ; Accumulation of many toxins in the body makes it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients, and the immune system declines; Parasites that cause disease: Hookworms, roundworms.

Trắc nghiệm dành riêng cho người mắc đái tháo đường: Chế độ ăn của bạn đã hợp lý chưa?

Người bị bệnh đái tháo đường cần phải quan tâm nhiều hơn đến cách tính toán khẩu phần ăn sao cho phù hợp với nhu cầu và tình trạng sức khỏe. Nếu chưa rõ, bạn có thể tìm hiểu kỹ hơn thông qua bài trắc nghiệm ngắn sau đây.

1.2 High Energy Metabolism This means that the energy expenditure due to the daily activities of thin people who are difficult to gain weight is higher than normal. Manifestations of high-energy metabolism are usually hot skin, rapid heartbeat. Therefore, it is very difficult for these subjects to gain weight. And in order for the energy metabolism to take place normally, the skinny group has difficulty gaining weight, so add cool foods to the daily menu, and at the same time limit soft drinks, stimulants such as alcohol, beer, cigarettes, etc. the coffee,...

Triệu chứng của tình trạng chuyển hóa năng lượng cao thường là tim đập nhanh
Triệu chứng của tình trạng chuyển hóa năng lượng cao thường là tim đập nhanh

2. Nutrition advice for skinny people

Should follow the diet for skinny people with the following food groups:
Starch: Including foods such as rice, bread, ... help distribute enough energy for the body to function every day. day. According to nutritionists, skinny people are required to eat enough 12kg of starch within 1 month to meet the body's energy needs; Vegetables, tubers, fruits: Vegetables are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. These are substances that help support the smooth functioning of the digestive system and better energy metabolism. Thin people should eat enough 10kg of green vegetables/month, and at the same time maintain eating ripe fruits according to their ability to eat. Dried fruit is also an effective weight-gain food because the calories in dried fruit are 5-8 times higher than fresh fruit; Protein: Provides protein for the body to develop tissues and muscles. Thin people need to increase protein supplements to have enough energy and gain weight more easily. Having a reasonable diet including both animal protein sources (eggs, meat, fish, milk, ...) and vegetable protein (legumes) will help improve body weight effectively. Every month, skinny people should eat about 1.5kg of red meat, 2.5kg of fish, about 2.5kg of beans and some other protein-rich foods;
Fat: Thin people should prioritize vegetable fats to ensure good health. At the same time, thin people should not load too much fat into the body, maintaining no more than 600g/month is appropriate; Sugar: Can provide instant energy to the body but does not contain the group of nutrients needed to help gain weight. Therefore, thin people do not need to eat too many sugary foods, should only maintain at no more than 500g/month; Salt: A group that should not eat too much when building a daily nutritional menu for thin people because eating a lot of salt can have negative effects on health. Pay attention to using iodized salt when cooking to add iodine to the body.

Muối và đường không nên ăn quá nhiều trong thực đơn hằng ngày
Muối và đường không nên ăn quá nhiều trong thực đơn hằng ngày

3. Principles to help skinny people gain weight easily

3.1 Calorie intake is lower than calorie intake The most basic rule for skinny people who want to gain weight is to eat foods with higher calories than they consume each day. Specifically, the average calorie requirement of a lightly active woman is 1,900 and that of a man is 2,200. Thin people need to eat foods with higher calories than this number to gain weight easily.
3.2 Eat several meals a day In addition to 3 main meals, thin people should eat 2-3 more snacks/day if they want to gain weight quickly. Snacks will help the body to receive nutrients continuously and fully. Foods that should be eaten at snacks include milk, cakes, juices, nuts, fruits, ...

3.3 Incorporating exercise Every day we should spend about 30 minutes doing exercise to help the body absorb the nutrients in food most effectively. At the same time, reasonable exercise also helps to eat better, ensure the quality of sleep and improve the health of the body. As a result, the results of weight gain will be more stable, helping thin people have firm and healthy muscles.

Kết hợp vận động giúp người gầy ăn ngon và ngủ ngon hơn
Kết hợp vận động giúp người gầy ăn ngon và ngủ ngon hơn

4. Some foods help to gain weight effectively for thin people

Rice: Contains less fat, provides a lot of carbohydrates. 1 bowl of rice contains about 4.5g of protein and 206 calories. Therefore, rice helps to gain weight very well; Chicken breast: In 100g of chicken meat contains 165 calories. Chicken meat contains a lot of calories and protein, does not accumulate fat in the body, helping skinny people gain weight effectively. At the same time, chicken also has a high content of tryptophan - which helps to increase serotonin in the brain, effectively reducing stress; Eggs: An average egg contains 90 calories. This is a food that helps build muscle and gain weight effectively. In addition, eggs are rich in selenium and vitamin D. Selenium helps improve the body's metabolism and vitamin D improves the immune system and keeps bones and teeth strong; Beef: In 100g of lean beef, there are 332 calories, helping thin people to gain weight more easily. In particular, beef also has a natural amount of creatinine, which enhances protein synthesis for cells to improve body weight quickly; Fish: In 100g of fish contains 206 calories. The best fish for weight gain are grouper, trout, and rainbow trout. Tuna is also a good choice. However, tuna has a fairly high mercury content, so we should not eat more than 1-2 times a week; Milk: 1 cup of milk can contain 122 calories. Milk is high in protein, fat, good calcium, vitamins and minerals. At the same time, milk is also high in casein and whey proteins - proteins that are good for the body. Drinking milk helps to improve physique, gain weight quickly; Pork: In 100g of pork contains up to 548 calories, so this is a good food for people who want to gain weight fast. However, pork has a lot of cholesterol, so it is best to choose lean meat to gain healthy weight and have the desired body shape;

Thịt lợn nạc giúp người dùng tăng cân khỏe mạnh
Thịt lợn nạc giúp người dùng tăng cân khỏe mạnh

Other foods: Honey (1 tablespoon contains 64 calories), avocado (1 cup contains 240 calories), peanut butter (100g contains 589 calories), cheese (100g has 353 calories), chocolate (100g) 600 calories), potatoes and starch (oats, corn, squash, beans, ...), dried fruits are all good food groups for thin people who want to gain weight fast and healthy. Weight gain is a process. Therefore, thin people who want to gain weight safely to improve their physique should combine eating scientifically, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and performing appropriate exercises.
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