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Articles in Malnutrition

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533 Uses of Osteocare medicine
Osteocare is a liquid calcium supplement that is trusted by many people because of its health benefits. Osteocare is often recommended for children and adults. So what are the uses of Osteocare and how should it be dosed?
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What should children with tonsillitis eat?
Tonsillitis is a common disease in young children, causing pain and difficulty in eating. This leads to children losing their appetite, losing their appetite and not eating well. So what should children with tonsillitis eat to recover quickly and regain their health? Reading the following article will help parents find the answer.
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Spoon-shaped Nails: Causes and Pathophysiology
Changes in nail color, shape, or appearance may signal an underlying health issue. Regularly checking the nails can help detect serious conditions early, including spoon-shaped nails, also known as koilonychia.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics