Common degrees of rectal prolapse

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Rectal prolapse is a disease related to the anus and rectum that causes a lot of trouble and anxiety in the daily life of the patient. So common rectal prolapse is dangerous or not?

1. What is rectal prolapse?

Rectal prolapse is a condition in which the rectum protrudes through the anal opening outside the anus. Or can be understood as the phenomenon of the rectum exiting the anal sphincter. Rectal prolapse is a rare disease, does not cause serious complications or complicated course, but causes many troubles for patients such as anal discharge, fecal incontinence, difficult bowel movements.
There are 3 types of rectal prolapse:
Anal mucosal prolapse : Anal mucosal prolapse is a condition in which the lining of the anus is prolapsed, but the rectum is still inside. Rectal prolapse: The rectum prolapses but the anus remains in the same position, creating a deep circular groove in the middle. Anal prolapse: The rectum is prolapsed, pulling the anus, but there is no circular groove between the anus and the rectum.

2.Causes of rectal prolapse

Bị tăng áp lực ổ bụng là nguyên nhân gây sa trực tràng
Bị tăng áp lực ổ bụng là nguyên nhân gây sa trực tràng

Rectal prolapse due to many causes such as sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure leading to diarrhea in children, constipation in adults or can be chronic colitis.
In addition, the cause of rectal prolapse is also because the patient often has to do heavy work, because of anatomical problems such as non-adherent rectum .., or inadequate means of fixing at the back of the rectum, colon excessively long colon. Rectal prolapse is also caused by trauma after surgery such as gynecological, pelvic trauma and women will account for a higher incidence than men.

3.Signs to recognize rectal prolapse

When rectal prolapse, the patient begins to have abnormal signs in the anal area, will see a protrusion when defecating and then return to normal. Or when the patient walks, coughs, or stands for a long time, sneezes, the rectal prolapse will be located outside the anus.
In addition, the signs of rectal prolapse also cause patients to have uncontrolled defecation, rectal bleeding when defecating. Body weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue and discomfort in the anal area.

4. Is rectal prolapse dangerous?

Sa trực tràng rất nguy hiểm nếu như để kéo dài không điều trị có thể bị tắc ruột
Sa trực tràng rất nguy hiểm nếu như để kéo dài không điều trị có thể bị tắc ruột

From the causes and signs of the disease, many people wonder if rectal prolapse is dangerous? Accordingly, rectal prolapse is very dangerous if the disease is left untreated for a long time, some dangers can be mentioned such as:
Causes anal bleeding when the mucosa is damaged, causing the patient to see bleeding in the bowel. Convenience .The body loses its self-indented font, which will allow bacteria to invade and attack again, causing anal ulcers, causing pain to the patient. Intestinal obstruction occurs when the small intestine falls down the rectum. Rectal rupture causes strong damage and is prone to rupture. Uterine prolapse is a case in women with long-standing rectal prolapse.

5. Common degrees of rectal prolapse

5.1. Rectal mucosal prolapse The mucosa is inverted when defecating, after defecation, the mucosa shrinks completely. When sick, tissues are often stretched and stretched. The mucosal layer is beyond normal and cannot be returned. The latter is followed by the glandular mucosa of the rectum. Rectal mucosal prolapse includes:
Prolapse of the mucosa after straining to defecate and then shrinking. After straining to defecate, you must push up with your hands. After mild exertion such as squatting, walking, coughing, sneezing 5.2. Total rectal prolapse In simple rectal prolapse, the rectum only slips out of the anal canal, the anal canal remains in place. Prolapse of the rectum and anal mucosa causes both the rectum and anal canal to turn out.
Total rectal prolapse has four degrees:
Level 1: The rectum prolapses only with exertion, when straining to defecate, then rapidly retracts on its own. The whole body is nothing out of the ordinary. Level 2: the rectum is always prolapsed when defecating, shrinks very slowly, must be pushed in by the hand, there are slips in the mucosa causing edema, the anus is concave, the whole body is normal. Grade 3: The rectum prolapses on mild exertion and does not retract on its own. The glandular mucosa of the rectum is necrotic, there are scars in some places, making the anus unable to tighten, causing mental fatigue, fatigue, bleeding, and loss of bowel control. Grade 4: The bowel begins to prolapse continuously when walking or even standing, the bowel can no longer keep normal. The snow mucosa is ulcerated, the sphincter loses strength. At this time, defecation and urination lose control and go uncontrollably.

6. How to treat rectal prolapse

Nếu bệnh ở mức độ nhẹ thì sử dụng thuốc uống và bôi
Nếu bệnh ở mức độ nhẹ thì sử dụng thuốc uống và bôi

Treatment of rectal prolapse by two methods:
Medical treatment using oral and topical drugs for mild disease Surgical treatment when the patient has severe signs will be indicated by surgery . Patients will be operated through the abdomen and through the perineum for rectal prolapse when there is total rectal prolapse. To prevent rectal prolapse, you need to avoid constipation and diarrhea for a long time, and increase your intake of green vegetables and fruits. Limit hot spicy foods, fatty foods, drink plenty of water every day. When going to the toilet, sit in the correct posture, do not sit for too long, do not push hard.
Rectal prolapse is a dangerous disease and can cause many complications if not examined and treated promptly. Therefore, when you see signs of the disease, you should go to the medical center for examination and treatment.
Currently, at Vinmec International General Hospital, rectal prolapse has been examined, diagnosed and treated with prestigious modern machinery and techniques, bringing high results to customers. Especially with a team of qualified, experienced doctors and perfect medical services, it will create a feeling of peace of mind and satisfaction when choosing Vinmec for treatment.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE
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