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Articles in Rectal

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When is a colonoscopy needed?
The rectum is the last part of the large intestine before the anus, which is prone to diseases. In order to diagnose and detect the disease in time, rectal endoscopy cannot be ignored. It is a simple, quick and accurate way to detect the disease.
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How does the digestive system work?
The digestive system is uniquely designed to break down food into nutrients, and the body uses these nutrients for energy production, cell growth and repair. So how does the digestive system work to perform this function?
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What to do when taking medicine for constipation does not go away?
I am constipated but when I have a bowel movement, I feel that the stool cannot be pushed out and when I pass, it is very painful in the anal area. So tell me what to do when taking medicine for constipation does not go away?
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Can colonoscopy and rectal polyp surgery be done at the same time?
I have acute hemorrhoids, so I went to the doctor and discovered that I had rectal polyps. The doctor advised to remove the hemorrhoids, then go for laparoscopic polypectomy. My polyp is 5mm. Can I ask if I want to have an enteroscopy and surgery?
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Sigma Colonoscopy
Sigma colonoscopy is used to diagnose and treat some diseases of the rectum, this is a safe technique and there are very few complications, because of the short colonoscopy time of 5-15 minutes.
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Differentiate between rectal prolapse and hemorrhoids
Rectal prolapse and hemorrhoids are diseases with similar symptoms. However, these are two completely different conditions. Misdiagnosis will lead to incorrect treatment and affect the health of the patient.
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Frequently asked questions about colectomy surgery
The colon is divided into three main parts: the cecum, the colon, and the rectum. The small intestine communicates with the large intestine at the cecum and colon boundary. Between the small intestine and the large intestine, there is an ileocecal valve that keeps the contents of the large intestine from flowing back into the small intestine.
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How to treat recurrent rectal polyps?
I had a rectal polyp removed nearly 6 months ago, I went back to the colonoscopy, the doctor said that the polyp grew back in another place. Can you tell me how to treat recurrent rectal polyps? Does it need to be removed and how do I stop the polyps from growing back?
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Why should colonoscopy with anesthesia method?
Colonoscopy with anesthesia will help patients not feel uncomfortable, painless and can explore most parts of the digestive tract, minimizing complications, saving time and more effort...
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Journey to discover the body's digestive system
Eating a ripe apple a day will save you from going to the doctor. But how can the body use this important source of nutrients? Imagine a small apple in your hand and MSc. Dr. Pham Thi Thu Huong, Head of Internal Gastroenterology - Hepatobiliary Unit, Vinmec Times City General Hospital will lead you along the journey of an apple in your body's digestive system.
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Colorectal polyps in children
Polyp đại trực tràng là bệnh khá phổ biến ở trẻ em, tỷ lệ mắc bệnh là 1 - 5%. Trẻ nhỏ mắc polyp đại trực tràng, bệnh thường có các biểu hiện đi ngoài phân máu tươi cuối bãi và kéo dài. Ở nước ta, polyp đại trực tràng ở trẻ em chưa được chú ý nhiều đặc biệt là ở tuyến y tế cơ sở và phòng khám các bệnh viện.
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