Home Tag Rectal prolapse

Articles in Rectal prolapse

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Advantages and disadvantages of laparoscopic surgery for adult rectal prolapse
Rectal prolapse causes rectal bleeding, loss of bowel control, and affects the patient's health and daily activities. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment for patients with rectal prolapse. In which, laparoscopic fixation of the rectum is a minimally invasive technique with many outstanding advantages.
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Be wary of constipation after surgery
All surgeries are extremely stressful for you and can take a huge toll on your body after surgery. Constipation - a side effect that is often unpredictable and can make the healing process more difficult.
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Is it possible to do 2 surgeries for rectal prolapse and urinary incontinence?
Hi doctor! Please advise, I am having rectal prolapse, peeing when sneezing, coughing. Can I do both surgeries? Thank you.
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Can 83 years old be treated for rectal prolapse and genital prolapse?
My 83 year old mother has rectal prolapse and uterine prolapse, which prolapses out of her anus and vagina every day. She was mixed with old age, so she was not aware of the disease. Can I ask if I can treat rectal prolapse and genital prolapse at the age of 83?
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What is a solitary rectal ulcer?
Isolated rectal ulcer syndrome is a rare disorder associated with bowel discomfort and sometimes bloody, mucus-based bowel movements. The cause is due to ischemic lesions or prolapse of the rectal mucosa. The diagnosis of this pathology is clinical and confirmed by endoscopy with biopsy.
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What method is used to diagnose rectal prolapse?
Doctor tell me what method to use to diagnose rectal prolapse? Thank you doctor.
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A guide to sphincter exercises for people with bowel control problems
People with urinary incontinence or fecal leakage can be helped by performing special exercises to strengthen the sphincter. With regular practice, exercises can help build your muscles. Check with your health professional to see if these exercises help you. Read this guide to better understand how to exercise the anal sphincter for people with bowel control problems.
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Everything you should know about rectal prolapse
Rectal prolapse is a medical condition in which the rectum begins to push through the anus. The rectum is the last part of the large intestine, and the anus is the opening for stool to pass out of the body. Rectal prolapse affects about 2.5 people out of 100,000. Women over the age of 50 are six times more likely to develop this disease than men.
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Causes, treatment and prevention of constipation
Constipation is a common digestive problem with many different causes. Finding the cause of the disease will help the doctor come up with an effective treatment and prevention plan for constipation, avoiding affecting health as well as quality of life.
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What is the excess meat in the anus?
My anus has a part like excess flesh sticking out and is not painful, not burning. I researched, there were both results of hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse. So the doctor asked me what is the excess meat in the anus? Thank you doctor.
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Go to the doctor right away if you have blood in your stool
GS Mario Pescatori (người Italia) là chuyên gia hàng đầu thế giới trong lĩnh vực phẫu thuật sàn chậu hậu môn, trực tràng. Ông đang làm việc tại Bệnh viện đa khoa quốc tế Vinmec từ ngày 8.12.2014 – 7.1.2015. GS Mario đã có những tư vấn để phát hiện sớm bệnh đại tràng và trực tràng.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics