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Article by Pharmacist Hoang Tra Linh - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.

The drug smecta is commonly used in the treatment of diarrhea. However, not everyone can be prescribed this drug. The following article will provide readers with information about the drug smecta.

1. Mechanism of action, indications and users

1.1. Mechanism of action

Smecta drug with active ingredient is Diosmectite - natural aluminum silicate and magnesium has a structure of parallel layers of thin leaves and has high viscosity, so it has a great ability to cover the lining of the digestive tract. Diosmectite interacts with glycoproteins of the mucous membrane covering the digestive tract, so it increases the protective effect of the gastrointestinal mucosa when it is invaded by foreign agents. The drug has high adhesion and absorption ability to create a protective barrier for the digestive mucosa. The drug has the ability to bind to bacterial toxins in the intestine, but also has the ability to bind to other drugs that slow absorption or make them ineffective, especially antibiotics such as tetracyclines

1.2. Point

Smecta drug is indicated in the following cases:
Symptomatic treatment of pain caused by inflammation of the esophagus - stomach - duodenum and colon. Acute and chronic diarrhea after adequate hydration and electrolytes but also prolonged diarrhea.

1.3. User object

According to information from the manufacturer of Smecta, the drug can be used in both children and adults. However, it should be noted when using in some special objects below.
Pregnant and lactating women:
Currently, there are insufficient data on this subject. However, due to the mechanism of adsorption but not absorption of Smecta, it is still possible to consider using the drug in these two subjects if really necessary.
Children under 2 years:
Diosmectite – Smecta's component is derived from clay, so it may contain heavy metals that occur naturally in the environment. Study results from ISPEN (the company that manufactures Smecta) showed no risk of lead contamination in the blood of adults treated with Smecta for 5 weeks.
However, data on children under 2 years of age are incomplete, so it is recommended by the French Medicines Agency to be cautious when using Diosmectite in children under 2 years of age.

2. Dosage of Smecta diarrhea drug for each subject

Trẻ em Trẻ em Người lớn
Dưới 1 tuổi Trên 1 tuổi
Chỉ định tiêu chảy cấp 3 ngày đầu: 2 gói/ngày Sau đó: 1 gói/ngày 3 ngày đầu: 4 gói/ngày Sau đó: 2 gói/ngày 3 ngày đầu: 6 gói/ngày Sau đó: 3 gói/ngày
Chỉ định khác 1 gói/ ngày 1 đến 3 gói/ ngày Trung bình 3 gói/ ngày

The above dose is divided into 2-3 times a day. Smecta is prepared in the form of a packet of powder for oral suspension. The drug after mixing should be used immediately, before each use, shake and stir well. Drink after meals with patients with esophagitis. Take away from meals with diarrhea indications.

Thuốc Smecta được bào chế dưới dạng gói bột pha hỗn dịch uống
Thuốc Smecta được bào chế dưới dạng gói bột pha hỗn dịch uống

3. Notes when using Smecta

Here are some precautions to use Smecta that you need to be aware of:
Smecta acts as an adsorbent and is indicated in the symptomatic treatment of diarrhea. However, in the treatment of diarrhea, rehydration and electrolytes are also important. The amount of fluid to be rehydrated, which can be taken orally or intravenously, must be adjusted according to the degree of diarrhea, age, and disease status. Diarrhea is a common manifestation of many diseases. Therefore, if diarrhea is prolonged or diarrhea is accompanied by other unusual manifestations such as severe abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, bloody stools, etc., it is necessary to consult a doctor to diagnose the cause and have a plan. appropriate treatment plan. Smecta can absorb some other drugs, so it may affect the time and rate of absorption of those drugs, so taking Smecta after taking the drug needs to be absorbed about 2-3 hours. The drug smecta is highly effective in treating short- and long-term diarrhea, but it needs to be used in the correct dosage and prescribed by a doctor. Misinformation about safe drug use can cause health risks to patients.

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Smecta product manuals National Pharmacopoeia 2015 Uptodate: Treatise “Acute viral gastroenteritis in children in resource-rich countries: Management and prevention”
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