Causes of reduced resistance

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Resistance is a defense mechanism that protects the body against foreign pathogens such as viruses, bacteria or parasites. A weakened body's resistance will lead to a weakened immune system and an increased risk of infectious diseases.

1. What is health impairment?

Decreased health or reduced resistance is a condition in which the body is reduced or completely unable to resist the attack of pathogens from the outside environment such as bacteria, viruses, parasites. coincide .
Patients with reduced resistance, weakened immune system will increase the risk of severe infections compared to the general population. The differences between infections in immunocompromised and normal individuals are shorter duration of illness, higher frequency of occurrence, duration of symptoms, and greater severity of illness. Infection can occur in any organ of the body and can occur in many organ systems at the same time, so it is easy to cause the body to collapse in a short time. Some typical symptoms of infection by organ system are as follows:
Respiratory system: Chest pain, shortness of breath, persistent cough with phlegm, wheezing, high fever... Cardiovascular system: Tachycardia, palpitations , chest pain, shortness of breath when performing strenuous activities... Digestive system: Abdominal pain, diarrhea that may appear with blood or raw stools, nausea and vomiting... Nervous system: Sluggish, weak paralysis of limbs, coma, convulsions... Skin and mucous membranes: May appear ulcers, pus, skin lesions, blisters... Prolonged infection makes the patient tired, lose weight, thin, pale, sometimes unable to carry out activities of living and caring for themselves. This condition, if left untreated, can lead to serious organ complications and possibly death.

2. Causes of decreased resistance

Recognizing the causes of reduced resistance will help people take preventive measures and protect their health, improve the immune system and avoid the attack of external pathogens. The causes of reduced resistance can be mentioned as follows:

2.1. Air pollution and living environment

Along with the development of society, more and more industrial plants are built, which leads to an increasing amount of carbon emissions into the air. Vehicles and machinery such as cars and motorbikes also increased, the use of pesticides, fertilizers... made air pollution and living environment more and more serious. Besides, cigarette smoke is also one of the dangerous sources of pollution in the air, because they contain many harmful substances such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and carcinogens. Most harmful substances from cigarette smoke can stimulate or destroy cells inside the body, causing changes in immune function and weakening the immune system.
People who breathe in air contaminated with dust and chemical vapors will be prone to lung diseases. Research from scientists shows that the air contaminated with dust and chemicals suppresses the activity of T lymphocytes (cells of the body's immune system) leading to respiratory infections.

2.2. Busy work

Unreasonable rest and working time, great work pressure and frequent stress, inadequate rest time, toxic working environment are among the factors that degrade health. Therefore, in order to protect and improve health, you need to arrange a reasonable time to work and rest, get enough sleep, the diet needs to be supplemented with nutrients, exercise. regularly .

Công việc bận rộn, căng thẳng thường xuyên là một trong những nguyên nhân suy giảm sức đề kháng
Công việc bận rộn, căng thẳng thường xuyên là một trong những nguyên nhân suy giảm sức đề kháng

2.3. Drink some water

Water plays an important role for humans. In addition to providing minerals, transporting oxygen and nutrients to the cells in the body, water also helps to remove toxic substances from the body. Therefore, doctors often advise patients to drink plenty of water when sick to eliminate toxins.
The habit of drinking less water or busy work that makes you forget to drink enough water every day is also one of the causes of a weakened immune system.

2.4. Stress

Stress, prolonged stress reduces and imbalances the levels of testosterone hormone in men and estrogen in women, thereby reducing the body's ability to fight pathogens. Therefore, you need to develop measures to help relax and entertain your mind, reduce stress and stress.

2.5. Sit much

Sitting a lot is one of the causes of resistance decline. Research from scientists shows that sitting for a long time slows down the body's metabolic rate, slowing down the absorption of nutrients. Therefore, to avoid a decline in the immune system due to sitting for too long, you need to get up about 5-10 minutes after 45 minutes to 1 hour of sitting, this method of movement helps promote metabolism and activates the immune system. muscle.

2.6. Eat a lot of processed foods

Processed foods such as candy, chips, snacks, soft drinks... contain many compounds that are not good for the body such as lipids, sugars... These foods weaken cells B and T lymphocytes are the major components of the immune system. Therefore, according to recommendations from doctors, instead of eating processed foods, you should eat whole grains that are high in fiber to help protect the body's immune system.

2.7. Eat too much

Eating too much protid causes the body to produce a large amount of growth hormone IGF1, thereby accelerating the body's aging process as well as hindering the immune system. Instead, you should supplement with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals, not add too much of one nutrient and deplete the rest. Fat should be added through foods such as sardines, salmon, kale, almonds... because these foods contain a lot of healthy fats and avoid eating saturated fat or fat. trans by limiting processed foods.

2.8. Stay up too late

The body's biological clock always works according to a certain process, so if you stay up too late, the body will not produce enough melatonin during sleep. The body's immune system also does not produce enough white blood cells to fight the invasion of foreign pathogens. A reasonable time to sleep each day should be from 7-8 hours to help the body rest after a tiring working day and prepare energy for a new working day.

Thức quá khuya là nguyên nhân suy giảm sức đề kháng
Thức quá khuya là nguyên nhân suy giảm sức đề kháng

2.9. Use a lot of cosmetics

Many cosmetics contain substances that are harmful to the body such as sodium lauryl... So if you abuse and use many types of cosmetics, these substances will penetrate into the body and cause harmful effects. health and immune system. To minimize the harmful effects, you should use cosmetics of natural origin, safe for your skin and health.
Thus, there are many causes for the decline in the body's resistance and most of them are rooted in lifestyle, activities and exercise. Therefore, to protect your health and improve your body's resistance, you should build yourself a regime of work, rest and a balanced diet, sleep on time and get enough sleep.
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