Home Tag Balanced nutrition

Articles in Balanced nutrition

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9 signs you're not eating enough quantity and quality
In a busy life, maintaining optimal health seems like an important goal and also very difficult to maintain. Eating poorly or lacking energy for the body is very alarming. The following signs may indicate you are not eating enough and need to change your diet as soon as possible.
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What is a balanced diet and how is it achieved?
balanced diet is a diet that includes different foods in certain quantities and proportions so that the needs of calories, proteins, vitamins, minerals and alternative nutrients are sufficient and a small amount is reserved to supplement nutrients in a short time. This article will help you understand more about what a balanced diet is and how to achieve healthy eating.
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Signs and consequences of magnesium deficiency in children
Vitamins and minerals work together to ensure the body remains in its best condition. That is why it is important to provide the body with adequate amounts of vitamins. This article will discuss some signs of magnesium deficiency in children and how to supplement magnesium for children.
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