Can colonoscopy and rectal polyp surgery be done at the same time?

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I have acute hemorrhoids, so I went to the doctor and discovered that I had rectal polyps. The doctor advised to remove the hemorrhoids, then go for laparoscopic polypectomy. My polyp is 5mm. Can I ask if I want to have an enteroscopy and surgery?
Pham Van Minh (1977)
Hello! He has a 5mm rectal polyp, just need to cut the polyp through endoscopic, can cut the polyp through endoscopic before or after hemorrhoid surgery, depending on the condition of hemorrhoids, if hemorrhoid surgery is needed immediately, hemorrhoid surgery must be performed first. Laparoscopy only removes polyps, not hemorrhoids!
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Specialist Doctor I Vo Thi Thuy Trang - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.

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