Home Tag Hemorrhoid surgery

Articles in Hemorrhoid surgery

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Can colonoscopy and rectal polyp surgery be done at the same time?
I have acute hemorrhoids, so I went to the doctor and discovered that I had rectal polyps. The doctor advised to remove the hemorrhoids, then go for laparoscopic polypectomy. My polyp is 5mm. Can I ask if I want to have an enteroscopy and surgery?
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Is longo hemorrhoid surgery suitable for single women?
Hi doctor! Doctor let me ask if longo hemorrhoid surgery is applicable to single women?
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Anal itching 1 month after hemorrhoid surgery, do you need to see a doctor?
Hello doctor, I have had surgery to treat hemorrhoids 1 month ago but now it's anal itching when going to the toilet. I have to squat to be comfortable, urinating so many times is a bit uncomfortable. Please tell me if anal itching after hemorrhoid surgery 1 month needs to go to the doctor? Thank you very much.
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Is fecal incontinence 1 week after hemorrhoid surgery dangerous?
I had hemorrhoid surgery 1 week ago. When I have a bowel movement, I feel like I can't push, but the stool only comes out on its own, so I always have stools left. After going for the first time, 15 minutes later must continue to go, every morning must go at least 3 times to run out of stool. The stool is soft, about 2cm in diameter. Doctor let me ask if fecal incontinence 1 week after hemorrhoid surgery is dangerous?
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Anal pain, difficult to defecate after hemorrhoid surgery what to do?
I've had hemorrhoids surgery for two months now and it still hasn't healed. My anus is still very painful and is still pointing. My anal sphincter is tight and very stiff. I can't go to the toilet because of constipation, every time I go to the toilet, the stool is still flowing. So the doctor told me to ask for anal pain, difficult to go out after hemorrhoid surgery, what to do?
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Anal pain spreading to genitals after hemorrhoid surgery, is it nerve pain?
Dear doctor, I have pain in the anal area when I have internal hemorrhoids. After surgery with Longo I have a dull pain and pain spread to the right male genitals. I went to many places for endoscopy but there was no sign of boils. I don't know if anal pain spreads to the genitals after hemorrhoid surgery is nerve pain
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Constipation after cutting hemorrhoids 5 months is anal narrowing?
I had hemorrhoid surgery 5 months ago, I try to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, sometimes it is difficult to go to the toilet, now it is very difficult to defecate in the past few days, sit for an hour, and have small flat stools. Please ask the doctor if constipation after cutting hemorrhoids 5 months has an anal stenosis? Thank you doctor.
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Difficulty passing stool after 5 months of hemorrhoid surgery is anal stenosis?
I had hemorrhoid surgery 5 months ago, I try to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, sometimes it is difficult to go to the toilet before. Nowadays, it is very difficult to defecate in the past few days, sitting for an hour, the stools are small and flat. So the doctor asked me if it was difficult to pass stools after 5 months of hemorrhoid surgery, is it an anal stenosis?
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How to have urinary retention after surgery?
Đa số bệnh nhân sau mổ thường gặp chứng bí tiểu, nước tiểu không thoát ra được gây căng tức bụng và khó chịu cho người bệnh. Nếu không được can thiệp, bí tiểu sau phẫu thuật có thể ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của người bệnh.
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