Allow each sleep to be a relaxing experience

In reality, the majority of senior people frequently complain about sleep; the majority of them are restless, not intoxicated, and their sleep is frequently disrupted, leaving them feeling uncomfortable and lethargic. Sleep, which is already damaged by age, as well as headaches and insomnia, will inevitably affect the health of the elderly, lowering their quality of life.

Long-term headaches and insomnia raise the risk of serious illnesses such as brain aneurysms. "Come to Vinmec Da Nang hospital in a state of frequent headaches and insomnia," Ms. Le Thi Tho (56 years old) revealed. A bilateral cerebral aneurysm was discovered. I am grateful to the medical staff at Vinmec Hospital for intervening and treating me during my illness; I no longer suffer sleeplessness or headaches. I'd like to express my gratitude to Vinmec Danang."

In fact, if left untreated, brain aneurysms can cause mortality as well as impair the brain and other portions of the body's nutrition. The following are common complications of brain aneurysms:

  • If minor aneurysms are not found and treated promptly, they will grow in size, compressing the brain, and when they rupture, they could cause unforeseen problems such as cerebral hemorrhage...
  • Aneurysm rupture can happen again.
  • The aneurysm obstructs brain circulation by compressing the cerebrospinal fluid. It can then lead to cerebral ischemia and cerebrovascular events such cerebral infarction.
  • Creating electrolyte imbalances
  • Aneurysms in the brain can increase the risk of infections in the blood vessels or other regions of the brain.

Aneurysms in the brain are a hazardous condition with a significant risk of complications and even death. The condition must be diagnosed and treated quickly in order to protect the patient's health and life.

With a success rate of over 95%, Vinmec Danang International General Hospital has successfully applied the technique of filling cerebral aneurysms. A team of competent specialists performs the surgery:

Modern equipment, such as the DSA GE, MRI 3.0, and CT 640 series, assists surgeons during surgery and the patient's resuscitation process.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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