The Battle Against Breast Cancer

Have you ever imagined going to your doctor for a usual check-up on a beautiful day, only to be told that your body's breast cancer cells are proliferating? How do you react to that news, how do you deal with it, and do you believe you have the strength to beat breast cancer? In the true account of Ms. Kim Oanh, a patient diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ, those seemingly impossible things happen. Follow her incredible fight against this dreadful disease.

Nội dung video được tư vấn chuyên môn bởi TS.BS Nguyễn Thu Hương, BV Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Times City

1. Having breast cancer even though she still had regular cancer screening before

Ms. Kieu Oanh is a woman who is very mindful of taking care of and protecting her health, continuing sports practice, and having a very scientific diet, despite the fact that they still had regular cancer screenings prior. She has a breast cancer screening every year. During her most recent health visit, however, she was told she had breast cancer.

During the medical exam, the doctors identified a malignant microcalcified region on the left breast that was just 1-3mm in size. When the doctor noticed irregularities, he opted to perform a biopsy under X-ray supervision in order to remove the probable microcalcifications for histological testing. The early diagnostic stage of the disease may be overlooked if an early biopsy is not performed, and the disease may progress, even spread.

Because the micro-calcification site is small and positioned close to the breast pocket only a few mm away, the x-ray guide is highly guided if the biopsy needle is put, Ms. Oanh's condition also has another concern, which is having two breast bags. It's possible that the breast pocket will be harmed. Alternatively, removing the breast implant and then removing the microcalcification needles is a safer option, but this will prolong the diagnosing process and require one additional surgery. The breast implant is removed during surgery.

One of the difficult decisions made by the medical team was to keep the breast pocket and obtain the biopsy piece. Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Huong, Director of the Vinmec Time City Hospital's Breast Center, stated.

The biopsy was effective, and the doctor was able to precisely and completely remove the tissue portions bearing microcalcification spots, yielding ductal carcinoma in situ as a pathological outcome. Furthermore, in the instance of Ms. Kieu Oanh, the tests were redone to re-evaluate the entire bearing to see if there were any more difficulties, and to provide her with information about the multimodal assembly, which is a board that includes numerous oncologists at Vinmec hospital. Doctors who specialize in breast cancer, oncology, pathology, surgery, and diagnosis are called oncologists. Here, the doctors discussed her case and agreed that the early stage would have a good prognosis.

The doctor prescribed a conservative surgical treatment plan for her so that she could remain safe, remove all cancer cells from her mammary gland, and avoid having to remove her breast implant.

Breast cancer can be detected early, which leads to improved treatment outcomes.
Breast cancer can be detected early, which leads to improved treatment outcomes.

2. Breast cancer can be detected early and treated successfully if caught early.

The doctor performed surgery on the patient after conferring with experts at the Breast Center; the tumor was discovered under the guidance of a wire needle, and the doctor determined that the lesions were quite close to the surface during the operation. of the three breast sacs. The doctor was able to remove the entire lesion without harming the breast implant, which was fortunate. The operation was initially successful, but the disease was found and diagnosed at an early stage, which was a lucky factor. If the problem is discovered later and the damage is more severe, the risk of invasion increases, and the surgical procedure becomes more difficult.

According to Assoc. Prof. Dr. YI HYEON GYU, Vinmec Time City Hospital's Oncology Doctor, many clients are diagnosed with breast cancer at a late stage, forcing doctors to select between chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy more ruthlessly. Ms. Oanh is currently considered a lucky case because she was diagnosed with breast cancer at an early stage as a result of her monthly screenings, which allow specialists diagnosing breast cancer to discover the disease at an early stage. Radiotherapy and minimally invasive surgery were used to treat the patient. Endocrine medicine is currently the client's next therapeutic option. Hormonal treatment is straightforward and has few adverse effects, so I'm hoping the patient will adjust to the medicine quickly. The adverse effects of chemotherapy will be more severe than those of endocrine therapy if the patient is nearing the end of the treatment. Endocrine therapy is a straightforward way to avoid recurrence.

Her surgery went well, and she was able to go home after only two days to prepare for her treatment. Ms. Kieu Oanh's treatment is currently rather simple; it may be done in as little as two weeks, and the radiation doses are extremely low, with virtually no side effects.

Breast cancer is a deadly disease that can occur at any age. As a result, screening is very important in lowering illness risk.

Vinmec International Hospital is currently developing breast cancer screening services for people of all ages. The hospital has installed the Invenia TM ABUS system, a sophisticated 3D ultrasound system that is the only equipment certified by the US Food and Drug Administration for its supportive effect, in order to increase the quality of medical services. Support breast cancer screening and detection in people with thick breast tissue.

Invenia TM ABUS is a specialist device for 3D breast ultrasound examination, unlike some ultrasound machines that use 3D probes in breast examination. The breast area can detect very small lesions that 2D ultrasound misses with high resolution photos. As a result, women can expect a modern system, a team of top specialists, competent service, and reasonable price at Vinmec.

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