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Articles in Functional foods

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Evening Primrose Oil and Pregnancy: Caution
If you’ve reached 40 weeks of pregnancy without signs of labor, you may have heard about several natural methods to help induce labor. There are indeed a few ways to encourage this process. One such option is the use of Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) with the aim of initiating labor.
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Can pregnant women take collagen?
Supplementing collagen is one of the ways to take care of and beautify the body. Collagen offers many benefits such as improving skin appearance, preventing aging, and helping to prevent hair loss and strengthen nails. However, whether pregnant women should take collagen remains a question for many. The article below will help answer the question “Can pregnant women take collagen?”
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How to detox your blood: Herbs, food, and more
Blood in the human body performs many functions, such as transporting oxygen, hormones, clotting factors, glucose, fats, and even immune cells. You don't need to invest in expensive diet plans or buy supplements to cleanse your blood because your liver and kidneys are already doing that important job for you. The best way to naturally detox your blood is to support your essential organs in functioning as efficiently as possible. You can also use natural herbs to enhance the function of these organs.
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