8 tips to help you completely relax in yoga class

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Stress is always present in everyday life. Luckily, we already have yoga, which has been shown to help reduce stress and other positive health effects. You don't need to have any prior experience to benefit from the practice of yoga. In this article, we will give you 8 tips to help you completely relax in a yoga class.

1. Overview

The benefits of yoga are very rich. Proven studies and practice show that yoga can completely help you relax if you do it fully and correctly. Although busy life sweeps us into its vortex and makes us tired and bored, please take a moment of your little time to come to yoga classes, because there you will feel like entering a paradise. another world, giving you a feeling of joy and happiness and ready to step out to face life. That feeling doesn't come from the teacher or the class, it's what we get the most out of a yoga class. Here are some tips to completely relax in class.

2. 8 tips to help you completely relax in yoga class

2.1. Going to class voluntarily

Don't expect your teacher to give you life secrets, don't expect other students to help with your turmoil, and don't expect your tired body to recover completely without any problems. any impact. Leaving everything behind and new experiences is the most important thing. Moving to class with an open mind allows you to fully experience every moment instead of bringing all your worries in and expecting it to be all over. You may have body aches at first, feel like your time is tight, you don't know if it will work, but dealing with the unexpected is part of the practice. Starting with no expectations can give you the best chance of winning. There is no rose-lined path for you to walk on. Let everything pass and only you stay.

2.2. Free yourself from distractions

A big part of a yoga class is focusing and not letting your mind go on so much that you can't hear the teacher asking you to grab a block to create a triangle pose. It eliminates any distractions during the move, such as a full bladder, uncomfortable clothes, or bangs falling into your eyes. Don't wear a yoga shirt that's too tight or too loose if you have to constantly come out of warrior to adjust it down to your belly. The bottom line is, if you're distracted by these little annoyances, you won't be able to perform well.
It's better to choose a suitable yoga outfit, tie your hair neatly but not too tight that can cause neck pain, remove too fancy accessories and get ready to enjoy.

Lựa chọn trang phục phù hợp, cột tóc gọn gàng trong lúc tập yoga
Lựa chọn trang phục phù hợp, cột tóc gọn gàng trong lúc tập yoga

2.3. Disclosure of physical limitations to the instructor

Inform your instructor of any health problems you have. Like if you have back pain, you have knee surgery or any other problem. Part of their training is to give you modifications so that when you do the peacock move, you don't break your wings because you're too shy or have too much of an ego to voice your needs. mine.

2.4. Honor your inner teacher

Your amazing body is an amalgamated part of the divine master within. If you care about getting better than it's better for you, you'll either ignore your hamstring pain or, even worse, ignore it, you're too bad. Respect yourself and be subtle enough to detect your body's signs to achieve the best results.

2.5. Leave your phone out of control

Respect the time spent practicing. Do not carry a watch, phone, or any other device that can connect you to the outside world. Get rid of thoughts that pull you out of the gym and back into work. In yoga, when you get too stressed about how much class time you have left and get busy with all the outside thoughts that result in missing the yoga moment.

Hạn chế các thiết bị kết nối bạn với thế giới bên ngoài
Hạn chế các thiết bị kết nối bạn với thế giới bên ngoài

2.6. Listen to your body

Listen to your body, you are doing everything just because you want to be better. The ultimate goal of yoga is to strengthen and balance so you can honor your own inner teacher. This frees you from self-restraint. You can do better than that just you haven't tried and don't know how to try. Listen and do what you think you can do if you try.

2.7. Bring your own

A favorite yoga mat motivates you to come back to practice more, leaving it where you can see it most often as a reminder to yourself to practice hard every day.
A little relaxing essential oil like lavender, frankincense will help you. But not everyone likes the smell, so put a few drops on your towel, and sometimes inhale it to help you relax.

Sử dụng thảm, đồ tập bạn yêu thích sẽ giúp bạn luyện tập chăm chỉ hơn
Sử dụng thảm, đồ tập bạn yêu thích sẽ giúp bạn luyện tập chăm chỉ hơn

2.8. Breath

Inhaling and exhaling mindfully helps keep you balanced, grounded in your practice, and for the most part, will allow you to fully experience and appreciate the moments in your practice mine. Which brings us to the last point which is also the benefit you get from yoga classes.
Relax and contract different areas of your body, help you feel the feeling of cohesion and relaxation from the practice by: After inhaling, you can hold your breath and contract all the upper muscles face tight. As you exhale slowly, you release the contraction. This helps you to be more present with your body at the end of the workout, and it also helps the nervous system and tissues to relax more deeply.
When exhalation is balanced with inhalation, energy, mind and body feel balanced and even invigorated.

References: yogainternational.com, health.com
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