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Several medications are prescribed for anxiety disorders, such as ambien, Belsomra, and Lunesta. But there's another drug commonly used to help people fall asleep that's actually antidepressants, which have been around for decades. It is called trazodone and is used as a sleeping pill because it can cause drowsiness. So is trazodone effective for anxiety? Find out more articles below.This is one of the most commonly prescribed medications to treat insomnia. A nationally representative survey by Consumer Reports in October 2018 found that 10% of Americans had taken prescription medications to combat insomnia in the past 12 months, and of those, one-third had taken trazodone.
1. What is Trazodone?
Trazodone is an antidepressant medication. It is often prescribed when other antidepressants are ineffective or cause side effects that are more worrisome than they are effective. Trazodone is part of a class of antidepressants and is known as serotonin reuptake inhibitors and antagonists.In the early 1980s, trazodone was commonly prescribed to patients with depressive symptoms. Although trazodone is primarily used as an antidepressant, doctors may prescribe it to patients with other complications; such as schizophrenia or anxiety.
Trazodone is classified in a class of drugs called serotonin modulators. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, a chemical in the brain, that works by sending signals between nerves. This chemical is used to regulate mood, appetite, sleep, memory, digestion, and sex drive. Serotonin modulators target multiple serotonin receptors to slow serotonin reuptake, resulting in higher levels of serotonin being used in the brain.
The mechanism of action of trazodone has not been fully studied yet. It is known that it inhibits two types of serotonin receptors in the brain and can increase serotonin levels. Serotonin is a chemical messenger that affects many factors, including mood, emotions, and sleep. Therefore, an increase in serotonin may alleviate symptoms of conditions such as depression.
Trazodone is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of major depressive disorder. However, it is sometimes prescribed "off-label" to patients to treat anxiety. Drugs are considered off-label when they are prescribed to treat a medical condition for which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not approved them. A common reason doctors may prescribe an off-label drug is if a patient has tried other approved treatments without seeing any benefit.
In addition to anxiety, trazodone has been used off-label to treat other conditions, such as insomnia, substance abuse, and Alzheimer's disease.
Although some antidepressants such as SSRIs and SNRIs will often be able to be used as first-line treatment for anxiety, trazodone is not routinely used. It may be prescribed to treat anxiety if other medications don't work.
Side effects Like all drugs, trazodone has hidden side effects and some of them are quite serious :
Headache Nausea or vomiting Loss or increased appetite can cause weight changes Dry mouth or a strange taste Dry eyes or blurred vision Drowsiness, dizziness, fatigue Sweating Loss of balance Possible loss of sexual interest or erectile dysfunction in men Gender Frequent nightmares Constipation Fainting or dizziness

Khi sử dụng thuốc Trazodone, bạn có thể bị nhức đầu, chóng mặt
Increases maximum plasma concentration (blood fluidity) causes the blood to thicken Liver abnormalities may occur in patients who abuse trazodone Increased consumption will increase levels of liver enzymes There are also several other potential risks that may be associated with trazodone use. but no convincing scientific evidence has been found, including:
An increase in suicidal thoughts and behaviors, especially in children and young adults Presence of priapism, a prolonged erection, pain Arrhythmia, which means the heart rate may be faster than normal, slower than normal or irregular Anaphylaxis, a very serious allergic reaction If the person experiences any serious side effects When taking trazodone to treat anxiety, contact your doctor immediately.
Precautions Due to the nature and possible side effects of taking a medicine such as trazodone, it is important to understand the drug safety precautions:
Keep out of reach of children Drink more fluids during treatment with trazodone Trazodone should not be prescribed while taking other medications. Patients should inform their doctor of all medications they are taking before starting treatment with trazodone People on trazodone treatment may experience similar side effects, but each person may react differently Trazodone should be taken after meals If trazodone tablets are to be taken, take them 1 or 2 hours after a meal It is best to take them at bedtime and only at this time should the patient be taken on an empty stomach Do not crush or Chewing Trazodone may produce harmful side effects with grapefruit or grapefruit juice. Therefore, this food should not be used during treatment with trazodone.

Bạn không nên ăn bưởi khi đang dùng Trazodone
2. Is trazodone effective for anxiety?
Several studies conducted in the earlier stages have evaluated the effectiveness of trazodone for anxiety:A 1993 study found that trazodone reduced anxiety to a degree comparable to diazepam (Valium) in people with anxiety disorders. Another 1987 study found that taking trazodone improved symptoms in a small number of people with panic disorder or agoraphobia with panic attacks. A 2001 study found that trazodone may help reduce insomnia and nightmares associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. Another possible benefit of taking trazodone to treat anxiety is that it helps the person fall asleep more easily. One of the most common side effects of trazodone is increased sleepiness. Trazodone is also sometimes prescribed off-label to treat insomnia.
Many people mistakenly think that using trazodone to treat anxiety disorders is similar to xanax. In fact, xanax is essentially a different drug than trazodone. Xanax is an anti-anxiety medication, and is called a benzodiazepine. Examples of other benzodiazepines include Valium and Klonopin.
Benzodiazepines work by increasing activity at receptors in the patient's brain called GABA receptors. This has the effect of slowing down the patient's nervous system, helping them to feel more relaxed and calm. Xanax is similar to trazodone in that it can cause side effects such as fatigue and drowsiness. However, when the drug is taken during the day, it can affect a person's daily activities.
Another difference is that unlike trazodone, xanax and other benzodiazepines can be addictive, even when a person has used them as directed. Therefore, they should only be used for short periods of time.
3. Using trazodone to treat other problems
3.1. Trazodone for sleep Trazodone can be prescribed to be used for sleep related problems...Insomnia in general including difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep and waking up early Prescribed for patients when their daily life is affected due to their sleep problems. Usually, a doctor will prescribe a lower dose of trazodone if the purpose is to improve the quality of sleep It is recommended to take this antidepressant before bedtime Drowsiness is a side effect of taking trazodone to help reduce depression. In terms of treating patients with insomnia, this side effect can be really helpful Trazodone can replace a prescription called Ambien, which is used to treat insomnia

Trazodone cũng được sử dụng để điều trị mất ngủ
Trazodone's primary goal is to regulate brain chemicals that are used to promote positivity, mood and social behavior Due to its low cost, it is commonly known as an economical way for the treatment of depression 3.3. Trazodone used in addiction treatment The effects of trazodone can help reverse drug addiction, such as cocaine use.
Sometimes the human body can develop a dependence on cocaine as it is a highly addictive drug Stopping cocaine can make a person experience higher levels of anxiety, depression and they may have trouble sleeping than Trazodone may make addicts less irritable by increasing drowsiness. Thereby helping to effectively support addiction treatment. 3.4. Trazodone is used to treat dementia Some doctors may prescribe trazodone when a person is suffering from dementia
Dementia is a mental disorder that causes people to lose their mind short-term memory or other thinking skills. This will reduce their ability to perform daily tasks. Trazodone is used as an alternative to antipsychotics in the treatment of dementia; this is because the side effects of antipsychotics are more severe than 3.5. Trazodone for pregnant women Some women who are expecting may be prescribed trazodone because of specific mental health concerns.
The most important thing is still to talk to your doctor before using trazodone to treat pregnant women. Trials have shown that trazodone has no negative effects on the fetus 3.6. Trazodone for animals Not only is it used to treat mental health in humans, trazodone is also sometimes used to treat a variety of problems in animals, typically dogs.
Can be used to treat dogs experiencing separation anxiety, behavioral problems, and sleep problems Doctors may prescribe trazodone for daily treatment. Depending on the size of the dog and how serious their condition may be, your veterinarian will prescribe different doses of Trazodone found in veterinary medicine used to treat animals, mainly dogs, after they've had surgery This drug regulates brain chemicals, especially serotonin, and puts animals at ease after surgery Trazodone has been widely known and used for nearly 40 years to support patients with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. When used appropriately, this medication can have significant positive effects in treating an individual for specific needs. If you or someone you know has any of the above mental health concerns, please contact your therapist or doctor to see if taking trazodone might be helpful for you. are not.
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