Orgametril 5mg is a medication prescribed for conditions such as heavy menstruation, irregular bleeding, endometriosis, and as an adjunct treatment for estrogen. In some cases, it can also be used to delay menstruation.
1. What is Orgametril 5mg?
Orgametril contains the active ingredient Lynestrenol 5mg, along with other excipients, and is formulated in tablet form. This medication is typically prescribed for the following conditions:
- Heavy menstruation
- Endometriosis
- Abnormal bleeding (menorrhagia, metrorrhagia)
- Delaying menstruation, suppressing ovulation, and relieving pain from ovulation and dysmenorrhea
- Treatment of benign breast conditions
- Estrogen adjunct therapy in postmenopausal women to reduce the risk of endometrial hyperplasia
- Select cases of primary or secondary amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea
2. How to Use Orgametril 5mg
To treat the above conditions, Orgametril 5mg should be taken orally, with water or another liquid.
The dosage may vary depending on the condition being treated:
- For heavy menstruation: Take 1 tablet daily from day 15 to day 25 of the menstrual cycle.
- For abnormal bleeding: Take 2 tablets daily for 10 days. Bleeding should stop within the first few days, but continue treatment for 3 subsequent cycles with a dose of 1 tablet daily, from day 14 to day 25 of each cycle.
- For endometriosis: Take 1-2 tablets daily, for at least 6 months.
- For select cases of uterine cancer: Take 6-10 tablets daily over an extended period (consult with a doctor for specific guidance).
- For benign breast conditions: Take 1 tablet daily from day 14 to day 25 of the menstrual cycle for at least 3-4 months.
- To delay menstruation: Take 1 tablet daily, starting 2 weeks before the expected period. If starting within 1 week before the expected period, increase to 2-3 tablets daily.
- For estrogen adjunct therapy in postmenopausal women: Take 1-2 tablets daily for 12-15 days per month.

3. Side Effects
Orgametril 5mg is generally well-tolerated with low toxicity. Even in cases of overdose, such as a child accidentally taking multiple tablets, no toxicity symptoms are typically observed. However, some side effects that may occur include:
- Allergic reactions
- Fluid retention
- Stress, depression, changes in libido
- Nausea and vomiting
- Abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation
- Jaundice
- Excessive sweating, increased hair growth
- Skin pigmentation, rashes, acne, increased sebum production
- Abnormal bleeding or amenorrhea
- Breast tenderness, vaginal/cervical discharge
- Weight gain
- Decreased glucose tolerance
- Abnormal liver function tests
4. Precautions
Do not use Orgametril 5mg in the following cases:
- Allergic to any ingredient, especially Lynestrenol
- Pregnant or suspected pregnancy, breastfeeding
- Severe liver diseases such as hepatitis, cholestasis, liver tumors, Rotor syndrome, or Dubin-Johnson syndrome
- Unexplained vaginal bleeding
- Rare genetic conditions that affect steroid metabolism, such as cholestasis, pruritus gravidarum, or porphyria
- Active venous thromboembolic disorders
Additionally, Orgametril 5mg contains lactose, so it should not be used by individuals with rare genetic disorders such as lactase deficiency, galactose intolerance, or glucose-galactose malabsorption.
Treatment should be discontinued if liver function tests are abnormal.

5. Drug Interactions
Although data is limited, interactions between Orgametril 5mg and other drugs may occur. Drugs that may interact with Orgametril 5mg include:
- Reduced effectiveness: Rifampicin, Hydantoin, Barbiturates (including Primidone), Aminoglutethimide, Carbamazepine
- Increased effectiveness or toxicity: Cyclosporine, Theophylline,
- Troleandomycin, Beta-blockers
- Reduced effectiveness of insulin
This concludes the basic information about the uses, dosage, and administration of Orgametril 5mg. It is important for women to be informed about these details before using this medication to address menstrual issues.
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