Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital saves the life of a patient in cardiac arrest due to electric shock

After a week of emergency care at Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital, 54-year-old Vu Van Xay from Thai Binh was discharged to the joy of the whole family. Before that, while working at the construction site, Mr. Xay was electrocuted, stopped breathing, his pupils dilated, as if there was no hope of saving his life.

Mr. Vu Van Xay was brought to the emergency room of Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital in a very critical condition on the morning of May 15, 2016. The person's entire body was cyanotic, they were not breathing, it was impossible to take their pulse or measure their blood pressure, their heart rate was irregular, their pupils were dilated, they had no reflexes, their extremities had tensed up, and their entire body jerked. He got electrocuted and his entire body became glued to the concrete mixer as a result of the mishap. He was running the concrete mixer when it became electrified.

Nurse Nguyen Trong Thu is taking care of Mr. Vu Van Xay at the Emergency Department.
Nurse Nguyen Trong Thu is taking care of Mr. Vu Van Xay at the Emergency Department.

The emergency staff at Vinmec Phu Quoc hospital started continuous cardiac resuscitation as soon as they got the patient, performed balloon compressions and airway circulation, rapidly mobilized the equipment, and gave the patient the best medication. The patient regained consciousness 24 hours later, but the heart was still at danger of stopping at any moment due to the feeble pulse. Mr. Xay's health improved 4 days later thanks to the efforts of the medical staff, which included giving the patient an oxygen mask, administering antiarrhythmic medication, and providing brain nutrition. He was alert and capable of carrying out routine duties. Mr. Xay was sent home on May 21.

Doctor Dinh Xuan Diem - Head of Emergency Resuscitation Department, Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital - who directly resuscitated Mr. Xay said: "In the case of an electric shock, his life was in critical danger. Mr. Xay is a success and joy, the result of the dedicated and well-coordinated work of doctors and nurses in the hospital. In addition, without the brothers who performed artificial respiration and forced the heart to maintain activity for the heart, providing a minimum amount of oxygen to the brain at the scene of the accident, Mr. Xay could not be as lucky".

Doctor Dinh Xuan Diem checks the patient's health before Mr. Vu Van Xay is discharged from the hospital.
Doctor Dinh Xuan Diem checks the patient's health before Mr. Vu Van Xay is discharged from the hospital.

Dr. Diem added: With the human brain, just 4 minutes without oxygen will cause permanent damage, so in cases of cardiac arrest, it is necessary to conduct continuous respiration and heart compression in medicine. We call these basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques. Each person needs to be equipped with these knowledge and skills to be able to react quickly, know how to give first aid to cases of cardiac arrest due to any cause. Due to this, Vinmec Phu Quoc Hospital, which began operations in June 2015, has established a basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation training course for the general public, with a focus on the coast guard and medical personnel, medical assistance in resorts, hotels, and workplaces, teaching everyone how to administer first aid. The Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital has hosted other community health initiatives and social events in addition to the cardiopulmonary resuscitation training classes described above, giving islanders extra opportunities to improve their health, help people feel secure in labor - production".

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