Detoxifying the body is a great idea. None of us want to have a polluted body. Therefore, using fresh lemon juice to detoxify the body is chosen by many people. So, is drinking lemon juice to detoxify or detoxifying with lemon juice really effective?
1. How to detoxify the body properly?
One of the popular detoxification methods is fasting. This method is said to limit food intake and combine it with drinking water. Water has a neutral nature that will lead waste out of the body. Therefore, people believe that drinking water and fasting will cleanse the body and help excrete toxins from the body.
Moreover, water is a healthy food recommended for everyone. Therefore, drinking water also filters out some of the sediment in the body. This is also a solution for those who want to lose weight and limit cravings. You can drink fresh lemon juice to detoxify. However, if you drink fresh lemon juice and fast, you should consider and consult your doctor.
2. Is it necessary to use detox to detoxify?
You do not absolutely have to use detox to detoxify your body. You can detoxify with lemon juice or change your diet to include more green vegetables. Water and fiber will promote the digestive system and eliminate a significant amount of waste in the body. At the same time, all activities of the digestive system are also maintained stably.
A spokesperson at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics said: Dieting or detoxifying with lemon juice does not mean the same as what most people think. The purpose of these activities is to detoxify, not to starve the body. Therefore, you will not face the risk of losing essential nutrients. This method should only be done if you ensure the body's nutrition and energy. If the body is starved for a long time, there will be no energy left to maintain all other activities.
3. Benefits of using fresh lemon juice detox
Detoxification with lemon juice has been known and widely used by many people. They found that, after use, this drink helps improve skin color, firmer skin, improves mood and maintains the body full of energy. One of the reasons why lemon juice is so miraculous is weight loss.
It can be said that most people know about the detoxification effect of lemon juice for the purpose of losing weight. They want to lose weight first and are accidentally provided with more information about detoxifying the body. We also partly choose detox to lose weight because we see stars with standard bodies. Therefore, detox tea is becoming more and more popular and preferred.
Intermittent fasting is a fairly effective weight loss method. You can combine recipes such as maple syrup, lemon juice, filtered water, pepper and a little salt. This will be a recipe for the perfect diet. However, science has not yet recognized that drinking fresh lemon juice is good for health. Maybe in the beginning of use, the sour taste of lemon will cause some side effects that make it difficult for you.
In fact, building a strict diet schedule is not easy. In the first week or month, you will encounter many obstacles, which may be the reason why many people give up halfway even though they have previously made up their minds. Instead of always being full of energy, in the early stages of any diet, we will be very tired and lethargic. That feeling is because the body will consume energy and not be replenished.
You will feel tired when the consumed energy is not compensated. However, if you are obese, excess fat will be converted to maintain energy. At this time, you will have difficulty performing sports or activities that require strength. However, when your body gets used to it, you may feel more comfortable and refreshed.

4. Skepticism when drinking fresh lemon to detoxify
Some experts reject the hypothesis that drinking lemon juice to detoxify cleanses the body. They say that toxins are filtered and brought to the digestive system and then pushed out. To do that, you need to provide more fiber to the body. Therefore, lemon juice is not the main cause to promote the body's detoxification process.
If the above view is correct, what should we do to cleanse the digestive system? Fiber is a source of nutrients that contribute and help the digestive system work more stably. They are only supporting ingredients but do not contribute to pushing toxins out. Therefore, if you follow a fiber diet, you should still consider carefully.
Things that we believe are cleansed make researchers skeptical. Therefore, they do not want detox to be abused or over-hyped. To clarify the issue, research doctors have questioned the meaning of detox.
Do you remove toxins from food or from the environment? This is a good question to get a more accurate view of the body's detoxification mechanism. Sometimes, our body will clean itself of toxins but not completely. Some of the residue sticks to the intestinal wall. The digestive system, liver or kidneys with the function of filtering toxins will perform and help the toxins no longer affect the body.
Furthermore, people who are taking medication cannot do so on an empty stomach. Therefore, experts say that fasting is not the best choice. You should look for other detoxification methods that are better and bring many benefits to your health.
5. Add a moderate amount of lemon to water
Filtered water can be a good choice for detoxifying the body. If you drink enough water every day, the benefits of water will be maximized. First, keep your body hydrated to maintain all activities. In addition, water helps increase metabolism. Fresh lemon juice mixed with water does not have a detoxifying effect, but it has a healthy vitamin C supplement effect.
If you find it difficult to drink plain water, try adding a little fresh lemon juice. The taste of lemon may make you feel more comfortable and enjoy drinking water. This is a way to help you add more antioxidants and potassium. You can also use some iron-rich foods to increase your body's absorption capacity.
In addition to lemon juice, you can also use cucumber water. The electrolytes in potassium salt will help remove salt from the blood. Thanks to that, blood pressure will be kept stable, avoiding sudden increases and decreases. In addition, mint syrup also provides a significant source of vitamin A and abundant antioxidants, while significantly improving the body's indigestion.
6. Tips for you when detoxifying the body
Detoxifying the body is understood as cleaning the substances taken in. In particular, water is recommended because it brings many good effects to the body. When the body is full of water, you will be full of energy and the organs will function normally. If you feel tired and lethargic, you may be dehydrated or your body is severely dehydrated. At this time, just add enough water to your body's needs and you will recover.
Practicing intermittent fasting can help improve the problem of detoxifying the body. This method also prevents the risk of diseases such as cancer or diabetes. You can fast for 3 - 5 days depending on your ability. This is also considered a healthy diet.
Detoxing with lemon water is an unproven method. We may be wasting time on a method that we don't know if it is effective or not.
Add both water and fiber to your body at the same time. This is an effective way to clean the digestive tract. You can drink a lot of water or use fruit smoothies or fruit juices. This method will simultaneously add fiber and fluids that your body needs. This method is also recommended more than lemon water. It is really effective and has been verified by medical experts.

7. Your body's nutritional needs
According to research, our body needs to absorb about 25 grams of fiber every day. This amount is considered suitable for 2000 calories consumed. You can rely on it to calculate the amount of fiber your body needs to take in each day. Not only fruits, you can also use some types of cereals or seeds that have been listed as superfoods. They are a rich source of fiber for the body.
Our body will have a part of the energy stored in the form of fat. That is the fuel source in case you do not have time to eat. Therefore, researchers believe that the 5-7 days you do detox or fast will not greatly affect your diet.
Moreover, when toxins are removed, the body will be cleaner and healthier. Thanks to that, you will improve both physically and mentally.
Thus, drinking lemon water to detox is a method that still causes a lot of controversy. You need to consider and consult a doctor if you decide to use this method.
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