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Articles in Detoxify

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Uses of ACC 200
ACC 200 is a mucolytic medication used for individuals with acute and chronic bronchial and pulmonary diseases associated with increased mucus secretion. To use the medication safely and effectively, it is essential to understand the relevant information.
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Eating Watermelon during pregnancy: Benefits and Drawbacks
Watermelon is a hydrating fruit with several potential benefits during pregnancy. It may help reduce swelling, minimize pregnancy-related complications, alleviate morning sickness, and contribute to healthy skin. However, few of these claims are strongly supported by scientific evidence. This article reviews research to determine whether watermelon offers any specific advantages for pregnant women.
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The truth about using lemon water to detoxify
Detoxifying the body is a great idea. None of us want to have a polluted body. Therefore, using fresh lemon juice to detoxify the body is chosen by many people. So, is drinking lemon juice to detoxify or detoxifying with lemon juice really effective?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics