Home Tag Purify the body

Articles in Purify the body

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Allergies, rashes are caused by liver heat?
Many people often confuse allergies and rashes, but according to research, there are currently no studies that show the coincidence of allergies and rashes. Therefore, you need to actively study these two issues carefully to have an appropriate solution.
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The truth about using lemon water to detox
Detoxifying the body is a great idea. None of us want to have a polluted body. Therefore, using fresh lemon juice to detoxify the body is chosen by many people. So, is drinking lemon juice to detox or detoxifying with lemon juice really effective?
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What are the benefits of burdock tea?
Burdock tea is made from the fruit or root of the burdock plant, and is a drink that has many health benefits. So what are the benefits of drinking burdock tea?
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How does color affect your mood?
Artists and designers have long believed that color can significantly affect mood. Color can be used as a powerful communication tool, signaling actions, influencing mood, and even influencing the body’s physiological responses. Certain colors have been linked to increased blood pressure, increased metabolism, and eye strain. So how does color affect mood?
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics