Does eating boiled eggs help you lose weight?

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Eating boiled eggs is a popular diet that promises many benefits and helps to lose weight quickly. However, there are also many controversial opinions about this diet. Some people think that this is a safe method, but many of these people criticize that eating a lot of eggs can be harmful to health and not effective. So does eating boiled eggs help you lose weight?

1. How is the method of eating boiled eggs to lose weight?

The method of eating boiled eggs to lose weight is understood that taking boiled eggs as the main food in the daily diet. The meal will be combined with some other ingredients such as: lean protein, green vegetables and low carb fruits.
According to the creator of this diet, eating low-carb, low-calorie hard-boiled eggs can help you lose up to 11 kg in just 2 weeks. In addition to promoting weight loss, fans of this diet also claim that boiled eggs help provide nutrients to control blood sugar, support vision and strengthen bones, hair and nails.
MORE: Calories in eggs

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Ăn trứng luộc để giảm cân là chế độ ăn được nhiều người thực hiện theo

2. Does eating boiled eggs help you lose weight?

“Eat boiled eggs to lose weight” is a common question of many people. In fact, this diet includes only low-calorie foods leading to a calorie deficit. This means that the calories you take in will be less than the calories you burn for the day. As a result, weight loss may occur. At the same time, this method helps to improve some cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure and increase metabolism, reduce the level of the hunger hormone ghrelin compared to a high-carb diet.
However, according to experts, eating eggs to lose weight is not the best choice for sustainable, long-term weight loss. Because you can gain weight back when you return to your normal diet.
In summary, eating eggs for weight loss may promote weight loss in the short term but has no effect in the long term.
MORE: Nutrition facts of hard-boiled eggs: Calories, Protein and more

3. Benefits and risks of eating boiled eggs to lose weight

3.1. Benefit

In the diet of boiled eggs to reduce fat, there are mainly healthy foods such as: eggs, vegetables, lean protein, ... are rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants important for health. This method also limits unhealthy ingredients such as sugary drinks and processed foods. These are foods that can contribute to problems like tooth decay, high blood pressure, inflammation, and insulin resistance. Processed foods can increase the risk of obesity, heart disease and cancer.

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Ăn trứng luộc có thể giúp giảm trọng lượng cơ thể

3.2. Risk

In general, the menu of the boiled egg diet for weight loss is not diverse, but only a few specific foods. This makes it difficult for dieters to stick to the diet long-term. At the same time, increasing the risk of nutrient deficiencies leading to low blood pressure, fatigue, ... if you follow this diet for a long time. Specifically: whole grains are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. While starchy vegetables like potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium and magnesium. Neither of these food groups are allowed in the diet
On the other hand, long-term calorie restriction can cause serious side effects such as: weakened immune system, decreased bone density and menstrual disorders.
MORE: Is losing weight too fast harmful?

4. Notes when eating boiled eggs to lose weight

4.1. Egg diet to lose weight properly

The boiled egg diet consists of eating only three meals a day and no snacking between meals.
A complete breakfast of the diet with boiled eggs includes: 2 boiled eggs, 1/2 plate of green vegetables (except tomatoes, potatoes, asparagus) and fruits beneficial for weight loss such as : apple, grapefruit. Lunch and dinner continue to eat boiled eggs, non-starchy greens and a small portion of lean protein: chicken, fish... Although, in the diet does not require exercise, some physical activities are Quality such as cycling, aerobics, walking,... will help you achieve sustainable weight loss.

4.2. Foods to eat in the boiled egg diet to lose weight

Here are some foods that are recommended to use in this diet:
Chicken eggs, duck eggs (you can eat both yolks and whites) Lean proteins: skinless poultry, fish, lean lamb, beef, pork Green leafy vegetables such as: spinach, kale, legumes,.. Orange family fruits, berries,... Small amounts of fats and oils come from coconut oil, butter and mayonnaise Filtered water, besides, you can drink diet soda and unsweetened coffee. Add a small amount of spices to increase flavor and stimulate appetite such as: garlic, basil, turmeric,. .. Low-fat dairy products such as: low-fat yogurt and cheese.

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Ăn rau củ quả giúp giảm cân hiệu quả

4.2. Food to avoid

Vegetables such as: potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes, corn, .. Fruits with high sugar content such as: dried fruits, bananas, mango Grains: bread, pasta, seeds quinoa, canned pasta, sandwiches, buckwheat and barley Processed foods: bacon, fast food, chips, cookies Sugary drinks: soda, juice, sweetened teas and snacks drink can replace The boiled egg diet for weight loss is believed by many people to help lose weight quickly. However, it also has many limitations and is not sustainable. Therefore, you should follow some of the principles of the plan as mentioned above to lose weight effectively and maintain it in the long run.

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