There are many reasons for your back pain right behind your lung, this can related to bone, joint or malignant disease (cancer). According to actual records, many individuals need to have a physical examination owing to the pain in the back and shortness of breath, the result is a diagnosis of lung cancer in surprise and confusion.
1. Characteristics of pain in the back area behind the lungs
Lungs are one of the most important organs in the human body. Although the lungs are protected by a system of 12 ribs to avoid external forces, they can still endure certain damage and injuries. As a consequence, the lungs maybe arise severe dull pain or strong pain in the front or back of the chest.
The pain in the back behind the lungs can have several levels. Sometimes nagging and dull, sometimes sharp at one point. Each patient can have dissimilar pain symptoms and the pain in men and women is also different.

2. Cause of pain in the back area behind the lungs
According to experts, there are numerous causes of pain in the back area behind the lungs, including benign or malignant reasons
2.1 Benign causes
Some benign causes of pain in the back area behind the lungs consist of:
- Due to living habits: the spine is badly affected by not having the right posture when walking, sleeping, sitting, carrying things…
- Accidents caused by external forces: such as occupational accidents, traffic accidents or back injuries can also cause pain
The characteristics of these types of pain are symptoms can be remitted after taking medicine or changing habits, doing physical therapy properly.
2.2 Malignant causes
More importantly, pain in the back area behind the lungs is also a symptom of many diseases related to organs in the body, particularly:
- Cardiovascular Diseases: Cardiovascular Disease patients can endure back-ache or whole body pain. The reason is the Circulation is obstructed by harmful factors, causing serious symptoms such as sharp pain in the chest, backache, hand numbness, nausea, difficulty breathing…
- Diseases of the spine: several pathologies lead to backache like Scoliosis, Herniated Disc or Hunchback... making patients suffering the pain in the back area behind the lungs. These patients’s symptoms sometime include neck pain, shoulder pain, nape pain or hips, thigh pain.
- Pulmonary diseases: Pain in the back area behind the lungs can be considered as a sign of lung diseases such as Pulmonary Embolism, Pneumonia or even Lung Cancer. Among all, Pulmonary Embolism is the main reason of back pain area behind the lungs. Perhaps there is a blood clot or foreign substance that obstructs the pulmonary vessel activities. This situation is often accompanied by a prolonging cough (green or yellow-grey sputum), difficult or rapid breathing, fever, chest pain… If the pathology is not controlled in time, the fatal rate is high.
Despite not being specific symptoms related to Lung Cancer, the patient should not be imprudent when there is abnormal
pain in the back area behind the lungs. Some other signs that come with the disease are: cough, hemoptysis, swelling throat, difficult breathing, hoarseness, bfatigue, rapid weight loss, chest pain...
In addition to lung cancer, pain in the back area behind the lungs may be related to lung cancer that metastasizes to the spine or other cancers that have spread to the bones.

3. How to minimize the pain in the back area behind the lungs ?
To reduce the pain in the back area behind the lungs, patients can temporarily imply some of the following tips to make daily life more comfortable:
- Adjust sleeping posture to minimize pain, in order to have deep sleep and avoid having osteoarthritis
- Women should avoid wearing high heels to reduce pressure on the spine
- Walking to relax muscles and reduce the risk of osteoarthritis and cardiovascular diseases after sitting for a long time cause of job requirement.
- Relieved pain and reduced swelling by applying cold towel to the pain position
- Fully supplement the body with nutrients to reduce pain, strengthen antibodies against disease
- Avoid carrying heavy objects or doing strongly movements when the body is showing signs of abnormal back pain.
To rappid and effectively treat pain in the back area behind the lungs, patients should go to specialized medical facilities for examination and necessary paraclinical tests. Moreover, determine the cause of the pain and get an appropriate treatment plan.
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