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Articles in Back-ache

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What is Viartril S?
Viartril-S is a medication used to treat and prevent degenerative joint conditions, such as spinal degeneration, back pain, arthritis, and bone fractures. The medication must be used correctly and at recommended dosages to achieve optimal therapeutic effects.
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Uses of Serratiopeptidase
Serratiopeptidase 10mg contains Serratiopeptidase (or serrapeptase), a chemical derived from silkworms - a drug commonly used in Japan and Europe. The drug is in the prescription drug group and is classified as a protein hydrolyzing enzyme, an anti-edema drug group.
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How much calcium do pregnant women need each day?
During pregnancy, the body's demand for calcium increases. So, how much calcium does a pregnant woman need each day? Properly and adequately supplementing calcium will help expectant mothers reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
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Daily Push-Ups: Benefits and Risks
Push-ups are an excellent exercise for increasing overall body strength and developing upper body muscles. However, alongside their benefits, push-ups also carry potential risks if not performed correctly.
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How to fall asleep fast (in 5 minutes or less)?
Difficulty sleeping, tossing and turning is one of the conditions that impair sleep quality, affecting health.Although you have tried many methods, such as reading books or turning off electronic devices, they don't work. So how to fall asleep quickly?
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Understanding Back Pain After Spinal Anesthesia
Back pain after spinal anesthesia is usually just a mild discomfort and will quickly heal through the body's natural recovery mechanisms in the first few days. However, if the spinal anesthesia process damages the ligaments in the lumbar region, it can still cause back pain for the patient, although this is quite rare.
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Back pain behind the lung area with short breath: why should we be cautious?
There are many reasons for your back pain right behind your lung, this can related to bone, joint or malignant disease (cancer). According to actual records, many individuals need to have a physical examination owing to the pain in the back and shortness of breath, the result is a diagnosis of lung cancer in surprise and confusion.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics