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Articles in Musculoskeletal diseases

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Analgesic GRX: Uses, indications and cautions when using
Analgesic is a drug used in a number of musculoskeletal pain diseases such as arthritis, sprains ... with the effect of soothing the pain that occurs in the pathological process. This pain medication belongs to the methyl salicylate class. Although there are many advantages to pain relief, there are still a few things to keep in mind when using it.
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Effects of drugs on muscle pain
Muscle pain is a common problem arising in the process of living and working. Most muscle aches can go away on their own after a few days, however, some cases of prolonged pain or pain due to certain musculoskeletal conditions require medication to help relieve pain and improve quality. quantity of life.
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Consequences of overdose of Colchicine causing poisoning
As a prescription drug often used in the treatment and prevention of gout recurrence, Colchicine has a very small gap between the therapeutic dose and the toxic dose level, which can even be intertwined, which easily leads to the use of drugs. overdose. So what are the consequences of an overdose of Colchicine and can this situation be prevented?
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Uses of Deraful
Deraful is a centrally acting muscle relaxant. The drug is indicated in the pathology of osteoarthritis pain associated with muscle spasms. So what is the use of the drug and what should be paid attention to when using it?
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Treatment of spinal pain relief injection under enhanced X-ray
Spinal injection of anti-inflammatory drugs under the guidance of X-ray intensifier is a method that has been performed for a long time in many medical facilities. This is an effective diagnostic and treatment method for diseases related to disc herniation and spinal pain.
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Rehabilitation in men with torn meniscus of the knee joint
Meniscal tear is a very common injury in the context of knee trauma. Conservative or surgical treatment depends on the characteristics of the injury. In addition, another issue of concern is the rehabilitation of meniscal tear after surgery. So what are the exercises to recover from a torn knee meniscus?
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Back pain behind the lung area with short breath: why should we be cautious?
There are many reasons for your back pain right behind your lung, this can related to bone, joint or malignant disease (cancer). According to actual records, many individuals need to have a physical examination owing to the pain in the back and shortness of breath, the result is a diagnosis of lung cancer in surprise and confusion.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics