What to know about Diamine Oxidase (DAO) for histamine intolerance

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Diamine Oxidase (DAO), also known as Diamine Oxidase enzyme, is an important digestive enzyme in the body. Some people take Diamine Oxidase supplements to improve histamine intolerance. Histamine intolerance can cause migraines and headaches, intestinal problems, and skin diseases.

1. What is Diamine Oxidase (DAO)?

Diamine Oxidase (DAO), also known as Diamine Oxidase enzyme, is an enzyme that the body secretes to help break down histamine in foods that are introduced into the body. If your body doesn't produce enough Diamine Oxidase, you may have a Diamine Oxidase deficiency.
Without enough of this enzyme, you can experience histamine intolerance syndrome, also known as food histamine intolerance or intestinal histamineosis is the gradual excessive accumulation of histamine in your body. People.
High-histamine foods include:
Alcohol Beer Avocado Nuts Milk, soybeans Mushrooms Chocolate Hard shellfish such as: clams, oysters, crabs,... Eggs Oily fish, canned fish Strawberries Pineapple, pineapple. Histamine intolerance is different from other allergies, because it doesn't involve a specific food allergy and it doesn't cause immediate allergic reactions. For histamine intolerance, it can sometimes be difficult to determine which foods are causing your symptoms.
Your body can also make histamine . If your body has too much histamine in the intestinal wall, the histamine is only partially metabolized and then passes through the intestinal cells in the process of absorption and enters the bloodstream. This causes the following specific symptoms:
Migraine Swelling Ợ gas, bloating Stomach pain Fatigue Muscle pain Dizziness Constipation Nasal congestion Asthma Rash

2. The Benefits of Supplementing with Diamine Oxidase

Diamine oxidase (DAO) supplements are over-the-counter products that help restore the enzyme diamine oxidase in your body. They help break down histamine-rich foods and may reduce symptoms of histamine intolerance.
Studies have shown that diamine oxidase supplements can help relieve headaches, digestive problems, and skin reactions.
Although many studies have shown positive results on Diamine oxidase supplements, more research is needed to understand more about how DAO supplements work and if they can help with your health. relieves symptoms of histamine intolerance in most people with this syndrome.
Migraines and headaches: In a study of people with irregular migraines who were given diamine oxidase supplements for a period of more than one month it was found that taking diamine oxidase supplements in these patients significantly shortened the duration of migraine attacks to almost 90 minutes.
Intestinal problems: The use of diamine oxidase supplements in people with histamine intolerance has been shown to significantly improve at least one gastrointestinal symptom.
However, since this study was only on a small group of people, more research is needed to better understand the effects and how diamine oxidase supplements work.
In another study in patients with histamine intolerance who received diamine oxidase supplements for a period of four weeks, these patients had fewer gastrointestinal symptoms and also extremely less intense than before without taking the diamine oxidase supplement.
Researchers suggest that while taking diamine oxidase supplements the intestinal lining may have healed.
Skin conditions: Diamine oxidase supplements can help relieve symptoms of skin rashes. In a controlled study in subjects with low diamine oxidase levels and a history of chronic urticaria, the use of diamine oxidase was able to reduce their antihistamine dose.

3. Be careful when using Diamin Oxidase supplements

One of the problems for people with histamine intolerance is that there aren't any tests or tests to help diagnose the condition. So, while taking diamine oxidase supplements may help improve some symptoms, diamine oxidase supplements may not be safe if you really don't have a histamine intolerance.
Besides, there are also no standards for the manufacture of diamine oxidase supplements. As a result, you can find many diamine oxidase supplements on the market with different recommendations for use, different dosages, and unclear labels. Then these substances may not be safe to be tolerated by the body.
Some supplements are manufactured using animal kidney extracts, especially pig kidneys. This is important if you are a religious person who does not eat meat or is applying dietary principles to animal products.
Overall, there isn't enough research to know exactly how diamine oxidase supplements work and their safety. Therefore, more large-scale studies with more people being treated for longer periods of time are needed.

4. Alternatives to diamine oxidase supplements

There are many factors that contribute to histamine intolerance, but one way to manage your symptoms without taking diamine oxidase supplements is to follow a low-histamine diet. Eating a low-histamine diet can prevent an excessive build-up of histamine in your body which can improve symptoms of histamine intolerance.
Clinical studies have shown that following a low-histamine diet can significantly improve histamine intolerance. According to research results, more than 50% of people have reported a reduction in symptoms when following this diet. However, some studies have found that a low-histamine diet cannot change the activity of the enzyme Diamine Oxidase in the body.
There are no special recommendations specifically for people following a low-histamine diet because histamine is abundant in many different foods (as listed above). You can eliminate the foods that cause the most symptoms for you.

5. Considerations when using diamine oxidase and histamine intolerance syndrome

Diamin oxidase is an important enzyme that helps break down food. A deficiency of diamine oxidase may be responsible for allergy-like symptoms but not this disease.
Instead of taking a diamine oxidase supplement the best approach that can be taken is to avoid eating foods rich in histamine. If you are experiencing symptoms and are considering taking diamine oxidase supplements, talk to your doctor first.

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Reference source: webmd
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