The family of an Australian expatriate in Vietnam has chosen Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital for treatment of a rare cancer because they have faith in the medical staff's credentials and ability to provide quality care. Regardless of the customer's faith, the patient was able to live normally, gain weight, and even go to the gym only 3 weeks after the surgery thanks to the case's success.
Decide to have treatment at Vinmec instead of traveling to Singapore
A low-grade pseudopapillary pancreatic tumor was successfully operated on at Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital. After only three weeks of surgery, the patient was discharged using the most cutting-edge multimodal cancer treatment procedure in the world. In this unusual circumstance, the patient opted to stay at Vinmec rather than travel to Singapore for treatment.
Ms. Tran Thu H (born in 1998; presently residing in Australia) experienced a significant occurrence when she was still a small girl. When she decided to visit Vietnam again for a health checkup after experiencing sporadic left abdominal pain, Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital medical staff discovered she had a rare pancreatic ailment called a low-grade pseudo-papillary tumor.
Ms. H's family intended to transport her to Singapore for treatment because this is a unique and challenging case, and they were concerned for her health and future. However, the family trusted the decision to receive treatment at Vinmec Ha Long rather than traveling to Singapore after being extensively advised by the hospital's specialists, being provided a specific treatment plan, and understanding well about intense treatment techniques.
Pancreatic low-grade pseudopapillary tumors can develop anywhere in the organ. The condition, which is categorized as potentially malignant, is widespread in young people, particularly women. The disease's symptoms are frequently quite mild, and the majority are only discovered once the tumor is enormous. If the tumor is not treated in a timely manner, it will eventually cause cancer and interfere with the function of the pancreas and nearby organs.
The patient underwent a complete physical examination, a chest and abdominal CT scan, a colonoscopy to remove polyps, a gastroscopy, and a cancer test. The cancer specialist council for Vinmec determined that this situation is not just unusual but also challenging and complex. The 6.5cm tumor was already substantial and included the adrenal glands in addition to the pancreas. To develop the best course of treatment, Vinmec Ha Long doctors consulted online with the Tumor Board across the Vinmec Health System. This allowed patients to avoid chemotherapy and radiation therapy after surgery.
The procedure involved splenectomy, left adrenalectomy, and tail pancreatectomy. Patients underwent painless open surgery using the ESP approach in a hybrid operating room while also receiving early recovery treatment following ERAS surgery. This comprehensive new multimodal cancer treatment plan offers not only a high level of treatment efficacy but also lower risks and a lower likelihood of postoperative problems.
Amazing healing following surgery 3 weeks
Dr. Aleksei Bogdanov and Dr. Nguyen Thai Binh of Vinmec Ha Long Hospital collaborated to execute a 3-in-1 operation on February 18, 2020, to remove a pancreatic pseudopapillary tumor, the left adrenal gland, and the spleen. The tumor was extracted whole and undamaged. Ms. H was able to stand up, walk, and drink straight away following the procedure even though she was still in the active healing phase. Ms. H was released from the hospital after her 8-day operation when she had no discomfort around the incision, no fever, regular bowel movements, decent eating, and stable health. She said that three weeks following my surgery, I had fully recovered, returned to the gym, and put on weight once more.
The development of cancer treatment protocols in accordance with international standards, particularly the use of "evidence medicine, always carefully studied and prepared before each case," are investments in equipment-facilities. Vinmec Ha Long doctors have had great success treating cancer, particularly gastrointestinal cancer.
"In Vietnam, few hospitals have the necessary tools to do thorough assessment surveys before operation. Few hospitals also create a multimodal Oncology Council where every cancer case requires clearance. As a result, we have successfully treated numerous challenging situations, like this one, stated Dr. Aleksei.
The most advanced hybrid operating room in Vietnam is used to operate on patients. It includes advanced imaging tools such a tomography machine, an angiography machine, a magnetic resonance imaging machine, and a background digital angiography machine. In order to ensure the quality of the surgery, save time, and avoid infection, the essential surgical and diagnostic procedures are carried out in the operating room rather than having to be transported to different imaging locations in the hospital.
Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital has implemented the ERAS Early Recovery Care Program to care for patients before, during, and following surgery in order to enhance the patient's condition, raise the patient's quality of life, and lower the likelihood of complications. In order to provide patients with the assistance they need, the process of implementing ERAS for patients involves the cross-cutting cooperation of numerous departments, including nutrition, anesthesia, rehabilitation, clinical pharmacology, surgery, nursing care and support with a variety of facets for quick healing.
Dr. Nguyen Thai Binh always tells his patients that "prevention is better than cure" because he has more than 20 years of experience in the fields of oncology and gastrointestinal surgery. Early disease detection is very important since it allows for early, effective treatment of the patient and complete recovery from the condition. This instance was identified fairly early and has responded well to treatment. "Cancer may rejuvenate, according to the findings. The difficulty for oncologists is not only in entirely removing the tumor, but also in convincing everyone of the value of routine health examinations and early cancer screening, when the disease is undetectable by symptoms. We always discuss with customers, persistently share the values and positive sides of early detection of dangerous diseases,” said Dr. Thai Binh.
Vinmec Ha Long International General Hospital offers periodic general health checkup packages and cancer screening packages as part of its proactive approach to achieving the objective of complete healthcare. The layout is varied and appropriate for people of various ages and professional backgrounds.
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