Does pineapple juice relieve cough?

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Is it really as effective as the rumors say? There are many opinions that using pineapple juice is a safe way to treat cough. To confirm the correct cough treatment, please refer to the information below

1. Drinking pineapple juice can reduce cough

According to research, the nutrients in pineapple juice have the ability to soothe the symptoms of a cough or cold. Another analysis also showed that pineapple juice soothes the throat and dissolves mucus, so it could be used in the treatment of tuberculosis. With this method, you can combine pineapple juice with honey, salt, and pepper. In many experiences, researchers have shown that this method is 5 times more effective than conventional cough medicine.
In pineapple juice exists a special enzyme called bromelain that has anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, there are many theories that this enzyme can treat respiratory problems such as allergies or asthma.
In fact, pineapple juice has the ability to treat cough more effectively than any traditional method. However, the cause of the cough will determine the appropriate treatment. Asthma patients should consult and treat according to the doctor's prescription. During the treatment, you can combine using pineapple juice to promote and increase efficiency.
Although pineapple offers anti-inflammatory benefits and treats some causes of cough, you cannot apply it indiscriminately. Before using pineapple juice as a cough remedy, you need to consult your doctor. Most importantly, you need to be careful if you have an allergic reaction to pineapple.

Ăn thơm trị ho rất tốt, bởi loại trái cây này có thể làm dịu cổ họng và tan chất nhầy.
Ăn thơm trị ho rất tốt, bởi loại trái cây này có thể làm dịu cổ họng và tan chất nhầy.

2. How to treat cough with pineapple juice

If just using pineapple juice makes you feel boring, you can change it with some of the recipes below:
Pineapple juice, ginger, honey, chili and salt This is a traditional blending method passed down by word of mouth. through many generations. The ingredients of the mixture all have a good effect on the throat. As chili peppers remove mucus, honey and ginger have warming properties that soothe the throat. Can not ignore the anti-inflammatory effect of pineapple to help treat sore throat effectively.
You need to prepare ingredients with the following dosage to proceed:
One cup of pineapple juice One teaspoon of minced ginger One tablespoon honey 1⁄4 teaspoon chili 1⁄4 teaspoon salt. The mixture is divided into four parts for each use. When using this recipe, you should note that each time you take out 1⁄4 cups and do not use more than 3 times per day. It is important to note that do not use pure honey if the target is children under 1 year old
Pineapple juice, honey, pepper and salt In another recipe, ginger and chili will be Replace with salt and pepper. In this recipe, the ingredients you need to prepare include:
1 cup of pineapple juice 1 pinch of salt 1 pinch of pepper 1 and 1⁄2 teaspoons of honey The mixture after preparation is preserved and divided to convenient to use. Just like the recipe above, you should only use 1⁄4 cups at a time and drink no more than 3 times per day.
Strawberry pineapple ice cream Usually when we cough we abstain and avoid cold food, so this method is not very popular. If you are not afraid or are used to cold food, you can follow it to eat ice cream and treat cough. The cool taste of the ice cream will help soothe the throat, and the strawberries provide vitamin C, which is of great significance to the body's immune system to fight bacteria and effectively prevent colds and flu.
To make strawberry pineapple pineapple ice cream, you need to prepare a few ingredients with the following recipe:
3⁄4 cups pineapple juice 2 cups strawberries here cut into small pieces 1 cup pineapple cut into small pieces Please use a mold or an ice cream maker containing the reconstituted mixture. Then let the mixture solidify in the freezer for about 3-5 hours, take it out to check. When the mixture solidifies, it is done. You can take out and enjoy the taste.

3. Some other ways to treat cough

Besides pineapple juice, you can also use a few other methods to treat cough. These are all ways to use natural herbs without chemicals and bring good health benefits.
Spicy foods In the foods you eat that feel spicy is found a chemical called capsaicin. They are scientifically proven to thin mucus and limit your itchy neck feeling. At the same time, thanks to using this food, you will reduce the natural cough reflex.
Supplement abundant vitamin C for the body. Vitamin C is an indispensable element for the body. This is an important nutrient for immune system health. You can get vitamin C directly or through some sour foods or kiwi, bell peppers and broccoli.
Eat a little warm soup Warm soup or soup will help you better cope with the reflex cough that is difficult to suppress. Thanks to that, this food is also anti-inflammatory and helps to thin the mucus that has accumulated for a long time in the throat.
Drink ginger tea Ginger tea has a warm taste and is very good for people with low blood sugar. With regular use, you will get many good effects such as anti-inflammatory and soothing pain and discomfort in the throat.

Ngoài nước ép dứa giảm ho, trà gừng rất tốt để chống viêm và làm dịu họng.
Ngoài nước ép dứa giảm ho, trà gừng rất tốt để chống viêm và làm dịu họng.

4. Foods to avoid to treat cough effectively

In addition to the cough treatment of pineapple and some of the foods mentioned above, you need to stay away from foods that cause intense coughing. Here are some foods that make a cough worse you need to avoid:
Milk Milk and dairy products are always a source of nutrients that are easily absorbed and provide many nutrients the body needs. . Normally milk is a positive food with good benefits for health and development of the body. However, when you have a cough, you should not use this food.
Why do nutritious foods like milk make a cough worse? When you drink milk, you will feel like the mucus is more secreted. Some even find it difficult to swallow and the cough gets worse. Some studies have explained that it is the phenomenon of increased mucus secretion of the body.
Ready foods Processed foods always cause an aversion to nutritious diets. Part of the reason is that they are processed and will not be as fresh as when cooked and eaten at home. Plus, you can't control what you put into your body.
Ready-to-eat foods are often difficult to keep fresh because they are prepared in advance. You will only need to warm up and use it conveniently. Moreover, the food is widely sold, making the seasoning for everyone. You will encounter a situation where the seller gives too many spices such as salt, monosodium glutamate...
The spices give more and the restaurant's own processing method is difficult to guarantee to keep you from reflexive cough. Therefore, you should cook by yourself to easily control the seasoning and avoid making the cough worse.
Greasy foods Fried foods that are too greasy are also not recommended for people who are coughing. So you need to stay away from greasy foods to not make the cough worse.
Not only an effective cough treatment, pineapple juice also brings many positive health benefits. Typically, the ability to fight inflammation, reduce pain and swelling in joints or injured areas after sports activities. With the presence of vitamin C, you will minimize the risk of heart disease and cataracts.
With pineapple juice you can combine with many different ingredients or recipes to avoid boredom. You also need to consult with your doctor if you want to use pineapple as a cough medicine.
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