Allergy and sinus headache medicine Diphenhyd - PE - Acetaminophen: Uses, indications and cautions when using

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Allergies when changing weather, headache caused by sinuses, runny nose, sneezing are common symptoms when changing seasons. These problems bring a lot of discomfort to the patient. Therefore, the drug Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen was chosen as a solution to help patients feel more comfortable.

1. What is Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen?

Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen is a combination of the 3 active ingredients diphenhydramine, phenylephrine, and acetaminophen, used to relieve symptoms caused by colds, flu, allergies, or other respiratory conditions (such as sinusitis, inflammation). bronchi).
Phenylephrine is a vasoconstrictor that helps relieve symptoms of sinus congestion and ear congestion. Acetaminophen belongs to the group of pain relievers and fever reducers, which help relieve sinus headaches effectively. Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine that treats the symptoms of watery eyes, itchy eyes, itchy nose, itchy throat, runny nose, and sneezing.
Cough and cold products are considered unsafe for children under 6 years of age. Therefore, do not use Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen for children under 6 years of age with common cold, unless specifically directed by a doctor.
This allergy medicine, cough and cold treatment only treats symptoms, does not interfere with the cause of the disease, so it does not help or shorten the duration of the disease and can cause serious side effects if taken for a long time. long. Therefore, patients need to strictly follow all instructions for using the drug. Also do not use other products with similar ingredients to Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen because of the risk of overdose.

2. How to use Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen

Patients who self-purchase and use this allergy medicine, sinus headache need to carefully read and follow the instructions on the product packaging. In case of being prescribed Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen for treatment, patients should take the medicine as directed by the doctor.
Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen drug used orally, before or after meals as directed or prescribed by a doctor. For patients with peptic ulcer disease, the drug can be taken with food or milk. In addition, patients should drink enough water to help dilute viscous sputum from the respiratory tract while taking Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen.

Thuốc Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen cần được sử chỉ định của bác sĩ điều trị
Thuốc Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen cần được sử chỉ định của bác sĩ điều trị

For Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen in liquid form when using, it is necessary to measure the dose carefully with a special measuring instrument or spoon. Do not use household tools as the dosage will be inaccurate.
For allergy medicine Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen is made in the form of slow-release capsules, when taking the patient should swallow the tablet whole, do not crush or chew the tablet because it may lead to the release of the active substance. substances massively at once, causing an increased risk of side effects.
Dosage of Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen is calculated according to the patient's age, disease severity and drug tolerance. Follow the dosage and duration of use as directed on the product packaging or as directed by your doctor.
Notify doctor if condition persists for more than 1 week, worsens, or user develops a rash, persistent headache or fever that persists for more than 3 days. Depending on the symptoms being treated, people taking Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen should contact their doctor at the appropriate time according to the instructions on the product packaging.

3. Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen side effects

Common undesirable effects include drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, abdominal pain, nausea, nervousness or dry mouth. In addition, some other serious unwanted side effects that may occur when using Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen allergy medicine include:
Mental and mood changes such as confusion, hallucinations Trembling Difficulty urinating Fast, slow or irregular heartbeat Convulsions Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen may cause an allergic reaction with manifestations such as rash, itching or swelling of the parts (especially the face, tongue, throat), dizziness. , shortness of breath ... At that time, the patient needs to go to medical facilities soon for timely treatment

Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen có thể gây tăng nhịp tim ở người bệnh
Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen có thể gây tăng nhịp tim ở người bệnh

4. How to prevent side effects of Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen

Tell your doctor about a history of previous drug allergies including allergies to diphenhydramine, phenylephrine and acetaminophen, or any other allergic condition. Some health problems need to be reported to the doctor before using this combination allergy medicine:
Respiratory conditions: asthma, emphysema, glaucoma, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease , liver disease Diabetes Epilepsy Epilepsy Stomach and intestinal diseases such as obstruction, constipation, ulcers Hyperthyroidism Difficulty or urinary retention due to prostate enlargement. Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen may cause dizziness, drowsiness, or blurred vision. Alcohol use can aggravate dizziness and drowsiness, so patients with the above signs of drowsiness should not drive, use machines or do work that requires clear vision.
Some Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen products may contain sugar, alcohol, or aspartame. Therefore, caution should be exercised in patients with diabetes, alcoholism, liver disease, phenylketonuria (PKU) or conditions requiring restriction of the above substances.
Children are more sensitive to the side effects of Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen, especially antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, which can cause agitation, excitement instead of drowsiness. for children.
Older adults are more likely to experience side effects of Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen, especially dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, constipation, difficulty urinating, fast or irregular heartbeat, which may increase risk of falls in the elderly.
Only use Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen for pregnant and lactating women when absolutely necessary.

Người bệnh nên dùng thuốc theo đúng chỉ định của bác sĩ
Người bệnh nên dùng thuốc theo đúng chỉ định của bác sĩ

5. Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen drug interactions

Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen drug interactions with other drugs may affect how the medicine works or increase the risk of serious side effects. Talk to your doctor about the products you are using and look for harmful drug interactions.
One product that may interact with this allergy, sinus headache medication is: ketoconazole.
In addition, when taking Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen with MAO inhibitors can cause serious drug interactions, possibly fatal, so do not use Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen with antidepressants MAO inhibitors (isocarboxazid, linezolid, moclobemide, phenelzine, procarbazine, selegiline, tranylcypromine...)
In addition, some drugs that cause drowsiness should also be avoided with this allergy medicine such as opioid pain relievers or relievers. cough, a sedative (such as alprazolam, lorazepam, zolpidem) or another antihistamine (such as cetirizine, diphenhydramine).
The ingredients in Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen may be present in other drugs, so read the drug information carefully (especially for pain relievers, antipyretics, diet aids or medicines for coughs and colds). cold, other allergies) as they may contain similar ingredients. When used together can cause an overdose and increase the risk of serious side effects.
Do not take Diphenhydramine-PE-Acetaminophen with any other topical antihistamines (such as diphenhydramine cream, ointment, spray) as side effects may occur.
Symptoms of overdose may include: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, sweating, stomach pain, fatigue, agitation, confusion, flushing, hallucinations, yellowing of the eyes. , jaundice, dark urine, convulsions. When a patient has the above symptoms, it is necessary to go to the hospital immediately for appropriate treatment.
Once you know the information about the drug Diphenhyd-PE-Acetaminophen, you should use the drug according to the instructions or you can consult with the doctor, pharmacist about taking the drug to suit your health condition. current health to ensure the treatment process achieves the best results.

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