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Articles in Stomach biopsy

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Gastric ulcer size 0.3mm, edematous margins covered with pseudomembranous matter?
I was diagnosed with a gastric ulcer, 0.3cm in size, edematous margin with pseudomembranous coating. Doctor let me ask if the stomach ulcer is 0.3mm in size, is the bottom edematous margin covered with pseudomembranous? Is my condition severe or mild, doctor? Location in the anterior pylorus. Thank you doctor.
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Why does ulcerative colitis affect the upper digestive tract?
It is believed that ulcerative colitis may be primarily determined by a complex combination of environmental and host factors, genetic variations, immune responses, and gut microbiota. The onset of this disease is triggered by disturbances of the mucosal barrier, intestinal microbiota, and an abnormal immune response.
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Pathophysiology of idiopathic gastroparesis
Gastroparesis is a disease caused by delayed gastric emptying (GE), affecting about 10 million people in the United States. Diabetic and postoperative gastroparesis are common physical disorders, but the majority of patients with gastroparesis have no identifiable etiology and are considered idiopathic.
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What does a positive HP test mean?
A positive HP test means you already have HP bacteria in your stomach. Tests used to diagnose HP bacteria include: Endoscopy, histopathology, breath test, stool test, blood test...
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Gastric mucosal biopsy to diagnose gastric cancer
Stomach cancer is a malignancy but is quite common. Stomach cancer ranks first in the group of gastrointestinal cancers and accounts for 10.5% of all cancers. Early diagnosis is still difficult, so the disease has a high risk of death. Most patients are found to have cancer at an advanced stage of the disease, so the survival time is often short.
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What's wrong with side abdominal pain with constipation?
Three children are 55 years old this year, before Tet, they feel pain in the side, or constipation, go to endoscopy with small curvature ulcer with HP. After that, the doctor gave 2 doses of the drug for 28 days. Today, I went to the doctor again, did a testicular endoscopy, there were still some places with inflammation in the small curvature. The doctor did a 3-point biopsy. The doctor asked me if I have abdominal pain in the side with constipation? I don't know if your father's illness is serious? I would like to thank you.
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Gastric biopsy diagnoses intestinal metaplasia in the stomach
Chuyển sản ruột của dạ dày là tổn thương tiền ung thư trong tiến trình viêm dạ dày mạn tính, viêm dạ dày thể teo, chuyển sản ruột, dị sản rồi ung thư tế bào tuyến. Đây là giai đoạn tiền ung thư quan trọng nhất của ung thư dạ dày nên việc sinh thiết dạ dày sẽ giúp chẩn đoán sớm ung thư dạ dày, mang lại hiệu quả tích cực trong việc điều trị bệnh sau này.
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What you need to know about stomach biopsies
Gastric biopsy, a technique commonly performed during gastroscopy, is the gold standard for identifying gastric cancer as well as the cause of certain stomach conditions.
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What is a tumor biopsy?
Biopsy is a highly accurate procedure that examines the cause and extent of the lesion. Biopsy test is especially popular in diagnosing cancer to promptly prevent risks affecting the patient's life.
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